Chapter 12

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(Kaneki's POV)

    It has been about two days since Percy had confirmed that the roman Demi-gods were on their way, and I was nervous. Ever since I came back from the bunker everyone has been working non-stop to reinforce defenses as well as the offense after catching wind of the prophecy. It was enough action to make a ghoul want to tear their hair out, and scream. I shook my head it clear my thoughts then I glanced around. Today was the day the romans arrived so I should go outside to help around while waiting. I got up from the bed, and walked outside of the guest room then walked down the hall. As I came to the corner of the hall I pulled to a stop as I heard voices in the living area around the corner from where I was.

    "They are almost here Chiron, have the arrangements been made?" Percy's voice asked.

   " Of course. Everything has been put into place." Chiron answered when I decided to walk into the room, causing the conversation to haunt. It wasn't my place to listen, after all I was aiming to stay on their good side.

  What were they talking about though that made them go quiet when I came into the room? I raised my eyebrow at Percy, and Chiron who had already caught sight of me.

   "Something you would like to say?" I asked as the both of them stayed silent. As the two stayed quiet I watched them, daring them to continue their conversation or to at least tell me the whole ordeal.

  Percy coughed then spoke up. "Hey, Kaneki once the romans are here, and we all get a idea of who we are going against will  you be okay to train everyone here to go up against ghouls?" Percy asked, scratching the back of his head. " I can understand why you would say no." Percy added with a slight crooked grin.

   I blinked in surprise at Percy's words. "Why would I say no?" I asked, causing Percy to chuckle softly in amusement as Chiron spoke up with a answer to my question.

   "We are giving you a option in this because we are not sure  on how you will react to being around two of the Demi-gods coming over. Jason Chase, and Hazel Levesque. They are like Percy and are children of the big three.

  My mind immediately went blank at Chiron's words. Others like Percy? If Jason and Hazel were like Percy than I know that they will probably be just as enticing as him. "I'll be able to control myself around them. If I get out of hand then feel free to kill me on the spot." I stated, my voice monotone as I spoke to the two of them. I will do my part in helping this place but only for Hide, and my other friends. I cannot let any of them get hurt ever again.

  Chiron suddenly chuckled, shaking me from my thoughts. Apparently he had found that my former words had been quite amusing. "There would be no need to do anything of the sorts young Kaneki." Chiron stated. "I doubt you will get out of control, after well you handle yourself well in a camp full of Demi-gods with Percy included. If you do get out of control however then we will do what we will contain you until you have calmed down and had come to your senses."

  I blinked in surprise at what Chiron had said. I opened my mouth to shoot back a quick response to what Chiron had just said but was stopped  as commotion outside had quickly caught my attention.

  "They must be here." Percy said, already walking towards the door with Chiron following close behind him already. 

  Since when have they gotten so fast? I shook my head and followed after swiftly as so I would not be left behind.

  Once we were out of the big house  I stepped back against the door immediately as I was hit with a mixture of intense addicting smells. One scent was reminded me mostly of some sorts of spicy Mexican cuisine that I had a long time ago once upon a time when I was still able to actually taste human food. The second  scent reminded me of death but also some sort of pomegranate tea to that I had once drank when I was sick as a child. I could barely remember the taste but it was the only thing worth the memory. I shook my head slightly to try and get the thoughts from my head. I must not get distracted. If I were to get distracted then I would loose control. If I were to loose control then I would only cause pain and chaos like always. I didn't want that pain for my friends. A growl  started to to subconsciously  creep out of the back of my throat. I was so hungry. One bite wouldn't  hurt, right?  At the thought of being able to savor a wonderful new flavor my mouth water slightly. I took a step forward but stopped my movement to advance forward. They weren't me. These thoughts were not mine. 

  A hand suddenly yanked me from the thoughts in my head. "Kaneki!" Hide exclaimed, holding his cheek as he had jumped back in surprise, his other hand still gripping my own arm. Hide's right cheek was a bright red in the outline of a fist that was already starting to bruise.

  Realization had hit me. I had punched Hide, I had hurt the only friend who had literally died for me. No no no no-.

  "Kaneki, snap out of it!" Hide grabbed ahold of my shoulders, the  worry evident all across his face and in his urgent voice. Why was it he still stood by me even though I had just hurt him?

  ' Kaneki. Why are you holding back? You have such a feast laid out in front of you.' A female voice purred into my ear causing me to flinch slightly in surprise. ' You have such a willing friend who would gladly give himself to you.' Rise murmured her sweet sickly words into my ears. 'So much power laid out here Kaneki. just for you.'

  " Kaneki, lets get you back to your room."  Hide said, his voice just hardly pulling me back to reality.

  "I'm so sorry." I barely managed to whisper, my voice just barely scraping out from my throat. What the hell was wrong with me?

 "Hide, is it wise to take him back to his room? Shouldn't he be taken to somewhere more contained?" Annabeth questioned from the stunned crowd that had watch the whole scene in silence. Her grey eyes were piercing into me but I could not bring myself to care.

When did they get here? Since when was there a crowd?

  "There would be no need to do so Annabeth, I had just startled him. That is all." Hide hummed his own response softly, not leaving any room for argument as he then started to drag me back into the big house.

  I stumbled after Hide down the hall with little choice but to do so as he then dragged me into my room.

  "Kaneki tell me what had happened." Hide commanded in a stern yet comforting voice as he had sat me down on my bed then sat right down next me."You look like you had went into shock out there, you worried me dude." Hide said with a soft sigh as he ran a hand through his strawberry blonde hair.

  I stayed  silent for  a moment then leaned against Hide slightly. I was so tired. "I was not excepting how the romans would make me feel, I didn't know that they would actually make me truly loose it. Thats is. They just had surprised me. If I had known it was actually them out there I probably would have been most likely able to control myself more then I had." I stated. I probably would have still freaked out but I wouldn't have shown it most likely.

 Hide watched me for a moment from out of the corner of his eye then he had stood up, causing me to  fall against my plush pillows as he had watched me, amusement shining in his eyes. "I'll go get you something to eat Kaneki, wait here  I will be back in a few moments." Hide had said, leaving the room and closing the door behind him with a soft click

  As soon as he had left the room felt cold like the heat had left him. I shivered slightly. Some impression the roman Demi-gods must have on me. I thought as I started to let my thoughts wonder. Some impression indeed.

(Percy's POV)

    I held in a breath as I had watched Hide take Kaneki into the big house. What the hell happened? Couldn't Kaneki control himself? I shook my head with a sight. He was probably overwhelmed. I nodded slightly to myself. It made since, I couldn't blame him. I turned around to Jason,  Hazel, Frank, and Piper. " Sorry about that guys." I mumbled, scratching the back of my head with a slight chuckle.

  "It's fine Percy." Jason said as he walked  up to me, leaving the others behind to talk with Annabeth probably about the recent events. " Who was that? The white haired kid?" Jason asked, glancing back at the big house that stood behind me.

  "That was Kaneki" I answered after a moment then added " He is believed to be apart of the new big prophecy." I said with a slight sigh.

 "You mean the prophecy I still have yet to hear?" Jason questioned, raising an amused blonde eyebrow.

 I nodded with a smirk on my face. "Yeah, that one. You'll hear it soon enough?"

"When is soon enough?"

"When we all head towards the REC room." Jason asked with a slight laugh.

"Now, come on." I said gesturing for him to follow as I  lead the way into the big house , being followed close behind by Jason and as well as the others as we went down the halls that Hide and Kaneki both had been down just moments before.

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