10. Dojo

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"This has got to be our worst idea yet." Stepping into the Cobra Kai dojo with Daniel felt as if we were stepping onto enemy territory. Walking onto a battlefield we will never return from.

"I have to do something Nance. I can't just let him walk all over me forever. I have to defend myself. And if they're actually the best, then maybe watching them won't hurt." We just have to stay out of the line of vision of Johnny is what he meant to say. But I'll let it slide, considering we're already in here, crouched down like a couple of ninja's ready to attack.

"You know he's not dating Ali anymore. And she doesn't want him back. There's no need for all this mess. I whooped his ass. I'll do it again. Besides, we have each other Danny. We can learn together." Sure, I have practiced martial arts since I was little. But you can never practice enough. Especially to survive in a world such as the Valley.

"I know. I do. But still. This is personal. I can't let this goon keep at me like this." I rolled my eyes with a huff from the macho attitude all these guys around me seem to have, noticing Justin within the crowd of guys lined up in perfect order while screaming back to their sensei on the code of the Dojo. And then the golden locks I practically see in my sleep. Johnny Lawrence himself.

"You know, their sensei is insane. He's brutal." Daniel looked to me in agreement honestly, hearing the phrase of this dojo ring through our minds. Strike First. Strike Hard. No Mercy. Not what I learned at all. And not what I intend to go by anytime soon.

"Just see what you have to see and then let's get out of here. Our moms are waiting on us anyway." Of course the restaurant, The Orient Express his Ma works at is right next door to Cobra Kai. And exactly why our parents met up at the restaurant to eat, waiting for Justin to get done with the hellish instruction they're learning in here. Little surprise, but Bob's proposal came at a time that I was not expecting. They went out for dinner at a fancy establishment, he put the ring in her drink and well, that's how it went down. Being engaged and letting the new life she's found herself in take over the old. Now let's hope she doesn't replace me for this new tyrant of a kid Bob has.

"It's insane how tough they all look." I noticed all of Johnny's friends within the lines, feeling surrounded without really being exactly that. I knew I could never escape them at this point.

"Mr. Lawrence! Warm them up." My eyes widened the moment Johnny's name rang out around us, lowering even further besides Daniel to not be seen. Which was completely unsuccessful, because the minute they all bowed, his eyes trained right on us with a little satisfied smirk of knowing on his devilish face, his eyes lingering on me longer than they probably should have, because his sensei immediately looked my way. So much for not being seen.

"Let's go Danny." I whispered into his ear as quickly as I possibly could, standing from my crouched position to head towards the door. But nothing is ever that easy in my life. Why would it be?

"Young lady?" I froze, knowing he was talking to me. The sensei. But I was hoping I was wrong, knowing deep down I wasn't. Even Daniel looked confused.

"Go ahead. I'll meet you over there." He seemed reluctant, but went anyway once he knew I could hold my own, watching him walk down the sidewalk in safety. While I was still right in the middle of the battlefield. Great. Why do I always get myself into these kinds of situations?

"You're Justin's sister I understand." I turned slowly around from knowing that he was definitely talking to me now, sighing in deep regret for ever coming here. Thanks Danny.

"Not officially. But I guess so." I slowly walked towards him once he waved me over, noting just how full of trophies and such this place was. Sure, they're tough. Sure, they're good at their craft. But not the same kind I practice. Not the good kind.

"Well I've heard high praise for you. I hear that you kicked Johnny down. Is that right?" My eyes traveled to the said blonde haired boy in question, seeing him warming up the group. But his eyes trained on me in such an intense way.

"I did sir. Self defense for a friend." I stood my ground to make sure he knew I could hold my own, showing that I will not be messed with just because I'm a girl. He seemed more than impressed. And it kind of scared me.

"You definitely have a Cobra in you. Tough. Smart. Quick. Hard. You have a sensei?" My eyes widened from the question, still looking to Johnny as if we were in the middle of a staring contest.

"I do actually. The best." I mean, Mr. Miyagi hadn't officially said he was. But I still considered him to be. And he really is the best.

"Well my name is John Kreese. I run Cobra Kai and well, I can't have people taking down my team. Especially the best one. Johnny Lawrence is a fighter. He doesn't back down. Remember that girl." He clapped me harshly on the back with a smirk upon his evil intentioned face, knowing he struck a chord within me. He resumed teaching for the day, before it officially ended and everyone seemed to quickly clear from the dojo. Justin wanted me to wait for him, but I didn't want to at this point. I just wanted to get out of here.

"Nancy! Hold on." I sighed in clear annoyance from the lone voice of Johnny coming from a changing room, seeing he was wearing his usual red jacket sporting the Cobra Kai logo. Everyone filed out besides us, leaving us alone in the dojo with even Kreese seeming to disappear.

"What?" I finally gave in, tired of the mind games we all keep playing on one another. Tired of them hurting my best friend. Tired of the torture they inflict upon us. I felt...... drained. Emotionally and physically.

"I don't think I've ever seen someone hold their own against sensei. That was brave." His little smirk of humor and his eyes boring into mine, sent a smile to my face that I honestly wasn't expecting.

"He's not as scary as he looks. He just needs to be knocked down a peg. And told to stop being an asshole." His eyes seemed to flare from my words, like he was upset. Genuinely upset.

"He's not an asshole Nancy. He's just real. You have to know the way of fighting. Otherwise it's useless and you'll get your ass kicked. Like Daniel." I went to leave the building after his last sentence, but he grabbed ahold of my arm, whirling me around to face him and that's when I saw it for the first time. Regret? I don't know. But I wanted to believe I saw that anyway.

"Yeah well, he doesn't know the first thing about karate Johnny. He's wrong. All wrong. It's not about hurting people. It's about defending others. Standing up for what's right. Peace of mind." He slowly let me go once he saw the same flare in my eyes that he had, before walking towards the usual spot he seems to find himself in while doing these wrongful teachings, beckoning me in a way he knew I couldn't refuse.

"Come on hot stuff. Fight me then. Show me what's right. If you have what it takes." I immediately started taking my shoes off, throwing them to the side with a clear huff escaping me in anger, amping myself up to whoop his ass yet again.

"You better be ready Lawrence. I have one mean kick. Of course, you already know that." He seemed to smirk in humor once more from just how angry I really was, loving it more and more. I got into the fighting stance with my fists raised perfectly, aiming my vision right on him while he did the same. And we went to battle, throwing kicks and punches, countering each and every one with our fluid motions, seeming to know what the other was going to do. But I finally caught him off guard and swept him right down to the ground on his back, my breathing ragged from the harsh kick I delivered to his calf's.

"See Johnny? You don't have to use it for bad. Use it for good." I shook myself off, but immediately found myself on the ground the minute Johnny swept me right off my feet as well, hovering over me to hold my hands above my head in surrender. The closeness of our bodies just about did me in. Our breaths seemed to dance with one another, our eyes lingering for such a long time. And then, it happened. We kissed. Right there on the mat, as if no one was watching.

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