Chapter 2

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"Do you understand?" Timothy asked for the umpteenth time, running a hand through his brown hair.

I admit I'm not as smart as an average nerd but I'm not stupid too. I'm just in the middle. So, it kinda gets annoying when someone tried explaining one topic to you thinking that you don't understand, even though you've told him multiple times that you do.

I nodded my head as Timothy adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Are you sure that you understand?"

I held back the urge to use the book closest to me and whack him with it multiple times. I placed a tight lipped smile on my face and nodded. "I understand everything on clauses. In fact, you've repeated it so much that I think my brain will turn into clauses." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm just trying to make sure it stays there." Timothy countered with a tight lipped smile.

I shook my head as I drew my attention back to the book in front of me. I held my pencil firmly as I used it to turn the page of my book. I didn't even bother using my hands to flip it because I knew that somehow, even though it seemed impossible, I'll get hurt.

"I guess we can learn Physics now." I heard him say as he got up and walked past me, towards the bookshelf behind me. I felt the skin of his hand slowly brush over mine. It only lasted for a second but it still bothered me.

Nobody ever came close to me, yet alone touch me. They believed that if I touched them, they'll have bad luck for the rest of their lives.

And I kinda believed them. Even though it hasn't actually happened before, my luck is predictable and unpredictable at the same time. It's like life, you know you're going to die eventually but you don't know when you'll die.

I brushed off the thought as I read the English textbook in front of me. Suddenly, I heard someone scream in shock. My head snapped towards the sound of wood hitting the ground.

A gasp left my lips as I stared at the chaos in front of me.

Somehow, a bookshelf had fallen on top of Timothy.

Yes, he was literally underneath the bookshelf.

I stood up in a rush and ran towards the scene. Some people helped raise the bookshelf and under the pile of books laid my tutor. He was unconscious.

"Quick, call an ambulance!" I heard someone order.

I quickly grabbed my phone from the table I recently got up from and quickly called for an ambulance.

There was a hospital nearby, so I knew they'll be here quickly.

With a worried expression, I ran to Timothy and dug him out from the pile of books. His glasses were on the floor as I pulled his unconscious form to lay on my lap as I sat down on the ground.

To my satisfaction, he was still breathing. He was very much alive!

"How did the bookshelf fall anyway?" I heard someone whisper.

"I don't know. He was trying to get a book at the bottom row."

My bad luck. I thought to myself as I remembered when our skin brushed when he wanted to get a Physics textbook.

I let out a sigh of relief as I heard the sirens outside the no longer quiet library. The paramedics rushed into the library and looked around.

I waved them over and watched as they carried Timothy on a stretcher.  A young lady wearing a paramedics uniform walked up to me holding a small notepad and a pen.

"Excuse me?" She said politely as she pushed her brown hair behind her ear, "I'll like to ask you about what happened."

I nodded, "He went to get a book from the bookshelf and it fell on top of him."

She nodded, scribbling down all the information she was being told. She smiled at me, "Don't worry," she said reassuringly, "your boyfriend will be perfectly fine."

I shook my head violently, "He's not my boyfriend, just my tutor. Nothing more, nothing less." I corrected in a haste. I honestly don't want any misunderstanding here.

She nodded her head slowly, "Sorry for the misunderstanding." I simply smiled at her as she walked away.

I sighed heavily, feeling bad about the whole situation. I walked back to the table I was sitting on and packed up my books, placing them carefully in my bag.

I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked out the library. I decided to see Timothy's elder sister, Bridgette, and let her know that her brother is in the hospital. She works in the smoothie shop near my house, so it wasn't going to be a problem.

I walked through the streets as the sun was almost set in the distance. It was already 6:45pm. Timothy and I must have been studying for a while. I thought to myself.

The bell echoed in the almost empty shop as I walked in. The peach colored walls seemed to give the room a calm yet energizing vibe. The wooden tables and lime green chairs were placed at different corners of the shop. Different smells of fruits hit my nose as I walked to the counter where the brunette shot me a smile.

"Hey Brianna." She said happily as I smiled a little. "I'm surprised to see you here this early."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her statement, "What do you mean this early? It's almost seven pm."

"Timothy texted me earlier telling me that he was going to tutor you. And I know that whenever he's tutoring someone he doesn't stop till it's extremely late in the evening." Bridgette said with a shrug.

I scratched the back of my neck nervously as I gave her a weak smile, "That's the thing....Timothy is in the hospital....a bookshelf fell on him." I stammered as I waited for her reaction.

She didn't even seem worried or surprised. She sent me a small smile as she leaned on the counter, "Don't worry, he'll be fine."

I blinked a few times to ensure what she said is what she really said. "Why aren't you worried about your brother?"

She chuckled lightly, "Because he's as clumsy as it gets. This isn't the first time it's happening to him and it certainly won't be the last." She said as she patted my shoulder in a comforting way.

I stared at her hand as she removed it and dropped it at her side.

Something bad was about to happen....I could feel it.

Suddenly, the bell rang indicating that someone just entered the store. I turned my attention to the red head that just walked in.

She walked up to the counter and took off her sunshades, showing off her blue eyes. She smiled widely at Bridgette, "Good afternoon." She greeted politely.

"Good afternoon. How can I help you?" Bridgette replied with an equal amount of politeness.

"I'll like to order a strawberry and banana smoothie."

Bridgette nodded and set off to work. She grabbed a bunch of strawberries and bananas and placed them in the mixer. She placed the lid and pushed the on button but it wasn't coming on.

She sent a nervous smile to the red head while the latter was busy staring at her phone screen. She pushed the button continuously but it didn't work.

She opened the lid to the mixer and that's when the problem started. Her elbow mistakenly hit the on button and the mixer's blades started turning. There was juice everywhere.

It splattered all over the red head as I stood beside her, also covered in the juice. "I am so sorry." The brunette apologized as she tried helping the furious customer get cleaned up but she only made it worse because Bridgette was also messy. I mean, she was standing near the mixer, so the whole thing actually splashed on her.

The red head furiously pushed Bridgette's hands away from her body as she grabbed her purse and walked out in pure rage.

Bridgette let out a sigh as her fellow employee came out to help clean the mess that was created while I retreated to the bathroom.

Now my bad luck had ruined another person's life...on the same day and both from the same family.

That should be a new record.

I walked out of the restroom, still cleaning up my shirt. "Are you alright?" I heard Bridgette ask softly. I nodded my head with a tight lipped smile.

"I'm sorry about what happened."

She forces a smile as she shrugged her shoulders, "Don't bother to apologize. It wasn't your fault."

It definitely was.

Not knowing what else to say, I bid her goodbye and walked out of the shop.

I honestly don't know when my life took a turn for the worse. It was as if everything in the whole universe was against me. I couldn't even go out one day and live a normal life.

Still deep in thought about my horrible life, I didn't notice the person in front of me as I bumped into a someone's chest.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized as I rubbed my aching head, which collided with the hard pavement.

"Why can't you watch where you're going, huh?!" The boy whom I collided into yelled with rage.

I agree I should have watched where I was going but he didn't have to be so rude about it. I got up from the ground and continued rubbing my aching head, trying to soothe the pain.

"Sheesh, I said sorry you don't have to be so rude about it." I mumbled to myself as I looked at the boy in the eyes. The boy had light blue hair, a nose piercing and a tattoo on his hand that said I'll rather be dead than sorry.

That's when I knew I messed up. He obviously looked older than me with a year or two but that didn't change the fact that he looked like he was in a gang.

"What did you just say?" He growled menacingly, taking a step forward which made me take a step back.

Why can't I just hold my stupid tongue?

"Oh. So you got no courage to open that little mouth of yours again, right?" He growled once more as I cowered in fear.

I decided to do what any other normal person will do in this current situation.


I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. But just in a matter of seconds, I heard feet colliding with the ground and running after me. The chilly night air hit my face as my feet collided with the cold hard pavement, adrenaline pumping through my veins, giving me the energy to run for my life because only the heavens know what this boy wants to do to me.  My hand gripped my chest feeling my quickening heartbeat as my breathing became more and more unsteady.

But while I was running, one thing that caught my attention was that there was nobody on the streets which made it easier to run. I had my suspicions knowing that my bad luck will soon catch up with me.

I ran past my house and ran farther into my street. From all the movies, I've watched I know that you should never run into your house because that will give the killer information about where you live.

Not that he's a killer or anything.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stop running!" I heard him yell behind me.

I didn't even look back, I just ran the more.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I said to myself as I felt tears from at the corner of my eyes. Please, whoever is listening up there, just let something good happen in my life just this once. You can hit me with all the bad luck later. Please just save me!

All of a sudden, I fell down backwards, due to the impact I  made with another strong chest. I didn't even bother getting up, I just laid there getting ready to get killed by two boys.

"Brianna?" I heard a sweet melodic voice say. A voice that I cherish with my whole heart, a voice that can revive me if I die, a voice that can make the whole world stop for years if he just said my name.

I opened my eyes and stared at the angel in front of me. "Are you alright?" Gabriel said as he extended his hand to help me got up.

Thank the heavens!!!! Thank you, thank you so much!!!!

I smiled widely as I grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and wrapped his arm around my waist as I was about to fall back again.

I stared into his blue eyes as heat crept up my cheeks making me look like a tomato, being very sure that the melanin in my skin won't even help cover up my flustered state.

"You?!" I heard the boy say from behind me. Gabriel glanced at the boy and let go of me as the light blue haired kid stared at him, "Gabriel?"

"Jack?" Gabriel said with a smile as he hugged the guy, who also returned the embrace.

They know each other?

He let go of Gabriel as he glanced at me again, "You know this chick?"

Gabriel looked back at me before his eyes laid on Jack again, "Yeah," he shrugged, "she goes to my school. Why were to you chasing her?"

"She bumped into me, man!" He yelled as he pointed at me in anger. I felt myself quiver in fear.

Gabriel let out a chuckle as he playfully punched Jack's shoulder, "Dude, you overreact sometimes...I mean, most times."

Jack couldn't help but smirk at his friend as he spoke. They began talking and eventually, I got bored just standing there.

I quietly walked away and in a few minutes, I was back home.

"Grandma?!" I yelled as I closed the front door. "Grandma, I'm home!"

The elderly woman walked out of the kitchen and spread her arms wide, waiting for my embrace. I rolled my eyes as I gave her a hug and smiled at myself. I suddenly felt a smack at the back of my head. I pouted as I quickly let go of her to rub my already aching head, which has been hit three times already.

"Care to explain why you're late?" My grandma asked as she walked back into the kitchen, I tailed behind her as I thought about the whole drama that I already experienced this evening.

"Let's just say it was a long day." I sighed as I bit into an apple. She arched her eyebrow as I avoided her gaze, obviously knowing that she wants a real explanation. I ended up narrating my whole day to her.

"...and then I bumped into Gabriel.."

"Gabriel? Do you mean that cute boy that you always talk about?" My grandma asked eagerly listening to the narration of my day.

"Yes, that Gabriel. Turns out he knew Jack. They were talking before I decide to leave them."

"So he didn't walk you home?" I shook my head as my grandma rolled her eyes, "So much for your love life." She mumbled as I playfully hit her shoulder.

My grandma is my everything. She's my mom, my dad, my best friend, my teacher... everything that you can think off, that is what she is to me.

"Oh yeah, that Blackpink album you ordered is finally here." She said as I grabbed my backpack, ready to dash upstairs.


"Yeah, I dropped it in your room."

"What about the BTS album?" I enquired.

"You know that you ordered yours late. The only one that arrived was mine."

"Who's photo card did you get?" I asked in anticipation.

"Who else other than my one and only Suga?" She chuckled as she pointed at the photo on the table.

"Lucky you." I smiled as I ran up the stairs. I missed a step and almost fell down and decided that it's better to walk, like a normal person.

After opening my album and finding out I got Jisoo's photo card, I took a shower, ate dinner with grandma and went to bed.

Not knowing that tomorrow was going to be one of the worst/best days of my entire life.


Hello everyone. Yes, I am a big Kpop fan, so why not make my characters Kpop fans as well? I'm a Blink, an Army, a Stay, a Moa, a growing Atiny, an Engene and many more!!!

Anyways, what did you guys think of the chapter?

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Thanks for sticking with me! Till my next update! Ciao!💜❤️🖤

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