Hiding With Boys-Ian Miles

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"I'll be back in a few hours mum, son't worry about me."I yelled as I ran as fast as i could down the stairs while grabbing my leather jacket and bag, "Oh no, young lady. You said that just a few days ago and you arrived at three in the morning. I'm starting to think that you just don't hang out with that boy." My mother says crossing her arms as I stare up at her with a blush across my cheeks.

"I'm nineteen mother let me be."

"I know your best friend is Hannah but with which of all the boys are you dating,was it the one with light brown hair who came to pick you up?"

"I wish." I whisper facing down. "Neither of them okay?! I'm just heading to their place cause today is Ian's birthday-"

"How old is he then?"


"So you're hanging out with almost a thirty year old man?!"

"Oh come on mom! You had me when you were my age-"

"And that's why i'm worried."

I rolled my eyes and assured her that everything was going to be okay, when I made my way out I met up with Hannah "Didn't think your mum would let you out."

"It was hard to convince her but everything's okay."

"Cool." She smiles and we headed to the pub where we decided to celebrate Ian's birthday,we entered and ordered drinks and I would glance over to Ian for a few seconds,his once light brown hair was dyed blonde but after all he still looked handsome. Hannah knew about my crush on him along with their leader Will and they would often tease me about it.

It'a August 18th and it's currently 10 o'clock and the guys were singing along to some songs and dancing they were to drunk to even stand ,I decided to sit back and watch them when someone wrapped their arms around my waist and I felt my heart stop when I saw it was Ian.


"(Y/N)! Why aren't you partying with us?!"

"Cause i-i wanna make sure none of you gets hurt or have an accident-"

"You worry to much I know you're young but you gotta live life." He slurred and held me tighter, "You know you look cute in that little black dress you're wearing." If i wasn't blushing before then i really am now. I was about to speak to him when he leaned his head down my shoulder and fell asleep.


Hannah stopped dancing and looked at me, "I'm taking Ian to my place alright?! Can you make it home?"

"Yeah I can,i'm not even drunk like the guys are,be careful alright?"

I nodded my head and held Ian tight as I began to drag him to my apartment, I fumbled with the keys but managed to open the door and still with the lights off and trying to make little sound we made it to my room,I locked my room and looked back at a sleeping Ian on my bed.

"What am I suppose to do with you..why is it so hard for me to confess my feelings to you?" I mostly ask myself and began to look for my pajamas and was taking my jacket off when my heart stopped as I saw Ian now awake, "Ian you scared me! weren't you just asleep?!"

"I wasn't..i faked the entire time."

I blush and hid my face, "I'm so dumb." I went over to his side and turned on my lamp "Do you really mean what you said?" He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

"...Yes..everything i said is true."

"I'm glad you feel the same then." He smiled and in a second he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine,I was surprised at first then began to melt under the kiss as I sat down on top of his lap and he began to lift up the skirt to my dress and I began to take his jacket off. That's when we heard a knock on my door and we stopped.

"(Y/N)?! Is that a boy in your room!'

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