🍋 A Night To Remember-Danny Elfman x Reader

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Summary: After spending an amazing night at the Coachella festival, you a long time friend and fan of Danny are about to have a memorable night when you both decide to release all the tension you've been building. (Based on how awesome Danny and his band Oingo boingo we're at Coachella.)

(Been a big fan of Elfman for many years but seeing him recently in the Coachella event made me feel things. So here came this sinful one shot. Wrnings: this is smut, degradation, choking, age gap the reader will be around their 30's, Reader is on the alternative side with dyed hair, tattoos,etc.)

I was never a fan of these sort of festivals, thousands of people being all mushed up in the hot days of summer. I wasn't planning on coming at first but was surprised when one of my best friends presenter me with an extra ticket just for me.

It was early in the morning and the place already filled with people, celebrities and influencers taking pictures of some of their ridiculous outfits, who would wear those sort of things at s hot ass day?!

Paying not much mind to them or anyone else, I began to tune a guitar at the rather quiet room I was in. "Everything alright, (Y/N)?"

I smiled looking up at the familiar red head, the leader of Oingo Boingo. "Of course!" I replied fast but looked down at the electric I was still tuning up.

"Well, you're oddly quiet today." So he noticed, of course he would.

Danny had always been the only one to notice when something is up with me, wether good or bad. He's been really good at reading me, i don't have many friends but he's one of the few that genuinely cares about me. Whenever I'd get depressed and not wanting to leave my apartment he would come over and spend a bit of time with me.

The thing is that I've recently been growing feelings towards him, i always had a slight of crush him but the more he's been hanging out with me the more I care for him.

I was always used to seeing him almost as the nerdy type with his glasses but recently he's been even more involved with changing his looks, he's grown his hair out and got plenty of tattoos. I was with when he got a few but haven't been able to see the rest, said it would be surprise.

I'm in my thirties and he's in his sixties.

People would most certainly talk and pick at us. I should just put my feelings to the side and enjoy that I at least know this man so many love and look up to.

I've had the pleasure of working with him in so many projects, he even got me a few small roles in films particularly from Tim Burton who's now like family to me. Every Halloween Danny would play his most famous songs or the score from Nightmare Before Christmas, so he would always invite me to play with the band and orchestra.

I would always play the guitar. Nothing interesting ever happened in my life until I met him due to a family member attending an event and introducing to us.

"I know when you're lying. Something is bothering you." He insisted and took a seat next to me, he gently took the guitar out of my grasp and he held it instead.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just nervous about playing tonight." I continued to lie to him. Thankfully he he bought it.

"That's odd I haven't seen you nervous before about playing."

"Well, you know how people can be at these sort of events. The guitars are all tuned!" I quickly exclaimed and handed him his black guitar which he took and placed my purple colored one to the side.

He started testing the guitar and smiled up at me, "What would I do without you?" He teased which made me chuckle back.

"I'm nothing special, only learned from the best." I complimented and saw him also standing up. My heart skipped a beat when I felt his hand run through my dyed colored hair.

"You're very special, (Y/N) and don't say otherwise." He scolded me which only made me blush.

I heard footsteps approaching and quickly looked over and saw one of my friends, Sam who also plays in the band as a violinist waved at me. "Wanna come and buy a couple of drinks with me?"

"I'll be seeing you later today." Danny said when he noticed me unsure on wether to stay or go with my friend. He gave me a wink before walking over to hid other friends.

Sam and I walked outside where the crowd were and noticed many people selling drinks, food and alcohol. "Soo I noticed you and Danny.." Sam began with the teasing.

Out of everyone into Sam is the one who knows of my crush. "You know you should just go for it, lady time to girlfriend noticed you both and said you looked cute together."

"Glad to know you and her agree on that. Not many people would agree if our relationship were to go further."

I was stopped by Sam her dark eyes staring into my own, she moved a few strands of her short black hair and shook her head. "Do what you feel is right, quit worrying on what others might think of you. You think it was easy on my case?"

Sam and her partner have been dating for around two years and got engaged about five months ago. She isn't much on decorating or planning things up ahead,but she asked me to help her out in a couple of weeks since they are planning on getting married at the end of the year.

"I know what you went through and i admire you for it."

We continued to talk while we made a line to buy a few things, we almost tripped over a crowd and almost got lost on the way back. I noticed many celebrities with bodyguards surrounding them and noticed some other artists who would be singing throughout the day.

The both of us made it back and placed the items on a table and entered a quiet to practice for later tonight.

"Alright! so this is what we'll be playing. This is gonna be a night to remember." Sam smirks to herself while reading the set list sheet in her hands. I peeked over and read all the songs.

Spiderman Theme, The Simpsons Theme, Edward Scissorhands, Sorry, Insects, Nothing to Fear (But Fear Itself), Just Another Day, Jack's Lament, This Is Halloween and What's This?. That's a few of what we're gonna perform.

A few familiar people who would be playing with us are We Borderland, Nili Brosh, drummer Josh Freese drummer, bassist Stu Brooks, and the complete orchestra and choir coordinator, Steven Bartek.

Few hours went by and I changed myself into a black dress with fishnets under it for my tattoo to be visible, i also wore black almost knee high boots, i braided my hair to the side and applied a bit more of heavy makeup.

I stepped out of the changing area placed my belongings in a backpack and quickly began to run through the back stage to fetch my guitar and followed everyone on the stage. "I know you'll do great!" Danny said walking to my side while we stopped in front of the stage.

We noticed many fans eagerly waiting for us to perform, many people were standing right up front just to watch us. It makes me proud everytime.

Danny stepped forward in the middle while I stayed on the left side and strapped my guitar right and slowly started to strum it along with the second guitarist. The sky was already getting darker and the bright lights on the stage were complimented the now dark atmosphere.

Slowly we started to get into it the instruments got louder and the orchestra behind us were giving their all playing beautifully.

This Is Halloween was playing and the rest in front let the orchestra do their magic along with Danny singing along with a few scenes from the movie playing in the back screen, i noticed he was also wearing a black and white striped coat like Jack.

Many people in the crowd started singing the familiar song while I silently sang it and held onto my guitar and looked over to see the other guitarist doing the same.

Later on we started playing the song True. I started shredding the guitar and having the time of my life jumping up and down while easily playing the strings. The other guitarist started playing perfectly as well as we watched towards the crowd and looked back at Danny singing.

Next thing I know I looked over and saw him take his shirt off. If I weren't up on stage I probably would've freaked out, "He has awesome tattoos!" I thought as I continued to play.

I definitely didn't expected him to be all tattooed, the crowd went wild seeing him and the band continue to play the songs. I felt ashamed at myself for beginning to feel that familiar sensation I gelt when Danny and I were alone once as he held my hand while I myself got a tattoo back then.

But this feeling I'm afraid was already turning to lust. I would for sure be getting hated on if people were to know about my crush on him, I mean people would for sure be checking out on the age gap we both have. Fuck that I should listen to what my friend said.

I eagerly continued to play and walked forward on stage when Danny made me step closer to the crowd, i felt myself getting flustered when I felt his hand on my shoulder and singing close to me.

We continued to play through out the night and I couldn't stop admiring him, finally we finished the last song and waved at the crowd. Each of us tiredly walking backstage and high giving each other.

"You were amazing!" Both Danny and I said when we located each other.

"The crowd went wild and your tattoos! I love them." I smiled and tried to not blush in front of him.

Sam stepped between us along with his other band mates. "Let's go and celebrate with a couple of drinks." Most of us went over to have a few drinks and I felt myself getting just a bit drink.

"I think I should head back to the hotel!" I yelled at Sam since the music was once again loud on stage. She gave me a thumbs up, she knew of how tired how was so I wanted some rest.

"I'll go with you then!" Danny quickly offered and grabbed my hand so I wouldn't lose him through the crowd of people.

The both of us started to walk ahead until we were a bit far from the venue, in just a few minutes we arrived at the hotel and I opened the door to my hotel room. "I'm so tired." I groaned landing on my bed and heard the door lock itself up.

"Tired? The night is just starting." He joked making his way to sit next to me.

"Well, my adrenaline isn't as high as yours then." I shrugged but found myself getting bolder when I rested my hand on his leg.

"How about we do something else...? Are you up for it?" His voice sounded deeper and his eyes seemed to get darker.

I knew exactly what he meant the tension in the room has changed. I nodded my head and felt his hand behind my neck, making me lean towards him when he pressed hid lips against mine. The kiss got rougher until he gripped my waist and made me sit on his lap.

I figured the urge to moan when I felt him growing under me, his hands tightened around me until I felt one of his hands around my neck when he moved down to kiss and bite my neck to leave a few bruises.

Danny's hand wandered down to my ass, massaging the flesh there with me grinding on his lap. I can feel himself getting hard.

Both his hands take hold of my hips until he started to lower my top part of the dress revealing my breasts. Danny's hands wander to them right away, so did his lips. Danny placed delicate kisses on my chest before moving down to my breasts and catching a nipple in his mouth, his tongue playing with the piercings I had secretly gotten a while back.

Soft gasping noise fell from my lips as he continued to bite and suck, slowly he lowered me down the bed and took my dress off. His rough, calloused palm parted my legs a bit while he knelt between them. Holding me in place while he began to palm me through my underwear, already soaking them.

"You're already so wet for me, (Y/N), I've barely touched you my dear." The word rolled off his tongue and sent a shiver down my spine. I could feel his bulge rubbing suggestively against my thigh. He was as needy as I was.

He applied more pressure naming me release a soft whimper. I could feel my slick dampening the cotton material inciting a jolt of pleasure right through me. My body reacted to his touch instantaneously and found myself rolling my hips to meet his. "Let's get you a bit more comfortable." He hurriedly got rid of my boots and fishnets, he then slid his hands down my legs to my thighs, the only remaining clothes I had on was my underwear and the knee high socks.

"Please do something." I begged wanting him to touch me. I've been waiting so long for this moment to happen.

"As you wish my dear." He smirked and didn't wait. Without much restraint Danny ripped my off right and threw the shredded thing right over his shoulder. He hooked his strong tattooed arms around my thighs and pulled me towards him while he sat on the edge.

I didn't feel shame or embarrassment only excitement over what was about to come.

Danny spreaded my legs wide open, his eyes stared down at my wetness dripping down the white sheets. "Looks like you've been hiding this from me."

I shivered when he placed a single finger on the other secret piercing I had done. Without hesitation, his mouth hungrily went down on me, licking and slurping, drinking me up like it was the sweetest thing he has ever tasted.

"O-Oh God!" I moaned loudly and reached down to grip onto his set of red hair. He moaned against me the more I gripped his hair, his tongue plunged into my slit while his hand groped up my breast. His long fingers twisted and pinched at my stiff bud till cried out.

I could feel him grinning against my cunt as he continued to eat me out. His nose would occasionally brush against my clit, causing my body to twitch and strain against him. Danny's other hand continued to thrust his fingers inside me while he pressed his thumb against my nub.

"Danny..." I moaned again. My hand continuing to grab his curl, tugging at it slightly, causing him to growl right into my cunt again. "I'm gonna-" I squeezed my eyes shut when he thrusted his fingers faster for me to come.

I felt a familiar knot in me when I began to get closer. The room was filled with the sounds of my moans as I came, when I opened my eyes I saw the sheets and my thighs wet, he withdrew his slick fingers and wiped them against the sheets.My cheeks flushed when I realized that it was the first time I squirted.

Danny wiped his mouth and reached up to hungrily kiss me. I moaned at the way I could taste my own essence on his tongue. 

"You're such a good girl." He smiled wide and played with my hair and placed his fingers under my chin.

I reached my hand out towards his trousers and pulled the elastic down along with his boxers. He was definitely big. Danny leaned down again to wrap his hand around my neck while kissing me furiously. I moaned out when I reached down and began to stroke him, also noticing the many tattoos he had lower down.

"Tonight's all about you my love." He slowly released me and laid me down on the bed. He also laid down next to me and grabbed my hips from behind in a spooning position.

I closed my eyes and felt his kisses on my neck and one of his hands running up my stomach and to my breasts again. I squirmed when I felt his fingers playing with me again, moaning once again when he began to dirty talk me. "Do you want me to fill your pussy?" I bit my lip and nodded my head.

"Please fill me up. I need you inside me, Danny." He smirked and I felt him rub the head of his cock against my slit first, coating it with my juices before he pushed himself right to the hilt. "Fuck!" I panted.

Wasting no time Danny began to thrust into me. His gripped the side of my waist and watched me in pleasure. "It feels so good." I moan leaning my head back onto his chest and feeling him going in and out of me.

I clenched around him when I felt his hand on my stomach down to my pussy again rubbing my clit. This made him grunt and go even faster.

"Oh my God, Danny." I gasped out loud. I felt so overwhelmed by everything all at once. "Oh God!" I cried out and felt fusing out slick down my thighs when I came around him. My second orgasm hit me harder but Danny wasn't done.

Without pulling out he moved us so I was laying my back on the bed and he was now above me. He spread my leg further and resting one over his shoulder making him hit my deeper.

He looked like a god above me. His tattoos complimenting his body while holding me down.

I wasn't going to last again through the overstimulation was beginning to tire me out. Tears were also beginning to run down my face when he began to roughly fuck me. Danny again connected his lips to my nipples, panting heavily on my chest when I felt him getting closer.

I reached forward and pulled Danny up to kiss me again, my legs instinctively wrapped around his waist.

"(Y/N)" I heard him say my name. A warning that's he's close.

His dark eyes met mine and I felt myself blushing again. "Come inside of me." I beg and watched him pulling my hips to his faster.

He proceeded to push forward till he filled me up to the brim. The motion knocked all of the air right out of my lungs as he continued his assault. He wasn't being gentle with me as he began to pick up his pace.

"Danny!!" I fell down on the pillow again we i came hard and squeezed around him.

A string of swear words fell from his lips. Danny came with a low grunt as he shot his load in me. But still, he continued to thrust into me. I cried out when I could feel the warm, sticky fluid dripped right out of me when he pulled out.

Danny fell on my chest and held me close to him. I tiredly running my hands down his hair. The hotel room was now filled with the sound of heavy breathing. I felt my body extremely tired and well spent.

Slowly Danny probed himself up with his arm and looked at me lovingly. He stroked my cheek with the back of his hands. Soft whispers of praises fell from his lips. 

"You're so beautiful, (Y/N). You don't regret this do you?"

I smiled back and shook my head. "Not at all. I've loved you for so long. Do you feel the same?" I ask afraid if this would be a one time thing.

Before I could ask anymore Danny shuts me up with a hot kiss. Without a word I wrapped my arms around him and enjoyed my time here with him.

This night surely will be one I'll forever remember.

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