🍋Barriers-Kyo x Reader (Dir en Grey)

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Summary: You are a famous rock singer in the U.S who decided to visit Japan, specifically to watch Dir en Grey. Kyo is also a big fan of your work and both of you spending some alone time after his concert, you speak just a big of Japanese and Kyo a bit of English. But not much needs to be spoken to when both your mouths will be placed elsewhere..

(I've had this idea in mind for about a year now and finally decided to write it. I've seen no Dir en Grey fanfic so I decided to write something, well, for Kyo since I love him a lot. This is set in present day Kyo since I prefer him over the first heard of the band. There will be mention of his side project too, Sukekiyo.)

(Warning: rough sex, oral male and female receiving, breeding kink, choking, spanking, etc.)

I stared in awe at the many posters leading me to the venue. Dir en Grey is performing today! I'm so lucky I made it time to arrive to Japan, my band and I are taking a small hiatus from playing so the first place I chose to have some fun and alone time is Japan.

Not only is it my first time here, but it's the first time I am about to meet my favorite Japanese artist, well, aside from Miyavi who is absolutely amazing as well.

I had an old friend of mine I met a few years back to pick me up from the airport, I didnt have a great nap on the many hours of traveling but I don't feel tired in the slightest.

"Welcome to Japan, (Y/N)." My male friend said when I stepped outside of my hotel room and the building I would be staying about for two weeks.

I don't know too much Japanese but I was extremely respectful to everyone who recognized me outside of the building and we're nice to ask me for some pictures. Some even knew I would be coming and handed me small gifts.

"Everyone is so nice here, I might as well move here permanently and marry a Japanese person."

"By person you mean Kyo, correct?' my friend Adam smirked and teased me.

He knows if my extreme love for Dir en Grey and Kyo's other band Sukekiyo. His vocals continue to surprise me, they are so clean yet raw and powerful. I'm still surprised on why he hasn't be caught by someone romantically, because he is in his 40's, way older than me, but of course doesn't look like it.

"Your management team did let me know at what time you were arriving, so a small group will be waiting for you and the band to meet before the concert starts."

Butterflies began to fill my stomach. I would be meeting my idol in just a few hours, i have to take a long shower and dress myself up nicely to meet them too.

My friend and I introduced me some beautiful places and ate lunch, before we knew it about two hours went by and we were getting late to head out and meet everyone from the band. Adam, my friend and your guide, hurridly ran off and told me to follow him once it was getting late for us. We had no time to leave my luggage at the hotel so we went straight to where the concert would be headed tonight.

I could feel my heart beating even faster when we reached the venue and went backstage, Adam began to speak to a few people in Japanese with me only understanding a few words. But I did make out some thing he was saying, he informed people that I would be staying here for a month or so.

Then I saw everybody else just ahead of me, and there was Kyo standing next to Kaoru and Die. Their other friends Shinya and Toshiya we're filling around.

Kyo was the first to turn around when he noticed me staring at him. I internally shrieked when we made eye contact and I was the first to break eye contact since I wouldn't be able to control myself. But he did extremely attractive today!

I noticed a smirk across my friends, Adams face. "Yoroshikuonegaishimasu. Watashi no yūjin wa anata no sakuhin no dai fandesu."

(Thank you for receiving us. My friend is a massive fan of your work.)

We all bowed our heads and I felt my entire face burning red. Everyone of us were now here, together meeting for the first time.

"Kanojo wa hontōni utsukushī joseidesu." (She really is a beautiful woman) I only understood parts when one of the members of the band said that.

I bowed my head again and smiled at the guys. "Iyoiyo oaidekiteureshīdesu" (It's nice to finally meet all of you) "I am one of your biggest fans." I mentioned too hoping my friend will translate that part.

Adam turned to the guys and translated the last bit. The guys each smiled and bowed their heads slightly and saying "Arigato"

"Watashitachi wa anata no bando mo kiite imasu." (We've also been listening to your band) Kyo said politely and I noticed Shinya smirking a bit and Die lightly nudging him.

All of us in the room continued with our conversation meanwhile the stage was finishing up for tonight. We all joked and began to laugh at our dumb conversations and I couldn't help but stare lovingly at Kyo, but many times I had to quickly look away before he did.

Despite the heavy makeup he had at the moment I did noticed his pale cheeks turn pink.

It surprised me of how open and nice they are when we've just met. Adam was drinking sake with the bands manager, having a friendly conversation.

I chuckled to myself as I watched them joking around. I felt someone sit next to me until I glanced over and met with Kyo's dark eyes.

His lips curled up giving me a warm smile and a hand raised up. "Kon'nichiwa, (Y/N)." He kindly said my name.

My entire body froze except for my hands which were shaking. He's sitting so close to me too!! I tried to not freak out and I gave a small shaky smile.

Kyo always look so intimidating up on stage, but I can tell he isn't the rough hard looking guy some people like to point out.

I noticed him holding a drink in his other hand along with a cigarette. "Tabi wa dōdatta?" He asked taking a quick sip. I tilted my head not understanding him.

Kyo hummed to himself when he saw my confused expression. He placed the drink down and thought hard before slowly opening his mouth to speak again. "How was..your trip?" He said in broken English but did really well.

I gave him a thumbs up and smiled. "It was fine! I'm already in love with Japan." I slowly said hoping he'd understand what I also said.

He smiled wide and nodded his head. Happy that I understood him well despite him not being fluent in English.

"Yoroshikereba ashita o mise shimasu." (I can show you around if you'd like.) Kyo said and Shinya helped him out with the English too.

"I would love that a lot, Arigato." I smiled back and I saw Shinya giving Kyo a flirty type of look. "I would also like to see your working on your other band, Sukekiyo."

Kyo and I faced Adam who happily translated back. Kyo smiled again and gave me two thumbs up. "Hai, o mise shitai to omoimasu" (yes I would like to show you around."

We began to talk back and forth along with my friends help. Kyo would also be teaching me Japanese meanwhile I'm here and I would be teaching him English.

By the time we were all enjoying ourselves, it was time for the band to play. We all walked out and saw them each go up on stage.

"Koko de matte daijōbu." ( Wait here okay?) Was what Kyo said when he rested his hand on my shoulder.

I thigh hard and slowly said the right words. "Watashi wa koko ni imasu" (I'm staying right here.)

It seemed that I had said the correct words because this made Kyo smile and wink at me before going up on stage, thank God it was dark and he didn't see my flushed face.

I stared out from where I was behind the main stage where everyone was either pacing back and forth getting ready to move some things on the stage or messing up with the equipment in the back.

They really have and immense and strong connection to their fans. I walked closer and saw the many many people in the crowd, it was crazy that this many people can fit in a venue.

The stage was quite dark with only a couple of yellow lights around the stage alongside with smoke coming from smoke machines. The band began to play Vinushka.

It's amazing how the band can play so well and have a deep connection with one another.

Over on the stage I could see Kyo passionately singing the lyrics to his own song. It's also so crazy how good he looks in each of the outfits he chooses to wear. His black dyed hair complimented his dark eyeshadow, lip piercing, alongside the long type skirt he wore with long sleeve shirt and harness strapped to him.

The song was quite long but I enjoyed every second of it. The concert went on for about an hour, not once did I move from my spot. The lights to the stage dimmed and once I thought the concert had ended was when I heard the familiar tune to my favorite song.

I stare in awe at Kyo who stared out and the crowd and I heard the familiar melody of a piano playing softly. My all-time favorite song of them.

The final song before ending today's concert.

My heart leapt and I felt my eyes getting watery when I heard the tune to their song "Ain't Afraid To Die"

Many will argue that the band has way better songs to play, but this one has always been special to me. How the song starts out so peaceful until it slowly builds up and by the end it's left with a bittersweet sensation.

My friend Adam stepped closer to me and I could see a smile across his face. "You know? Kyo knows that this is your favorite song. "

My eyes lit up and I looked back and him surprised and stared at Kyo lovingly. In a way I feel like he sang this one just got me. Adam smirked and patted my back muttering something I didn't quite understand in Japanese.

I was too distracted to even ask him what he was saying. I savored every minute Kyo what's up on stage singing my favorite song, I even caught him staring over on me a couple of times. This is definitely the best day of my life.


The concert had officially ended and once it did the first thing I did was hug Kyo. "That was do beautiful! Thank you all for this." I told him making sure that this would be a once in a lifetime experience. No translation was needed because they knew what I had meant.

Die had patted my back alongside Kaoru who gave me a big thumbs up.

By the time each of them went off to take a shower we were all now headed to get some drinks. We were all sitting at a table drinking away and eating the sushi we each ordered. Thankfully no one here recognized the band of they would have been swarmed by them.

"You were all so amazing!!" Adam told him in Japanese being already drunk out of his mind. the idiot just had to be drinking tonight! I was hoping he would be able to translate me a bit, guess I'll have to do the talking on my own.

"Kare wa hontōni yotte imasu ka?" (Is he really drunk?) One of the guys asked laughing a bit.

I nodded my head ashamed. My friend just had three small pints of sake and is already out of his mind.

"Adamu wa mawari ni iru no ga tanoshī hitodesu." (Adam is a fun guy to be around.) Kyo confirmed thinking I would be embarrassing them. Glad to know that's not the case.

I pushed small empty plates that once had sush away and I nodded my head at him. "Adam...is drunk. Want me to show you room?"

Oh my room right! Adam didn't have the time to show me where I'm staying. "I pay for this." Kyo quickly said when he saw me digging into my purse.

"Arigato! In return I'll treat you the next time." I added making Kyo smirk.

"Hai! Let's go."

Kyo and I stood up from the table we were all in. I waved goodbye at them hoping to see them tomorrow again, I was standing by the entrance when I noticed Kyo talking to them before walking back over to me with my luggage in hand.

We stepped into a car and remained silent while we watched the many buildings passing by. The car stopped once we reached a big beautiful hotel building.

I stepped outside and noticed Kyo carrying my bags again, he refused to let me carry them. "Are you also staying here?" I asked concerned by how late it is for him to head back.

His dark eyes looked back down at me. "Hai. The same corridor."

So he is staying here in the same spot I will be sleeping, well, it's nice to know I won't be completely alone. We made it to the reception area and Kyo of course did most of the talking, they handed me my key card, and we were off to find my room.

My room was beautiful and I soon figured out that Kyo was the one who reserved my room and paid for it. I'll have to do something nice for him, he's veen way too kind. We were in my room which was beautiful and big for a single person, I'm sure most of the rooms here are the same if not bigger.

Kyo placed my luggage to the side. "Come to my room after shower. I have a surprise."

This took me by surprise, he had something else for me? I did tell him that I was planning on taking a shower before heading to bed. "Okay, i will be there in fifteen minutes."

Kyo nodded his head again and left my room. As soon as he did I quickly raced over to the bathroom and took my clothes off, my heart couldn't stop beating fast. I dried up my hair and began to dress up nicely again, I didn't know whether to wear my pajamas or something else.

I looked up at the clock and it read 1:00 a.m. I took a deep breath and exited my room and headed to the one Kyo was in. I knocked on the door and heard him reply, so I opened it up and noticed Kyo was drinking another beer and had already finished another cigarette.

I also noticed he was watching something on the TV probably just skipping through the channels and landed on something a bit interesting.

"Tsukaremashita ka?" (Are you tired?) Kyo asked lowering the volume of the tv and turning to look up at me from his spot on the bed.

I shook my head and smiled back. "I'm not." I lied since I didn't want this day to end with him. I know I'll have many more days to get to know him, but I wanted more.

I slowly began to speak up again trying my best with my Japanese, "Dekirudake ōku no jikan o anata to sugoshitai' to katatta." (I want to spend as much time as I can with you.)

Kyo seemed a bit surprised which I thought he might already think I'm weird.

"Hen ni kikoetara gomen'nasai." (Sorry if it sounded weird). Quickly I apologized.

A chuckle came out from him which made me tense up when I also felt his tattooed fingers running through my hair his landed on the cheek.

"Awatete anata wa totemo kawaī." (You're so cute when flustered.)

I felt myself blushing even more when those words came out of his mouth, he looks so handsome even through the rough makeup and tired brown eyes.

I felt myself being pushed closer to him until we slowly started to kiss. The kiss took me by surprise but I began to enjoy every second of it, slowly I began to take a breath again when Kyo this time began to kiss me harsher.

Then this might mean that Kyo must feel the same for me? I this were to escalate then I don't want this to be a one time thing.

I moaned through the kiss when I felt Kyo lift me up to my feet, his hands began to lower until his hands landed on my waist and up to play with my chest. I pushed back and heard him let out a small groan when I felt his pants getting tighter.

His hands began to get rid of my shirt along with the rest of my clothes, the only article of clothing next was my underwear. I felt him kissing my neck as I felt his cold hands touching my chest while I felt one of his lowering down until he parted my legs a bit and began to play with my clit.

I moaned and bit my lip hard when I felt him apply pressure, one oh his hands wrapped around my neck while he continued to touch me. He began to whisper dirty things into my ear while making sure to pleasure me well.

"Anata wa watashi no yubi no mawari ga totemo kitsuidesu." (Fuck you're so tight around my fingers.)

I squeezed my legs when I felt myself closer to the edge. "K-Kyo..I'm." i didn't have time to finish my sentence when he applied pressure and made me come for the first time.

Kyo made me turn back to him while roughly kissing me and shoving his tongue into me. I moaned again and felt his wet fingers leave me and rest on my stomach. I jumped a bit when I felt one of his hands spanking my behind making sure to leave his hand print there.

I was made to sit on the bed and felt Kyo about to rest on top of me until I stopped him. "Chottomatte!"

Kyo seemed a bit confused at why I suddenly stopped him. I sat down on the edge of the bed and held onto his waist and looked up at him, asking for permission since he knew now why I stopped.

I felt Kyo's hand on my chin and he gave me a small nod. Kyo began to pull his jacket and shirt off over him, it was embarrassing but I began to admire the many scars, tattoos and how muscular he actually looks.

I've seen him many times, just met him and now I'm right in front of him already naked and about to pleasure him. This is now his i imagined my first night in Tokyo to be, but I don't regret it.

My hands reached out to grab at his belt to pull him closer, slowly I begin to undo the buckle of his belt, moving on next to the button and the zipper. I pull his pants down with surprising ease, and he steps out of them quickly, kicking them aside, I watch him quickly taking off his boots.

When he stands back up wearing only one more article of clothing, I freeze momentarily, my heart now pounding like crazy. Kyo's brown eyes makes my heart melt flutter again, and I shyly smile before hooking my thumbs over the waistband of his black boxers, slowly pulling them down, freeing his erection. Kyo kicks those to the side as well, I feel tm cheeks burning up and can only stare at his penis, that's how he looks like then.

Kyo must've sensed something was up with me since he cleared his throat, "Chiisai?" he lowly whispered now feeling a bit awkward at his own question.

"N-Not at all!" I quickly respond. "It isn't small at all." I stutter and could feel him hot and heavy in my hand when I wrap a hand around him, pumping him lightly before wrapping my lips around the head experimentally.

Kyo took a sharp breath and I felt both his grabbing my hair now going a bit rough on me. I moaned as I felt my lower region getting wetter. I hollowed my cheeks and took in more of him, I repeat the motions a few times and pull away, licking up along the underside, around the tip, and he's suddenly pulling me away his face flushed this time.

Kyo mumbles something I can't quite understand, but it doesn't really matter. He moves closer and laid me down on the bed, pressed against each other. He then removes my underwear and his hand slips between us.

Pleasure is sent ringing up my spine at the feeling of Kyo's fingers slipping past my lips again this time deeper, quickly finding my clit and wasting no time on working his thumb on it while a couple of fingers tease my entrance.

Moans escape my throat easily after he breaks the kiss, mouthing his way until the inside of one of my thighs, he bites and sucks on the skin there. His tongue is suddenly there and then against my clit, working around it before being replaced by his lips and my vision goes blank when I can feel him sucking on it.

"Kuso." Kyo curses when I reached my hand down to grip onto his black dyed hair hard. I moan louder when I felt him slowly licking back to my entrance and sucking me hard while his fingers continue to play with me.

His tongue plunged into my slit while his hand groped up my breast. His long fingers twisted and pinched at my stiff bud till I cried out.

I could feel him grinning against my cunt as he continued to eat me out. His nose would occasionally brush against my clit, causing my body to twitch and strain against him. Kyo's other hand continued to thrust his fingers inside me while he pressed his thumb against my nub.

"K-Kyo." I moaned again. My hand continuing to grab his hair, tugging at it slightly, causing him to growl right into my cunt again. "I'm gonna-" I squeezed my eyes shut when he thrusted his fingers faster for me to come.

I felt a familiar knot in me when I began to get closer. The room was filled with the sounds of my moans as I came, when I opened my eyes I saw the sheets and my thighs wet, Kyo hummed and slowly withdrew his slick fingers and wiped his mouth. My cheeks flushed when I realized I had squirted.

Kyo hungrily kissed me. I moaned at the way I could taste my own essence on his tongue, "You're such a good girl." He said now through broken English and smiled wide and played with my hair and placed his fingers under my chin.

I blushed when I knew what was about to happen when he positioned me and parted my legs now stopping between them. He grabbed his length and began to rub it against my folds making me shiver and lightly moan and he did the same, slowly be pumped himself, a hand on himself and another on my hip.

He paused to look at me, "Let me know if it hurts, (Y/N)." I cupped his face and rested back against the sheets and gripped his tattooed arm.

Kyo nods and looks down before I can feel him against my entrance, pushing in slowly. I wrap my arms around his shoulders tightly, feeling his chest vibrate against mine with the low moan coming from him, replaced by a sigh once he sinks in completely. He starts moving right away, hips jerking experimentally before attaining a heavy and slow pace which doesn't last long due to how needy we are already.

I gasp and moan at how he thrusts in harder, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to hold him close and having my legs around his hips.

Curses and praises are breathed into my ear alongside moans from Kyo, somehow making the pleasure pool down in my lower stomach even more intensely, summed up to feeling his hands groping on my ass again, fingers sinking into the skin.

"Anata wa totemo kanpekide kawaīdesu. Ima, kono neko wa watashi no monodesu." (You're so perfect and cute. Now this pussy is mine.)

I moan when Kyo's hands wandered back with one hand on my clit and the other one playing with my breasts and nipples, he leaned down to suck and lick them roughly.

Kyo begins to pant against my chest when I feel his grip on my waist tighten. I began to moan louder not caring if there were others who could listen. His hips reaching a certain angle and, soon, the answer I had in my slips away from my grasp. My hands travel up to his hair, remembering how he reacted to it earlier, and tug on it in a form of response, though also wanting to hear how pathetically he moans at it.

"Kyo I'm g-gonna cum." I manage to say before being cut off by a moan, arching my back to him.

"Watashi mo, (Y/N)." he groans. "Amost there."

Kyo pauses adjusting himself again so a hand is under my thigh and another on the mattress for support and his thrusts are suddenly harsher. I throw my head back holding onto him tightly my fingers digging deeper into his skin, and it doesn't take long for all the pleasure that had been building up so far to unravel at once, it apparently triggers the same on him, considering how tight his grasp gets whilst a higher pitched moan comes from him when I clenched around him and came, I whined when I wrapped my arms around his tightly.

My head hits the pillow again now exhausted and so is he. Kyo stays above me and begins to slowly regain his breathe now slowly pulling out of me, I whimper when I feel empty. I can feel out juices mixed together now dripping onto the sheets

Kyo slowly pulls away and I'm only aware of him when he's lying down next to me, both of us breathing heavily and unable to do anything aside from staring at the ceiling for a long moment.

I just had sex with Kyo from Dir en Grey.

Glancing back to finally confess how I feel for him, I watched surprised when I saw him with his eyes closed, now fast asleep. I tiredly smiled and reached over to move his sweaty hair aside. I simply turned around to fully face him and gently I wrapped my arms around his torso and also fell asleep.

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