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Irene and Jackson reached back to base half an hour later, with her jumping out the side of the car still clearly distraught about something. Jackson watched her, his heart paining at the sight, "Irene." He called, watching as she turned to him, her gaze lowered and eyes hooded. He took rushed steps towards her pulling her into his embrace, her head resting on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms securely around her waist, he felt her tense in his arms, her stiffness slowly flowing out as she responded to his gesture, her arms wrapping around him as she buried her head further into his chest. His eyes closed as he rested his chin atop her head. He waited patiently before words flew out of his mouth. "I'm not going to push you to tell me what's bothering you, I probably don't deserve to know or go through it with you after the shit I've been putting you through but if you find that it becomes to much to bare I'll always be willing to listen no matter the time or the place if you need me I'll be there." She looked up at him, her heart in a internal battle, she could see the sincerity in his eyes yet her heart still ached from the events that had played out through the course of their marriage. She offered him a smile as he kissed her forehead. "I'll make this up to you irene." He said watching as she detached herself from him. "It's going to be hard." She said as she turned back to him. He passed her a painful smile, "I know." She looked at him again. "Your going to waste your time." She called as he began to walk away, his feet pulled him to a stop. "I have a life time with you wifey." He passed her a cheeky wink, watching as she fought against the smile that threatened to break against her features. "Stop with the smoothness." He chuckled. "You love it." She looked at him, rolling her eyes and turning around to walk away, mumbling to herself. "You have know idea." Her head lowered as he called out to her again. "Goodnight Rene." She stopped as he watched her turn to him again. "Goodnight Jackson." She said as the two smiled at each other, their feet carrying them the opposite ways apart.

The following morning Irene awoke rather abruptly, the tiredness still making her eyes heavy at the lack of sleep she managed to retrieve simply with the burden that her mind carried. She moved from the covers instantly missed the warmth they provided, her arms stretching above her head as she looked around, Wendy and Joy already out for their shifts. She sighed, grabbing some clothes and heading into the shower. Moments later she emerged, hair slightly damp, and face glowing as evergreen as it was. She turned to grab her stethoscope before turning to begin her trek down to the medical cube. As she passed the soldiers around her greeted her with respect, some bowing or choosing to salute as she passed them small smiles. She inwardly groaned when her eyes met Youngji's, her head already in a lot of pain and now another headache was fast approaching. She barged into Irene who stumbled a few spaces back the surrounding soldiers pausing to watch the scene. Irene eyed her up, her patience running thin as Youngji watched her to spark a reaction. "Do you have sight problems? I mean clearly you do otherwise you wouldn't have invaded my personal space, I have a friend that would be more than willing to give you a pair of glasses that might help you with the sight oh and spotting unmarried men." Youngji raised her fist, Irene easily catching it, "You know using your fists isn't always the right answer and clearly you don't know how to use them properly." Irene swung with ease, her fist connecting with her jaw. "Your technique is completely wrong. I'd be more than happy to train you considering the fact that you so badly need it." She looked at the girl who was crouched on the floor, "Pity this is how you wanted to play this. Stop by the medical cube if you need something for the pain." Irene turned resuming her walk. "He will never love you irene. He never has and he never will, your just there to satisfy him." Irene chuckled slightly turning back. "I'm the one wearing the ring remember...and as for satisfying him well maybe he would have married you if you had done it properly. Now as much as I would love to continue to stoop to your level I have to go do something called work. You should try it sometime, it might prevent you from becoming so petty." She turned back around calling over her a shoulder. "Have a great day Youngji."

Jackson had witnessed the entire exchange from a distance, his fist incasing his mouth to suppress the laughter that wanted to emit itself. The boys around him were already laughing and once Youngji had left with a glare directed at him, he also laughed, finally glad that he had cut her off completely from his life. Mark slapped him on the back. "I'm proud of you bro." He said with a big smile, Jackson returning it as his head turned to watch Irene's silhouette disappear from his view. "I want to do right by her.." he whispered, Mark catching the sincerity that his words held. Jackson turned away addressing Mark, "Call everyone for a meeting, something happened last night that really needs to be discussed." Mark watched Jackson's tension filled eyes, that in turn put him on edge. He nodded leaving Jackson's side, as he turned back to where she had just been walking. He smiled slightly, pushing himself off the wall he had been leaning on and heading towards the meeting room. His demeanour completely changing into seriousness with undertones of danger.

Irene finally reached the medical cube with a sigh, her eyes looking around at the mess. She swore loudly rubbing her temples as she walked further in to begin her rounds. She paused seeing Wendy fast asleep on the side. She softly smiled at her, taking out a blanket and wrapping it around her sister who huddled into it for warmth. She smiled taking out her phone to message Mark.

From Rene
Hey Mark when your free can you come and get your missus and carry her back to bed, she's fast asleep.

Her phone blared moments later with a response.

From Wendy's Marky 💙
I'll be there in half an hour. Send me a picture.

Irene laughed snapping the picture and sending it to Mark who laughed. Irene turned away from Wendy walking to her desk, a big bouquet of her favourite flowers red roses standing on her desk. Her eyes softened, at the gesture. She picked them up smelling the scent, her eyes closing as her hand touched the petals, her eyes spotting the note, she smiled opening the envelope to reveal the note.

Good morning Wifey
You said roses were your favourite right? Have a good day at work, don't over work yourself, and please make sure you eat something.

Irene's features settled into a smile as Joy came over reading the note over her shoulder, before resting her chin on Irene's shoulder. Joy smiled softly for her friend. "Is that a blush Rene..." Irene's eyes lowered, as Joy screamed slightly. Irene whacked her telling her to shut up. "Seems like he's scoring points." Irene sighed placing the flowers at the base of her desk. "He doesn't need to score points with me Joy, he just needs to stop breaking my heart." Joys eyes softened. "He's trying irene." "I know but I've been hurt to many times to open back up to him. How do I know that this scenario won't repeat again? How can I ensure that my heart will be protected from the very man who was supposed to guard it? To cherish it? Everything he says is empty words and promises, flowers no matter how much I love them and the gesture isn't going to fix all the shit that's happened. We can't undo what's already be done." "No but you can learn from it. Be honest with yourself Irene, if he's been hurting you so much, if he's caused you nothing but pain why haven't you left him yet? you have allowed the pain to continue because you know nothing but pain. But you won't leave him because you need him, your in love with him Joohyun." Irene sucked in a deep breath, before breathing shakily. "It doesn't mean anything. The love has no place in our relationship." "For you to call it a relationship he must mean something to you." Irene looked up at Joy, her eyes watering. "It's not enough." She replied. "What I feel for him regardless of the pain and the hurt, Joy, it's not enough." "For who? him? Or For you?" Irene's eyes flashed up, as Joy stared at her firmly, the main door opening Mark and Jackson walking in with Jinyoung following behind him. Irene turned around swiftly, wiping away the tears before turning back around to wave to the boys like nothing had happened. Mark picked Wendy up with ease, his eyes flashing to Irene's instantly catching on, he looked at her silently asking her if she was okay. She flashed him a smile as she signalled him to take Wendy. He left moments later, Jinyoung taking joy moments later to get her some food, the two looked at Irene offering her smiled before leaving as Irene turned back to organise her files and the work space that had yet to be properly organised. She turned slightly her eyes meeting his. He offered her a smile, his eyes watching in concern at her clearly watery eyes. "Hey are you okay?" He asked, she nodded continuing to busy herself, walking back and forth. Irene took a deep breath. "Thanks for the flowers." She said. He smiled. "I'm glad you liked them." He said playing with the petals of one. They settled back into silence as Irene took out piles of paper work, her hands flipping through them as Jackson watched her in silence. "Are you sure your okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, I just have a lot I need to get through." He nodded, standing up. "I'll leave you to it then. Here..." he said extending a box to her, placing it on the table. "It's lunch, I made it, I hope you enjoy it." Irene resisted the sudden burrs her heart experienced looking back up at her. "Thanks." She said, taking the box with a small smile for his benefit. He smiled back at her, quickly leaning forth to plant a kiss on her forehead. She froze momentarily, his eyes meeting hers close up. "Don't work too hard." He said winking at her before walking off, closing the door softly behind him. Irene let out a startled scream, her pen snapping in her hands as she hurled it at the door he had just left. She collapsed back into her chair, throwing a mini tantrum at the internal war that was fully engaging her mind and her heart. The thoughts of her devilishly handsome husband that kept making her heart skip unnecessary beats that she didn't want it to. She swore loudly, her hand rubbing her face. "You are fucked Irene. Completely and absolutely screwed. Congratulations for falling in love with someone who isn't yours, great going girl." She said patting her back as she turned back to the paper work.

Hours had past by, the day turning to night as Jackson finished his shower after his training session, his hand ruffling his hair as he walked to her hut. Sticking his head in he saw Mark with Wendy. "Where's Irene?" He asked the two. "She hasn't come back." Mark answered, as Jackson's eye brows furrowed in confusion, he nodded thanking the two before leaving, his feet carrying down to the path to the medical cube. He walked in, the lights off. "Rene?" He called walking in further, his eyes catching the light from her desk, her head atop a second stack of paper work, he looked around to see another doctor entering as Jackson passed him a smile. "She's been up on her feet for the past couple of hours she probably knocked out." He answered, the two men watching her as she lay in her paper work. He nodded thanking him as he left. Jackson moved slightly seeing the empty box of the food he had made, all completely finished, his heart swelling at such a small thing. He moved her head back gently taking the stethoscope of from around her neck and picking her up with ease. He nodded towards the doctor once more before walking back to the main section of the camp. He walked towards her hut before changing direction to his private chambers that she would probably find more comfortable. He lay her down in his bed, leaving to grab her a t shirt for her to wear before placing it over her form. He lay her back down as she snuggled into the duvet, his hands playing with her hair as he smiled at her grateful for the peace his wife was finally experiencing. He kissed her forehead one last time before turning to get some sleep himself.


Authors note:
Hey guys, hope you like this one. Let me know what your thoughts are about it. Lots of love and best wishes to you all. Stay safe xx

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