Someone Like You-Christopher Drew x Reader

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I looked down to my phone for the third time already annoyed with my cousin who was taking forever in getting changed.Today we were going to meet our friend Christopher Drew down over to warped tour at his tour bus since he got us free tickets and i wanted to spend some time with him. 

We met way back when we were finishing high school,my cousin introduced me to him and from the start i liked him. He went through a lot with his drinking problems and other personal things,i was always there for him.

My cousin and I have been inseparable but when it came to Chris we would often discuss,she's after him only because of his fame and she wants it too,i could care less. I heard her once tell her sister that she only wanted his money,i can tell by the way Chris is that he likes both of us but i must warn him about her.

But what if i tell him and he doesnt believe me,according to my family and friends my cousin is e prettiest of us both,due to her having long curly hair,the perfect body and such. Unlike me i'm a bit chubby,have dyed my hair multiple times and have short hair. It wouldnt surprise me if any guy liked her.

We were going to be late,i got into my car and my cousin finally arrived and we made it just in time,his band Never Shout Never were preparing for their performance when I saw my cousin going with Chris to the tour bus, I decided to go after them quickly and i felt happier when I saw Chris.

Chris was talking to my cousin when he noticed me." (Y/N)? I thought you didnt come. Your cousin told me you couldnt make it" He says and comes over and hugs me.

"Oh she did." I glare at her and hug him back.

"I'm so glad you made it." He smiles and ruffles my hair. Why is he so cute? His blonde hair makes his brown eyes look even brighter,his tattoos complementing his pale skin. "You're happy i also came right?" My cousin appeared and hugged his arm.

"Yeah..i'm glad you both girls came to watch us perform.It means a lot." He says looking at us both and smiling over to me, "So how've you been?" We started speaking for a bit cause my cousin over kept interrupting our conversations. "Would you like to have lunch later?"

"I would love to!" She quickly spoke and smiled at Chris,an ugly fake smile spreading across her lips. Chris stared at her and chuckled, "I was actually asking (Y/N)." What?! Confusion ran over me as Chris said that and i looked back to see that girl glaring over to me.

"But you can't! She can't come across our relationship!" She bursted out.

"What relationship? We don't have one..besides you're only after my money." I gasped hearing that out of Chris, "How do you know?" I ask him.

"That time you left your phone on and i heard the whole conversation between her and her sister." Wow he knew this the whole time, "Whatever then! I'm leaving." She said angrily and passed up bumping into me almost making me fall till Chris held me tight.

"I thought you liked her."

Chris laughs and holds my hand, "You kidding? I always liked you ever since we met,i dont need a girl like her in my life." I blush and look into his dark eyes, "So..does this mean we're together?" Chris smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"Of course."

We began to walk backstage when we heard his fans shouting the bands name, "Well see you in a few. Promise we'll head for lunch after." I nodded my head and Chris took the opportunity to lean down and kiss me before leaving with his guitar in hand and with a smile.

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