Proposal-Dallon Weekes x Reader

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"You made sure to bring everything?" My boyfriend asks me for about the fourteenth time already as we begin to make our way to the airport. We've been dating for a year now and we finally decided to take a long nice trip to Ireland. Dallon knew I always wanted to go there since my other half of the family lives here and i never had the chance to go until now.

I met Dallon back at high school and we remained best friends since he joined Panic! at the disco and I had a huge crush on him and one day I thought he was going to ask me out,till he gave me an invitation inviting me to his wedding. I was surprised yet heart broken since he never mentioned a girlfriend and when the wedding came I went and spent for a few hours till I decided to leave early.

While my best friend Dallon got married and was happy with his wife,I wasn't...

I sat down on the couch on my apartment and drank a few bottles before passing out with a huge headache. I didn't talk to him that often back then when i also realized that he had kids,we didn't hang out like we did till he called me and told me that he got a divorce.

That was 2 years ago and we decided to give ourselves a chance,he would bring his kids to our apartment and we would have trips with them too,we would also head over to the zoo often.

I was so happy to finally be with Dallon after all these years and now we were heading to our trip together. The flight was long and tiring so we slept for the night and woke up the next morning and began to walk around the place while taking pictures of each other. 

Some fans recognized him and me from our old pictures together we took with Brendon. We started walking around the area and that's when I saw a bunch of people standing around and the guys smiling at their girlfriends.Oh right it's February 29th. Today is the only day of the year that a woman can propose to a guy. I think it's a funny but cool thing to do.

This is one of the reasons why I wanted to come with Dallon.

"I didn't know they do these kind of things here." Dallon says looking down at me.

"Y-Yeah.." I place my hand inside the pocket of my coat and play with the ring for a while, I started to think this through and decided that it's time,I want this to be different from the rest of the proposals where normally the guy asks the girl.

"Dallon." I face him and take his hands, "Are you happy with me?"

"You know that i'm very happy with you, I would like to spend my years with you." I smile wide and kneel down and show him the ring.

"Dallon Weekes will you marry me?"

Dallon and I laugh for a minite before he looks down at me and nods his head,he grabs my hand and helps me stand up,I placed the ring on his finger and he leaned down to kiss me. We pulled away after we heard people arround us clapping at us finally engaged.

"This was an odd proposal." Dallon laughs and wraps his arms around me, "I was about to do the same thing," I look down and he opens his palm revealing a beautiful ring, "I'm glad you asked first." We both smile before kissing each other again.

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