Amnesia-Michael Clifford x Reader

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"It's your fault."

Michael started to raise his voice at me when we stopped by the woods to have a picnic and he began to tell me that instead of spending his time with me he should have spent it with the guys. We started dating two years ago and today was gonna be our third anniversary.

I couldn't be more happier..but things started to change since he started to tour with his friends and it always hurts to see him leave..How can he act like we haven't been fighting at makeup started to run down my face as Michael grabbed the almost empty bottle of wine and threw it against a tree.

"You always want to see what i'm doing every second of the damn day! I need my space! The guys need me even more, can't you see i've been working my ass for you?!" He shouted and gripped my arm tight.

"You're hurting me, Michael!"

I escape from his grip and begin to run away from him, "Just leave me alone."

I shout as he gets closer, "(Y/N)!"

It was the last thing I heard before I started to fall down and hit my head.


I woke up in a bright room and saw that i had a few needles digging into my skin with other things,the door opened and I stared a bit frightened as a strange man i've never seen before entered. He held something in his hand and a pen, "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts." I reply.

I look around the strange place and the door opens again and I see a guy about my age with flaming red hair entering the room worried, "(Y/N)! I'm so so sorry for what happened back there." The guy tales my hand and kisses it and I see him crying.

"Who's (Y/N)?" I ask looking at him then the doctor.

"You are..i'm afraid you are suffering from amnesia-"

"But will he memory come back?" The man holding my hand asks.

"There's a chance that it might but it'll take several months."

"Who are?" I ask.

The guy with red hair cries but gives me a weak smile.

"Michael..I swear i'll take care of you..i won't let anything happen to you ever again."

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