Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

*Chasity's P.O.V.*

My head is racing, I'm staring into nothingness while Patrick is slumped on my shoulders, sleeping deeply after kissing me...What have I done to this man?

"Andy...Help me." I immediately called for help because I have no freaking idea on what am I going to do. My feelings just exploded and I know I'm a mess! No one's holding me together and I feel like I could stay staring into nothingness all night long, but I know that that's not the right thing to do now! I need to clear out his memories from this night!

After a few minutes, Andy arrived at my apartment and saw the scene. I looked at him helplessly and he sighed at me.

"What happened?" he asked. I looked at Patrick before answering, he really seems to be sleeping deeply.

"He kissed me...he's drunk and he said everything to me and kissed me...on the lips," I explained with my girl voice and my face have been burning hot.

I let Patrick lay on the couch as I stand in front of us. I brushed my face with my hands and I'm so confused now too, I can't believe I did this to Patrick.

"I fucking fucked up!" I murmured.

"Tell him as soon as possible before you do more damage. This is a serious matter, Chasity. Patrick's questioning his identity now, he's a mess! Fix this before it's too late, before he falls for the wrong side of you." Andy said as he taps my shoulder. "You'll be fine. Now, let's get him to his house so he wouldn't remember anything from tonight. Come on." He added.

Andy brought Patrick to the car and we both drove to his house. We dropped him off in his bedroom so he wouldn't have the memory of going to my apartment. Lucky, the guy is really deeply asleep and he didn't even move a single bit. After leaving him there, Andy and I went out of the house.

"Do you think they'll get mad?" I asked Andy innocently. I'm honestly nervous now on how are the others going to react, especially Patrick.

"Joe might be cool with it. In fact, I feel that he'll be impressed too. Pete might be mad for a while, but then he'll appreciate your efforts and accept you. The guy really doesn't hold a grudge for long. As for Patrick...he's the kind of guy that hates liars." Andy said while driving. His last answer made me grip on my seat belt.

"In other words, Patrick will be mad at me. Plus, I fucked him up by letting him feel like this. Andy, I think I should just leave." I said, my thoughts are fighting inside my head again.

"And you thought that will not be as bad? It's better to tell the truth, Chasity. It's always better to say the harmful truth...than stick with a useful lie." Andy said. I sighed and of course, he's right.

"I'll tell him tomorrow. I promise...well, I just want you to know that I'll miss this band." I said.

"Why are you saying that like you're going away. I know they'll accept you, Chasity. Besides, Patrick can't stay mad at you. The both of you shared many memorable moments together, so you don't have to worry!" Andy said enthusiastically before pulling over in front of my apartment.

"Thanks, Andy. You're the best." I said while giving him a hug.

I removed my seat belt and began to climb out of the car.

"Good night, Andy," I said to him while waving.

"Just call me again if anything goes wrong, okay? Good luck, Chasity." He said before driving away.

I honestly don't want him to go yet, I don't want to be alone. My paranoid mind is taking over once more, giving me worse case scenarios of what could happen if I tell the truth to Patrick. I guess no matter what I think now...I have no choice, but to tell him everything tomorrow.


"Little sis! How are you?" Chris said the moment I picked up his call.

"Hey, Chris. I'm fine. How about you?" I asked him, trying to sound cheerful.

"Same...Chasity, when are you going home? I miss you. Everything is fine now, I found a decent job, I found a lot of awesome friends and they are excited to meet you." He said and I can hear the longing on his voice.

"Chris, I honestly miss you too, but I have to clear things off here. Don't worry, it'll end soon. Maybe I'll be going back there next week or something. Chris, I fucked up things here and I can't leave without fixing it." I said to him accepting my defeat.

"What do you mean?" he asked worried and I began to tell him everything. Chris didn't interrupt me, he just waited for me to finish my story and after that, I just heard him sigh. "You're hopelessly in love with that guy, Chasity. But please, if that's what you're telling, I feel like Patrick's going to be angry with you." He said harshly.

"I know...I know. But I have to tell him otherwise. I can't leave him questioning himself."

"Fine, just be careful okay? I'll always be right here for you, little sis." He said.

My escape plan is all set...If Patrick hated me after telling my lie, I have somewhere else to go. But I'm sure as hell that my feels will be left here with him.


*Patrick's P.O.V.*

What did I do?! I kissed him?! Fuck! I fucked up! Surely now he's going away! Fuck!

I suddenly woke up with a start. I immediately sat up and my head pumped with pain. I tried to look around and I realized that I was inside my bedroom. How the freak did I get here? Why can't I remember anything from last night...The last thing I remember is...going home.

I must have dreamed that scenario where I kissed Chase! Phew, glad it was only a dream or else Chase might have left the band now. I need to stop acting like this, I've never been like this and Chase has a girlfriend and this is just all weird for me!

I got to my feet and washed my face inside the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, my face still dripping wet as I stare at myself.

"Stump! Hold your feeling together!! Go step by step..and First step is telling like him," I said to myself and that made me blush more than it should.

It really feels so weird...but not bad. I just have no idea on how will he react with all this. I went back to my bed and looked at my phone, I decided to call Chase immediately, I haven't talked to him for a while.

"Hey," I said the moment he answered.

"Hey, What's up?" he asked.

"Can we meet? I need to tell you something." I said nervously.

"Good timing, I need to tell you something important too. Let's meet around 11 am at the pizza parlor?" he said seriously.

"Okay, see you," I said before hanging up. Chase sounds so serious earlier, I wonder what he's going to tell me.

I looked at the clock and it's already 9:30 in the morning. I decided to for my daily routine and to wash off the hangover that I have too. I also need to think what I am going to tell him. I need to get this out of my system, so I can feel that everything is alright. After a few minutes, I was about to go to our meeting place when suddenly someone rang my doorbell.

I thought it would be Chase, fetching me from here, but the moment I opened my door I immediately wanted to shut it back once more...

"Patrick...can we talk...please." It was Winona, she looked like a mess, there's a wound on her lip and she's at the brink of crying.

Even if I'm still angry with her, I know that she needs someone now. Maybe she did something wrong to me, but that doesn't mean that I can't help her. Besides, this might be a sign for me to get out of the mess I'm making with Chase...maybe I just need to force my attention to other things again...I can't be like that...I can't like a guy. Maybe I was just really confused.

"W-what happened to you?" I asked Winona, letting her in my house. And the moment we're inside, I find myself hugging the girl again. Hugging the girl that cheated on me, hugging the girl that made me her second option...I looked like an idiot right now, but somehow I do feel like I'm saved...saved from making a bad conversation with Chase.

{Woot woot! ;) Thanks for reading!! Don't worry guys, this story still have a long way to go ;)}

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