Saved-Gerard Way x Reader

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"Alright class turn to page 31.Today we'll be learning about the worlds greatest artists,Mister Toro please read the first paragraph.."

My friend Ray Toro begins to read and as he does so i look around the room and don't see my crush.Gerard Way.He used to come to school often,he's missed about a week at school. I lean over to my right and ask my other friends if he's seen him lately.

"Hey..hey Frank." I whisper. He opens his hazel eyes and looks over to me,"What you need?"

"Have you seen Gerard lately? did he come to school today?" I ask.I sure hope he did come,i've had a massive crush on Gerard ever since Frank introduced him to me and no matter how hard i try to impress him he doesnt see it either that or he doesnt care.

"Nah i haven't actually..maybe he's with Mikey drawing more things.Don't worry he must be okay." Frank said and rested his head against his backpack which he placed on top earlier.

"That didn't help at all." I say.

Ray finished so i call him over,"Ray! have you seen Gee?"

He shakes his head, "Sorry but i havent,i'm starting to worry too."

Just when he says that someone rushes inside the classroom and i stare at Mikey.I stand up quick since i see him breathing heavily and his cheeks are wet.

"I-i tried to s-stop him,please's my brother." Mikey says and wipes the tears away with his sleeves.Oh no what happened. I grab my things and place them inside my backpack.

"Miss you can't leave the class unless it's important." the teacher speaks.

"This is important!" I shout already frustrated by her.Ray and Frank both stand up and gather their things.

"I'm going with her." Ray says and stands by me.

"Yeah fuck this class.." Frank said and walked past us showing the middle finger to the class.His mother is gonna be angry once she hears the news.We run all the way down to Mikey's house and he begins to panic.

"He's in t-there,when i walked in the bathroom there was a puddle of blood.I w-was about to confront him but he shoved me,he won't let anyone in." Mikey begins to cry as he pounds onto the door.

"What should we do then!"

Frank looks over to me, "I think (Y/N) should go in there." He says and looks back at Mikey for approval.

"O-okay." He stutters.

I gently knock on the door and take a deep breathe. "Gerard it's me..please let me in." after a long silent minute the door makes a click sound and i get in and close the door behind me.

I begin to cry when i see Gerard in the corner of his bed holding onto his wounded arm,i look around and see his previous artwork all torn up.He worked so hard on them. I make my way towards him.

"I don't want to live anyone (Y/N) leave me alone! I'm just another piece of shit living in this ugly world..i'm a disaster..i can't even take care of my own brother." He cries more.

My heart beats faster and i sit right in front of him,"G-Gerard.please don't do this to me...i don't want to live a world without you..i-i know you always say that the world is ugly but it isn't for me..not once was when i lost my friend,she used to be so happy that she never told me her problems until one day i arrived and saw her dead...Gerard..the world isnt ugly for me because you appeared in my life."

Gerard stayed silent and stared at me,he was always so confused and hated the world cause no one loved him no one besides his remaining family members.

"..What did you say?" He asks.

I stare at his hazel eyes and blush, " you Gerard and i have ever since i first met you.I want to be with you forever if possible i want to save you.." I say to him.I lean over and kissed him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Don't leave me Gerard." He tightened his grip on me and cried," I won't knowing that someone loves me now..i used to push you back cause if you did love me then you would watch me suffer even more and i didnt wanted you to cry if you saw me dead..i'm so sorry."

I sniffed and heard the door open a bit knowing that the guys stood there,"It's a-alright..we'll get through this together..." I smile looking at him after all he was the one who truly saved me when i almost comitted suicide thank you Gerard for being in my life.

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