11. Conflict

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With the breeze of the wind whipping through my hair and my heart beating faster than it ever has, I felt more alive than ever on the back of Johnny's bike, my arms wrapped firmly around his waist. What happened at the dojo felt like a dream, something that I never expected to happen in a million years. It felt surreal to even think of the fact that I had kissed Johnny, the guy who is supposed to be the enemy in this whole situation. Was this some tactic of his? Get with me and then dump me to mess with me even more? My mind wouldn't stop racing with the endless possibilities.

"Here we are, slum town." I slapped his back with a little humored huff escaping my lips, feeling liberated after that incredible journey. He ditched his friends for us to just ride alone, which was odd considering he never leaves his friends it seems. All I know, is that I couldn't tell Daniel. He would flip for sure.

"It's not that bad Valley boy. Not all kids are rich like you." He smirked once he got off his bike, leaning down to place a heated kiss to my lips that only ended once we started to ride from the dojo to here. The feel of his lips against mine was unlike anything i'd ever experienced before. To be honest, he was my first kiss. I've just never met a guy that I connect with. Until Johnny Lawrence of all people.

"It doesn't matter. You aren't as bad as you seem. So I guess this is alright." He backed up before I could kick him, earning a laugh from me once I stood from his motorbike that I honestly wanted to steal. I love this thing!

"I'd invite you in pretty boy, but my mom would have a cow." We left my bike at the dojo once we figured out I would ride with him. More like he made me ride with him. But I loved it none the less.

"Moms love me." I rolled my eyes with muffled laugh to indicate he was full of it, seeing his little mock hurt expression that I didn't believe him. I mean come on! He screams trouble.

"Suuuuure blondie. Sure. Now get outta here before you're mugged. Since ya know, that happens around here according to you." He rolled his eyes before suddenly taking me in his arms, not leaving a single inch between us. It felt so right being in his arms. That's what I didn't understand. I should be running, never to look back. But I couldn't. Not anymore.

"Well get your pretty butt upstairs and I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe have a recap?" He wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner, arising a blush to my cheeks from the mere thought of what he meant.

"In your dreams Lawrence." I kissed him, boldly without any warning, before walking away and leaving him speechless by his bike before hearing him rev it up and take off. I could still feel his lips on mine, a sensation I could get used to. The dream state seemed to end the minute I walked through the gate of the South Sea's, hearing the yelling voice of Daniel rounding the corner from near Mr. Miyagi's little place with his Ma in tow. And I knew just from the glance of his eye that something bad had happened.

"Danny! What's going on?" Lucille waved me over once she heard me, hoping to all hope I could connect the dots somehow. But I honestly couldn't. Not yet anyhow.

"What happened?" I saw his eye and immediately knew it wasn't any good. And it has someone I knew all too well written all over it. He waited for his Ma to head inside, not wanting her to hear the real reason as to what happened.

"Those goons! Johnny's goons! They drove me off the rode. I'm sick of this place. Why did we ever have to move here?!" He kicked the stairs with tears brimming in his hurt eyes, while I on the other hand felt nothing but rage. Pure and unadulterated rage. I should have known there was a motive for Johnny kissing me like he did, just out of the blue. It was all to distract me wasn't it? So I wouldn't be there to help Daniel. This can't go on anymore. I'm done playing nice. Game on Lawrence. Game on.

"I swear to you Danny, we're getting back at them. We will. This can't kept happening. You keep getting hurt because of them. And I feel terrible for it......" I slumped down on the stairs with my own tears rising to the surface, looking down at the ground below me with my shuffling feet unable to sit still from the many emotions coursing through me.

"Something happened with you and Johnny, didn't it?" I froze, knowing I couldn't lie to him. He would see right through me if I did. But I wish it wouldn't be a lie if I had said no. Because at this moment, I wish none of it had happened. No matter how much I craved it, wanted it, needed it, it wasn't worth my best friend getting hurt like this.

"Yes...... we kissed at the dojo. It was a heat of the moment thing. We got into a fight. I kicked him to the ground. He got me back and pinned me down. Then..... it just happened! And I wish it hadn't. I'm so sorry Danny....." I burst into tears from the mere memory of just how gullible I am to think Johnny Lawrence and I could work out. He was only using me. Of course.

"It's okay Nance. I just..... don't want that idiot hurting you also." I leaned my head atop his shoulder with my sobs filling the night air, when I noticed Mr. Miyagi eyeing us from afar, seeming to assess the situation before retreating. I know he'll help us. And I think it's time.

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