Only You-Ryan Ross x Reader

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I heard my brothers annoying voice shout my name from the other side of the house as he made his way to where i was sitting,the living room with a warm blanket and my laptop. I quickly shut it up once my brothers head popped up with a grin on his face, "How's my little sis doing."

"Everything's fine Brendon..what's with that stupid smile of yours?" He sat back on the couch next to me and tried to grab my laptop till i beat him.

"What were you looking?" Suddenly he says with a serious voice thinking that i was seeing something else, "Ew,no gross. I was just checking your new video." I open the laptop and show him the video. Northern Downpour. "Thank goodness you werent seeing anything voice is amazing right?" He asks me as he begins to sing along with the video.

"Yeah yeah.." I stood up to grab a few snacks when Brendon stared at me, "I have a feeling that you're watching this video for've been watching this video non stop." 

I blush and shake my head, "What are you talking about y-you idiot. I just love your band."

"Come on you can't fool me little sister..I've seen the way you look at Ryan!" He bursts out and closes his mouth before talking again "I can't believe you like like Ryan Ross!" He shouts and jumps off the couch while he runs his fingers through his hair, "You have no idea how much i'm gonna tease you for this."

"Oh no no,don't you even try forehead,Do that and i'll tell Sarah that you like her." I smirk and he stays quiet and shrugs his shoulders, "She already knows anyway i asked her out."

"I can't believe it!" I groan knowing that Brendon will do anything.


The guys decided today to spend a day outside by the park while coming up with a few more other songs,Spencer was talking with Dallon,Brendon and Sarah were buying some ice cream while i was alone with my crush Ryan. "Why not try this." I grabbed the pen from him and started to come up with a few lyrics for the song.

I began to sing the few lines he wrote and it was coming out well, "That's amazing. You should try singing too!" He smiled his brown eyes shining. I stared at him lovingly and quickly nodded my head,he must think i'm weird, "Thanks..i've wanted to try out singing but i don't know if Brendon might help me out-" A shadow appeared and i looked up to see Brendon licking his ice cream and looking around the park.

"Isn't it a nice day to go out with that special someone."

I glared at my brother that son of a bitch won't shut up, "Here..this was the last cone and i was lucky enough to buy it." He handed it to me,he only wants Ryan and I to share it.

"Ryan should h-have it." I turn to face him to give it to him till he speaks, "I don't mind sharing it." Ryan grabbed it and started to eat it,I looked back at Brendon who was wiggling his eyebrows.

"Here's the other ice cream." The three of us looked at Sarah who was holding an ice cream cone.

"You said this was the last one." Ryan says to Brendon.

"It was! Oh right,i forgot the guy had some more."

I look over to Sarah and mouthed the words 'please help me' to her,she knew of my crush on Ryan way before Brendon and thought it was cute. Sarah grabbed Brendon and sat away from us,i turned my head and stared at Ryan who continued to eat while writing a couple of songs. He looks so cute and innocent but i dont think he feels the same. We've known each other for quite a while and we've been closer but i think he only consider me as a sister,i want to be more than his friend.

I should take the first step then,i moved my hand closer to his and placed mine on top of his,quickly he looked down and blushed, "(Y/N)? what are you doing?" Ryan stuttered.

"Ryan..we've known each other for a while now and..i-i..i-i wanna say that i've always liked you." I finally said it,he looked confused so i continued to speak, "I like you Ryan..more than a friend." I blushed and he did too when i said that, "Really?"

I nod my head smiling at him and he smiles back, "I thought you didn't like me,all this time i've liked you too but i thought you treated me as your brother or something." Ryan happily says and takes my hand. Ryan slowly leans closer to me and kissed my lips,we stopped when we heard someone clapping.

"Finally you two idiots are together!" Brendon laughed and Sarah nudged him to stay silent.

"It was about time." Dallon says and takes a sip out of his cold drink.

"Congrats you two." Spencer told us.

Ryan and I look at each other and smiled, "We should have said this a ling time ago." I nod agreeing with him.

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