Chapter 7

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-Percy POV-

I glanced around the room, listening to the conversations going on around me.

"Who exactly is that white haired freak?" Clarisse, the daughter of Ares hissed with anger filling her voice.

"His name is Ken Kaneki and he is from Japan. That is all you need to know." Chiron said in a calm and mature tone.

"That doesn't tell me what kind of monster he is! He needs to be destroyed before he kills off the entire camp!" Clarisse snapped, her rage evident.

"He was given permission in to camp for a good reason and it would not be wise to kill him." Chiron said, glancing over to me. "Percy and a few others in camp have heard the new great prophecy and we believe both Kaneki and Hide play a part of it." He explained.

Clarisse frowned in response then spoke. "What exactly were the prophecy's words?" She asked, turning to me for an answer.

I thought for a moment then spoke. "I believe that the Oracle's words were something along the lines of;

Out of the seven heroes that have come to be

two more will rise

One of the god who drives the sun,

the second who's life has been changed to a monsters but only half.

Old enemies shall rise

and new friends shall gather."

When I ended my speech I looked at Clarisse who had a shocked expression on her face, but she quickly shook it away.

"The one line that truly worries me is the one about 'new enemies' rising. Makes me wonder which enemy it could be speaking of." Chiron spoke, appearing deep in thought.

As Chiron spoke, the door opened and closed. I looked up to see Kaneki and Hide standing beside the door.

"Ah! I see you have come to join us, Kaneki. How are you feeling? Well, I hope." Chiron said, offering a warm grin.

"I'm feeling fine. Thank you for worrying, sir." Kaneki responded with a slight smile.

"What the hell are you?" Clarisse snarled, storming over to Kaneki with a spear in hand.

Kaneki blinked in surprise, the spear head aimed directly at his throat. "What do you mean?" He questioned, confusion reflected in his eyes.

"What kind of monster are you?" Clarisse repeated, her eyes narrowed.

"Clarisse, that's enough." I said, standing up finally.

"Shut up, Jackson!" Clarisse snapped in irritation as Kaneki edged the spear away from his neck.

"Percy, it's fine." Kaneki said in a somewhat calm voice and he stared at Clarisse. "I'm a ghoul, but I'm no monster." He sighed.

Clarisse frowned slightly. "You're no ghoul I've seen."

"I'm half human, half ghoul." Kaneki said, then Chiron chimed in.

"Kaneki is a ghoul, native to Japan. His kind is still alive, but they are forced to feed off of human meat in  order to survive." He explained, glancing at Kaneki who nodded in agreement.

"Then we shouldn't keep him here. After all, doesn't he kill people?" Clarisse sneered.

"Kaneki does not kill anyone, only monsters." Hide said, slinging an arm around Kaneki's shoulders.

"You can't say that after Chiron's previous statement." Clarisse growled, keeping her eyes on Kaneki, probably waiting for him to attack.

"I don't kill people. I give meaning to the people who have killed themselves." Kaneki stated bluntly and Clarisse made a face at him.

"So, you disgrace the dead? I guess that proves you really are a monster." Clarisse said in a snarky tone.

"Better than killing the living." Kaneki said simply. I nodded in agreement.

"Kaneki is right." Hide said. "It is better than hurting others." He added, grinning at Clarisse.

"Kaneki wouldn't hurt anyone at camp." I said, glancing at Kaneki.

"May I ask how you know that, Jackson?" Clarisse glared at me.

"Because, he has already eaten." I replied.

"Clarisse, I must ask that you keep Kaneki's identity a secret from the rest of camp." Chiron spoke, watching the girl.

Clarisse sighed and nodded after a moment. "Fine. But I'll tell if I need to."

Chiron nodded slightly. 'Very well then," He stated and glanced to Kaneki. "I believe it is best you go to your room for the night."

"Hey, what was that thing found in the woods beside you? It's obvious you killed it." Clarisse stated. Kaneki frowned slightly in response.

"I'm not sure... it smelled like a ghoul but it's eyes were different. Theirs were a black and gold instead of black and red." He stated.

Clarisse frowned slightly then nodded. "Maybe a new breed?" She asked.

"No... the ghoul smelled more tainted. Tainted with dirt and darkness." Kaneki shook his head and winced.

I grimaced at the description. Dirt and darkness? Both sounded familiar in a way I wished not to remember.

"Thank you for the information, Kaneki. I think we have the answers we needed for now, thank you." Chiron said with a weary smile.

"I'm glad to have helped." Kaneki said, then lead Hide off to his own room.

"Chiron, you don't think that She is rising...?" My voice shook.

"With the evidence presented, I would say She is."

"But how is that pos-"

"I'm not sure, Percy. But anything is possible."

I dragged a hand through my hair and sucked in a breath.

Mother earth was rising.

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