chapter two

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The next month flew by quickly and soon enough it was time for Camila and Cindy to go to Miami for the engagement party which was still a week before the wedding.

"Mother!" Cindy whined.

"My little princess has called me, why can't she just come to me, the one who was in labor with her for nearly twenty four hours and at the age of seventeen might I add," Camila giggled.

Cindy looked at her mom, "we were supposed to be at the airport twenty minutes ago."

"The wonders of owning your own private jet my dear child," Camila tapped her head.

"Okay," Cindy rolled her eyes, "but do we really have to bring A? I mean no one is going to kidnap us in Miami."

"Do you want to be able to walk around Miami with your mother?" Camila looked at her daughter jokingly.

"I wouldn't mind going to a few malls there on my own."

"So now you know the answer. No A, no malls, no hanging out and definitely no meeting girls."


"If you see any cute girls ask if they have any siblings my age," Camila laughed as they got into the car.

"You are disgusting," Cindy opened her bag and took out a stress ball, "do you think they've got a gym at the hotel?"

"A gym? We're going on vacation and you want to go to the gym?" Camila teased.

"I mean we'll probably like eat a lot and I don't want to get all fat."

"You are a stick," Camila looked at her daughter's thighs, she was almost just skin and bones.

"I know and I wanna stay that way, although I think I do need to put on some weight," Cindy tugged at her tank top.

"Why do you keep doing that?"

"I don't know," Cindy continued to play with her stress ball.

They got on the plane and a few hours later they arrived in Miami.

"This place is amazing," Cindy clapped her hands, "I can't believe you've never brought me here before!"

"Too many memories," Camila breathed out as
they walked to the exit of the airport.

"Camila!" A voice called out, the mother and daughter turned to see who it was.

"Hi aunt Pricilla!" Cindy flung her arms around her great aunt, Valentina's mother.

"Come on you two, I'll take you to the hotel and you can hang out there until tonight, the engagement party will be there as well."

"Great, we don't even have to leave the hotel..." Cindy rolled her eyes.

"You brought the big guy?" Pricilla pointed out.

"Mom doesn't let me go anywhere without him... Redbull!" Cindy ran to the counter and not a second later A was running behind her.

Camila gave her aunt a weak smile.

"She's spoiled, Camila," Pricilla shook her head in disapproval.

"She is, but she also knows how to work for her stuff and she's not a brat, she's spoiled but in a different way."

Cindy grabbed a couple cans of redbull and went to pay for it.

"Shit!" Cindy rubbed her elbow as she hit something or someone. A quickly picked her up and assisted the one she hit as well.

"Thank A," she smiled up at her body guard before she turned to the person she hit, "I'm really sorry."

"Me too."

She walked away from the girl and walked to the counter.

"Let's go," she smiled up at her mom and great aunt. The three girls headed towards the elevator and to their room.

"I'll leave you two here to settle down. You have the entire day to just relax," Pricilla kissed the two girls on the cheek and left the room.

"I'm going to have a nap," Camila laid down on the king sized bed that she and Cindy were going to share.

"I'm gonna unpack a little then check out the pool," Cindy told her mother.

"Go across the hall and tell A so that he can go with you," Camila closed her eyes.

"I know mom," Cindy was used to having A follow her around but still she chose to argue with her mom about having him around all the time. It wasn't fun to walk around with some big guy trailing behind her.

Cindy got her stuff and began to unpack, quickly walking out of their hotel room for a moment and knocking on A's door.

"I'm going for a swim, wear something a little more... casual," Cindy told him when he answered the door.

"Hello to you too," A playfully rolled his eyes.

Cindy laughed to herself as she turned around and headed back to her room, walking into the bathroom and changed.

"I really do need to gain more weight," She told herself as she put her Nike swim shorts and grabbed her towel.

"A!" She knocked on his door.


"Lauser doesn't even know the girl she's marrying and to make things worse her last name is Cabello," Dinah rolled her eyes.

"I know," Normani bit her lip, "It's nearly been nearly seventeen years."

Dinah sighed as she counted the days since she had last seen Camila, she didn't show up for their graduation, she just disappeared. No one understood why she had left.

"Look at that girl!" Ally looked as if she was going to have a heart attack, "she looks exactly like Mila!"

It had been a long time since they had mentioned her name, especially when Lauren was around.

They looked at the girl as she turned to face them. They were in shock as they saw she looked exactly like Camila, it was almost uncanny.

She grinned at the big guy who was talking to her.

"Maybe that's her dad," Ally wondered out loud as the three friends sat together as they watched the girl swim.

"She looks really young," Normani whispered, "I mean like sixteen or something."

"And your point is?" Dinah took a sip from her cocktail.

"No, that can't be her daughter... That would mean Mila would've been seventeen or something."

"No one was saying that she was Mila's daughter," Dinah protested, "we're just saying how much she looks like her."

"Looks like who?" A new voice entered the conversation.

"Oh, hi Lauser."

"Who looks like who?" Lauren asked curiously.

"Oh, we were just saying how much..." Ally stalled, "Dinah here looks like her mom!"

Someone laughed really loud and the four women turned towards the sound. The girl with long brown hair was laughing at the big guy as her picked her up and she began to squeal as he threw her into the pool.

"My mom didn't hire you to bully me," she stuck her tongue out at him.

Lauren looked at the little girl in shock, "she looks like... Camz."

"She does doesn't she," Normani added as she pointed to the empty seat.

"How are you feeling about the wedding?" Ally asked her friend.

"The bride is an amazing woman but she's just not the one for me," Lauren shook her head.

The afternoon sped by as the friends continued to talk as Cindy finally got out of the pool and walked towards the direction of Lauren and the rest of the group.

"Okay so what is the princess going to do now?" A asked Cindy as she began to walk backwards to face him.

"I don't know."

The four women looked up at the teenager as she bumped into someone and her drink flew on Dinah.

Cindy turned around to see the girl.

"Do you always bump into people or is it just me?" She asked, turning towards Dinah, "sorry mom."

Cindy turned to Dinah, "I'm really sorry," she smiled weakly as her eyes locked on Lauren, "come on, let me buy you another drink."

"I'm Naya by the way."

"I'm Cindy," she smiled at the man behind the counter, "three ice tea's please. Do you want both of yours now? I'll order four."

"It's okay," Naya smiled at her.

She handed A his ice tea and asked him to wait for her by the entrance of the hotel and he reluctantly gave in as two girls continued to talk.

"What brings you here?" Naya asked.

"I'm here for a wedding, my mom's cousin is getting married."

"Cool me too... well it's my moms friend who's getting married."

"So we're both in Miami for wedding, how random is that?" Cindy giggled as her phone began to ring.

"Mom..." She groaned into the phone, "what's up?"

"Nothing, you just need to come up and get ready for this thing for your aunt, so up, now."

"Saying bye," Cindy laughed.

"I love you, baby."

"love you too, mom," Cindy whispered, blushing as Naya giggled.

"Say it."


"I love you.


"You're with a girl aren't you! It's only been a couple of hours... Ask her if she has a older brother!"

"Mom! This is me putting down the phone."

"And this is me giving you ten minutes to come up."

"I'll be right there," Cindy put her phone back in her pocket, "I'm really sorry. I've got to go now. I'll see you around maybe?"

"Nice meeting you, Cindy."

Cindy ran to the entrance of the hotel and grabbed A.

"Record time!" Camila yelled when she got back into the hotel room.

"HA!" Cindy walked into the bathroom and began to take a shower. A few minutes later Camila walked in.

"Mom, I'm taking a shower here."

"So? There's another one right across."

An hour later, the two girls were finally ready. As the two were leaving the hotel telephone rang, Camila walked to it and answered it.

"Hello?" Camila paused, "one sec. Baby, you go down, I'll catch up. Calm your aunt down for me."

"Okay," Cindy smiled, opening the door to find A in a suit and ready, "You're coming?"

"Yep but down worry, you won't even see me," A said as they took the elevator down to the hall.

Camila put down the phone and opened the door, quickly shutting as Lauren passed by.

She couldn't believe Lauren was here, she had no intention of ever seeing her or any of her friends for the rest of her life, it wasn't that she was scared or that she hated them, she was ashamed.

She anxiously ran her hand through hair before stepping out of the door.

Cindy walked into the ballroom and spotted her great aunt, "where can I find aunt Val?"

Pricilla smiled, pointing to the small door beside the stage and Cindy walked into the room slowly.

"Aunt Val? It's me, Cindy..." She announced her presence.

"How's my little butterfly?" Valentina asked trying to sound happy.

"How's me? How's you?" Cindy shook her head, "you look terrible."

"Somehow you dampened my mood more," she replied bluntly.

"Sorry," Cindy gave her aunt a weak smile.

"Go back to the party and let all the guests see my favorite niece," Valentina kissed her forehead, opening the door.

"I'm your only niece?" Cindy stepped out of the room laughing to herself.

Clara Jauregui glanced at the teenager catching the smile, she know that smile. The young girl smiled exactly like her eldest daughter.

Cindy noticed Clara and gave her a small smile and walked away, looking towards the entrance of the door.

"Mom!" She called out to Camila.

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