I Do-Jimmy Urine x Reader

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"So how do I look?"

Jimmy asked and posed. Today he is recording his scenes for the upcoming Marvel film Guardians of the galaxy since our friend and director of the film James Gunn asked him to be in the film as one of the ravagers. I've always been a huge Marvel fan and seeing my boyfriend starring in one is a dream come true.

"Handsome as ever." I smile wide and he comes over and kissed my cheek. "I still can't believe this is fucking real." He says looking down at his ravager outfit.

"Thank god James is directing the movie if not none of this would've happened." I lovingly look over to him who's on his phone taking a few selfies of himself.

It's been over four year since we started dated and when he did a month passed when I moved in with him. My parents never thought we would last all this time together due to our age difference too. I'm in my late twenties and Jimmy is in his fourties. People talked here and there about us but we never gave a damn about what they said.

"Hi (Y/N) nice to see you again." our friend James came over and hugged me, "Nice to see you too, James." I reply with a smile.

"Jimmy we're about to film a couple of scenes in about a minute." James said to his best friend, "Alright i'll be there in a sec."

James quietly walked away over to the directors chair before examining the cameras and microphones, "Wish me luck." Jimmy smiled widely and kissed my cheek before running to where all the other actors were in their costumes.

I was on my phone for a bit before looking at the couple of scenes James was shooting before I knew it it was about six and I could tell everyone was exhausted. I was lucky enough to get myself a picture with each of the cast including Christ Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper.

While waiting for Jimmy to get back I was texting to a member of my family and my younger cousin began asking me to tell him about to movie of course i didn't cause James would kick my ass if i told anyone. I heard someone call out my name and saw Jimmy without his makeup and costume on, he was wearing the normal clothes he came in a grey t-shirt,black skinny jeans, black boots and a black hoodie.

"I'm back! Did you miss me?" He asks and wraps an arm around my shoulder and begins to kiss my face. Laughing I pushed him away and nodded, "Of course i did."

"Alright why don't we head out for dinner and we can go home and maybe have fun." Jimmy said with a wink afterwards making me blush. "Alright let's go." We said our goodbyes and headed outside only to see that it was raining and none of us brought our jackets with us, well Jimmy at least had a hoodie on. When we reached the destination to our restaurant we saw that it was closed and we raced back inside the car.

My hair and clothes wet along with Jimmy who began to cure when we entered the car. I looked over to him and rested my hand on top of his, "What's wrong? we can always order pizza or something else. I can cook something for you too-"

Jimmy looked over to me with sad eyes, "This was supposed to be a special night." he took his hand from mine and began to look something inside his jeans "We've been together for while now" he pulled out a small box and opened it. there was a beautiful silver ring. "i was waiting to give this to you inside..all of this wasn't planned at all." he says laughing at our clothes all wet.

He got closer and held the box up looking at me with those adorable puppy eyes "So will you marry me?" "Of course i will silly." I smiled and leaned over to kiss his lips. Jimmy placed my ring and I looked down at it and kissed his lips one more time before driving away to our house.

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