Hard Times-Taylor York x Reader

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"Paramore! Paramore!"

Thousands of fan were calling the bands name and Hayley came out in makeup and colorful clothes out on stage and began to sing their latest single Hard Times.

I've been friends with the guys from Paramore since 2009,I was a big fan of them and I was lucky enough to sing with Hayley on stage,after that they invited me to their tour bus and we became great friends.

Some members went and came by but after all they still remained a band. I started to work at their merch girl and lucky enough for us we sold out at each show.

We would have fun at the bus and watch some movies but as time went by I began to have feelings for Taylor,I had a huge crush on their former drummer Jeremy Davis but he left the band and when I had a crush in him back then he already had a girlfriend.

Since I knew there wouldn't be anything between us I got closer to Taylor and never thought we had so much in common. Well we dated for a while till some fans began to say bad things about our relationship and we decided to break up because of it and he had a lot of work so I couldn't be there to bug him every single time.

So while Paramore had a break I went on tour with a couple of bands like The 1975 and Fall Out Boy to earn myself more money.

Every time I would be away from home or my friends more specifically Taylor I would wear my necklace he gave me which had the first letter of his name. How I missed him and I still do even if I see him every day and we talk most of the time but I want him to hug me like he used to.

I was folding the rest of the t-shirts and placed them in boxes for the next city when Hayley came over, "Whoa that was fast!" I say and look fans already leaving the place.

"Another successful show.Wow! we sold out again?" "Yeah we did." I smile.

Zac passes by and collapses on the couch and I see Taylor walk pass us, I wave at him and he waves back. "You still like him don't you." She grins poking my side.

"I still do..yes." I look down knowing that we won't be anything but friends.

"Don't worry you guys will be more than friends once again-"

"I can't help but remind myself of your song..the only exception."

"I thought you were gonna say Still Into You,well i'll help you if you'd like." She smiles and takes my hand.

"Really? thanks Hayley." I return the smile and finished packing things up,we were on the bus now heading to the nearest Pizza Hut to eat.

In the mean time I was watching Adventure Time when someone sat next to me and I blushed to see that it was Taylor, "You really love that show." I smile at him "I do very much."

"I never got myself into it..It's so weird."

"It's not weird!" I say laughing as I look at him, "It's fun to watch."

"I can tell..You love to sleep with that dog by your side." Taylor says.That's right he brought me a huge Jake the dog plushie which I have slept with ever since.

"It's not my fault it's fluffy besides I don't have anyone to hug while i'm sleeping." I glance over to him but he didn't seem to hear me as his eyes were concentrated on the tv.

I huff and cross my arms,is he really ignoring me? I was going to speak when Zac came rushing in, "Finally we're gonna eat! I'm so hungry." He waited when the bus stopped and he was the first to run down at the restaurant with Hayley following him.

"Let's go." Taylor said turning off the tv. I followed him and we met up with our friends inside who already ordered two pizzas and dessert.

Hayley was talking to Zac about the next city so it was me and Taylor. "Taylor." I speak up,he looks up to meet my green eyes.

I meet his brown ones and once again I feel myself become nervous, "What would you say if I moved away?" I ask. I was thinking of moving away but I can't bare leaving my friends.

"I'd say that's awesome."

"Really? That's all you're gonna say? What if we never see each other again?" I ask worried now.

"We'll always find a way to see each other again,it's not like you're moving to the other side of the world,(Y/N)"

Never in my life have I been this frustrated with Taylor,I wanna walk away but I can't since Hayley will think i'm cowering away.

What if he is secretly dating someone else and none of us know who the girl is?! No i'm just imagining things..maybe...

I mean I know that we wouldn't last cause I keep thinking that Hayley and Chad were meant for each other but now they are divorced. Most people keep a well relationship without marrying and when they do that's when problems begin.

I mean i'm 28 and since I was young I imagined myself already married and my parents too,I guess that won't happen for a while.

The pizza arrived and we all began to eat and talk some more except for me.I decided to stay silent,Taylor didn't talk that much either and it was killing me.

I placed my drink down and glared at Taylor, "What's your problem Taylor?"


"You've been avoiding me whenever I try to talk to you and when I do you reply to me with the simplest answers-"

"I'm done." He stood up and began to leave towards the bus,Hayley and Zac stared at me and Hayley motioned me to follow him so I did.

When I arrived Taylor was sitting on the couch with his hands covering his face, "I won't wait forever Taylor..It hurts..seeing you every single day but not being able to hug or kiss you. I have to move on."

Taylor looked up and stood in front of me, "I want to be with you too..but what i'm afraid of what might happen to you."

"I learned to ignore what people say about me."

Taylor grabbed my hand and his fingers touched the scars I did back then when I was receiving hate from people, "I just want you by my side again."

I look up and Taylor wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips, "Okay then let's give this a try again."

I couldn't stop smiling so I kissed him again and took his hand, "Let's celebrate then! We gotta tell Zac and Hayley."

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