chapter 12

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chapter 12:
traitors amongst us.

The Green Knights unstable breathing was heard the second I entered Brother Salts Kitchen, and I could see why. His shirt was already covered in blood, so much that it was black, and deep scars were alreasy rooting themselves within his body as it shook with pain.

"Don't be afraid, Ash Man. I don't bite," He spoke up.

"It's those eyes. The mark of the Ash Folk. There haven't been any in these lands for centuries," He winced.

"How did you find your way here?"

Through my fiancé.

"Have you just come to watch me die?"

"Why didn't you tell them? I asked, my voice almost hushed.

"Before, you could have told them. But you didn't. Why?" My curiousity got the better of me.

"Because all Fey are brothers. Even the lost ones."


I am not one of you.

"This suffering, it will cleanse you."

"You parrot their words, but you know it's all lies," The Green Knight looked up at me, trying to reach in my soul, but I would not allow him to do so.

"I can feel it in you, my brother."

"You are not my brother," I replied hastily.

"Then what of Mulan?" I stiffened.

"It was more than obvious when she came to us that she was Fey, yet your Church claims it as God's gift. She is a species of Fey that is going extinct, only a few known of them left, but they are the strongest we have ever come across. She has such a strong connection to the Hidden, more so than those who have trained their whole lives," He spoke of her in such a matter of fascination, adoration, and I knew he admired her strength. Yet it only fueled my anger.

"She will be purified."

"They have turned your mind so far inside out. . .that you don't know the difference between kindness and hate," He breathed out.

"Who did this to you?"

Do not act as if you care.

"We are saving souls. Your soul."

He stared at me, "Tell that to the little ones you burn."

"I don't harm the children."

"You burn their homes, you slay their mothers and their fathers, and you watch your Red Brothers run them down on horses."


"And you see it all through those weeping eyes. That makes you guilty."

I began to walk out, having enough of this, "Brother!"

Yet I came to a stop.

"She will not fix you, nor love you. . .even through a fake marriage. . .you must do so on your own. . .if one day, she is no longer there."

Just the mere thought of Mulan no longer being around, no longer existing at my side made my stomach churn and my eyes sting.

"Brother. . .you can fight! I've never seen anything like it. You could be our greatest warrior. Your people need you-"

"You are not my people," I spat.

"Then tell them. If this is where you belong, them what you are. . .with this acceptance, Mulan can accept that she has feelings for you," I looked at him with shock.

"It was evident when she came to us, but she draws herself away because you cannot accept your own fate."

She feels for me?

Just as I feel for her?

But for our safety, I said, "I'll pray for you."

"And I for you."

Of course she does not feel for you.

You are the Weeping Monk, slayer of the Fey.

The sword of the Church.

And you shouldn't even feel this way.

A tear trailed down my cheek.

You don't deserve to.

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