Gone-Tobias Forge x Reader

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"Do you think he'll be alright?"

My friend and I looked at Tobias who has hiding his face with his hands on the couch,i frowned seeing him stressed and sad was something I always hated to see he isn't usually like this he always have something to do or say but this time it's different. 

"I'll try my best to make him feel better." i told my friend after a small talk and saying our goodbyes i closed the door behind me and sighed to myself when I noticed Tobias left the living room, he's probably in his room.

I knocked on the door and waited for him to let me in,nothing, i knocked again and pressed my ear against the door "Tobias please let me in I know you're upset but maybe I can make you feel better?" i heard footsteps and quickly took a step back once he opened the door and looked at me, quickly i noticed he had a few empty bottles of beer and other alcohol beverages. 

"Nothing you say will make me feel better." he simply said and continued to smoke his cigarette. This is one thing i've always hated about him when he's annoyed or angry at me for reasons,he bluntly tells me what he thinks about me and occasionally hurt my feelings.

Tobias and I are not a couple..we've been friends for almost two years and I moved in with him so I could study since the school i'm going is just a couple of blocks away besides my parents wouldn't give me enough money to live on my own,I go to collage everyday while Tobias stays here and writes his music, "I know it won't make you feel better,but how about you let me write a few songs and give you some ideas to make you feel better." Tobias stared at me like i was insane and began to tell me to leave his room.

"No come on i'll show you." i ran to my room and fetched my notebook and once I was back to Tobias room i showed him a few songs I wrote and designs I made of a man dressed as a pope. "These aren't the best lyrics or designs i've made but-" i stopped talking when he placed his hand on my mouth and looked down at the sheet of paper in his hands and gathered the others that rested in his lap.

"These are amazing." i rolled my eyes and pushed his hand away.

"I'm glad you liked them Tobias."

"Would you like to help me do some music?"

******Present Day******

So he did..Tobias started a new successful band this time with my help from previous lyrics I did years ago, now he's 37 and is living the life he always wanted, he left for tours and i stayed in his small apartment back then when I was still studying in Sweden and he came back for me when i finished and i've been traveling with them around the world. Tobias is dressed as a pope as Tobias calls himself Papa Emeritus and his friends as the Ghouls, i was backstage as I saw them perform.

"I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart
I can see through the scars inside you
I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart
I can see through the scars inside you"

The guitar solo came up and I stared at Tobias admiring him, it would be a lie if i told myself that just recently I liked him, i've had a crush on him since we shared an apartment back then but i'm sure he doesn't feel the same towards me cause if so he would've told me. This is my last day with him and his friends since i have to fly back to the States to visit my family and have a break from being inside a tour bus.

An hour and a half later the boys were backstage taking off their outfits and taking showers, I had my bags ready to leave. "Hey (Y/N) at what time is your flight?" i turned back to look at Tobias without his makeup and outfit on,blushing i looked at him and told him in two hours so that means I just have an hour to spend with him.

"Why don't we go to lunch then?" he asked me and the ghouls agreed to have their leader spend some time with me. "Alright let's go then." he smiled and took my hand, my face got even redder cause he's never held onto my hand before. 

We arrived at a small restaurant and talked about what we would do when I come back and if i'll help him with some more music, i'm glad i never have to see him get upset again. Looking at my phone I saw that it was time for me to leave so we headed to the tour bus.

We made it to the airport and Tobias walked with me with a luggage in his hands as we made it to the gate and I held onto my backpack getting upset for leaving him. Both of us looked at the line of people and we looked back at each other, "So this is it then?" he asks looking down to his feet.

"Yes this is it..for a while." he looked back up to me and smiled "This is the first time we'll be separating from each other." Tobias puts down my luggage and places his hand on my cheek and smiles.

"I'm really gonna miss you." i felt my cheeks warming up due to him touching me and i stared back at him surprised when he started to lean closer and closer to my lips finally reaching them, i closed my eyes and kissed him back before he thought he made a mistake, i wrapped my arms around him and seconds later we pulled away and we both smiled at each other, "Make sure to come back to me and once you do you'll have more chances to kiss me again." i blushed at hims words and hugged him.

"I'll come back to you Tobias,i promise.." we hugged each other for another minutes then we pulled away before I looked back at him with my belongings and waved at him goodbye.

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