Fireflies-Adam Young x Reader

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"(Y/N) are you daydreaming again?" Adam laughs and waves his hand in front of me. I blush a deep red. "Maybe i am,what you gonna do about it Adam?' I smile. Adam shakes his head and turns on the car.

"You're impossible (Y/N)." He laughs and begins to drive down the snowy road. I still can't believe Adam fell for me there are millions of girls in this world and he chose me.

Adam and I met way back when we were in high school,we had the same classes together but never bothered to talk to each other, I would be alone in the library while he went out to skateboard with his friends outside of school,around his friends he was talkative but when he was alone he was always shy and reserved. We had an assignment together and that's where our friendship began.

We stayed friends years later and i even got to tour with him and his band Owl City.That's the name of their band and his sings are really peaceful and catchy to sing. I always had a crush on him even if he dated a few girls other than me and i remained single, we would come up with amazing singles and albums mostly talking about his love life i always thought he dedicated those songs to those girls..but they were all dedicated to me.

His hit song titled Fireflies came up when he became even more famous,i always felt butterflies in my stomach whenever i saw him these werent butterflies..they were fireflies like he says. The song came out in 2010 and that's when he confessed his feelings to me and i did too.

Adam and I would spend out time always together and now it's 2015 winter time and we are still together closer than ever,we moved into a house for the first time together and life has been easier and happier ever since. "Your head is always in the clouds..thinking about me i suppose." He smirks and looks to me and holds my hand.

"You know me so well." I return the smile and saw that we were heading towards a forest.

"Where are we even heading Adam?" I ask my boyfriend.

"You'll see soon enough."

I turned up the volume when one of his songs Deer In The Headlight came on the iHeart radio station. Adam laughed remembering the time he first played it for me and i fell even more in love with him,he knows this is my favorite song he's done, "I love this song so much!" I smile and he does too.

"I know you do a lot,hey we finally arrived." Adam said and i looked outside and it was getting dark, "Wait this place seems familiar." It suddenly clicked this is the spot we used to arrived almost every day after we finished school, "I knew you would remember the place." Adam laughed after i hugged him and adjusted my scarf since it was getting colder.

"I thought this place was demolished or something." I say looking around the familiar area and see a cabin a few steps away from us.

"Luckily they didnt,that's the cabin we used to sleep inside when there was a storm and we couldn't get to our homes." Adam smiles remembering the old times.

"I can't believe you brought me here."

Adam smiles and takes my hand when we started walking and the night became even more magical once fireflies surrounded the area, "Fireflies?! Can this night get even better." I ask myself.

"In fact it can." I look at Adam confused and that's where i see him kneel down onto the snow and he pulls out a small box from his jacket revealing a ring inside of it, "(Y/N),i have no words but to tell you that you've been the love of my life for years now..i think it's time we finally take the next step and live together forever so (Y/N), will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive on earth?" Adam said looking up at me with those beautiful brown eyes i fell in love with.

I cry and nod my head, "Yes! Adam..i'll gladly marry you." Adam smiles wide at me and stands up to place the ring on my finger and I wrap my arm around him and we kiss under the starry night.

 "I can't wait till we get married." He says and we make our way inside the cabin and hang our coats and we turn on the lights and set the fire up to get warm, "I'll finally see you in a wedding gown and we'll have family!" Adam smiles imagining our future.

I giggle and grab his hand, "I also have a surprise for you Adam..we're gonna be parents." I tell him and rest my hand onto the small bump i already have i've been hiding from him for a while, "I'm gonna be a dad?!" nodding my head he jumps up like a kid and kisses me again and places his hand on my stomach, "I can't wait till i have you in my arms little one."

I giggled and shake my head at him being so gentle and nice, "Adam there's still a few months to go." His eyes seems to shine as he looks at me and places his hand on my cheek and ends up hugging me gently, "I know,thanks for giving me the perfect family (Y/N),i wont let you or the baby down."

I look up at him and kiss him holding him close to me, "You won't've never let me down." Adam pulled away from the hug smiling and started to lead me to the couch, "Come on..i think we gotta think a few names for our baby." I can't stop smiling at him,he'll be the perfect husband and dad to our baby..after all my life with Adam has always been happy and will continue to be.

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