14. Halloween Of Horrors {Part 1}

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"Oh come on Daniel! This is literally the best time of year, and you don't even want to come to the dance?" I sighed in defeat from the mere lingering look of acceptance in his eyes. The acceptance he made clear that he didn't want to go, all to avoid Ali and Johnny. To avoid trouble. But he didn't need to stop his life for it. It's ridiculous.

"You know why I can't. Unless I can be invisible man, I just can't." I sighed, watching him walk away from the decorating going on for the Halloween dance that I volunteered to do right along with Johnny. My first dance here in the Valley, and I was honestly pretty excited for it.

"Hey sis! Come on." Justin came out of nowhere and practically drug me into the room with all his might, seeing the chaos going on all around us with several students going through decorations to hang. Ali waved at me the minute she saw me, earning a wave and smile right back. We'd grown pretty close to be honest. It feels weird to say i'm messing around with her ex. But it's so addictive. Like I just can't let it go. I can't let him go.

"So newsflash, your sister and Johnny are boning. Get it?" Tommy held up two decorative skeletons with a smile of humor on his face, clashing them together over and over with all his might. While I'm just wanting to punch his lights out.

"Is that so?" Justin looked at me, but he wasn't angry. He was humored more than anything himself. I looked to Johnny with such a look, wondering why he opened his big mouth to begin with, seeing a little shrug of his shoulders like he was innocent.

"Oh he didn't tell us anything. We just knew. I mean, look at how lover boy is acting since you came along little miss whoop ass." I died laughing, never excepting to actually have a funny moment with the Cobra's. Am I being a bad friend for even hanging around them? I didn't know. But Johnny is special to me in so many ways, and so quickly. He's like a tornado that crashed through my entire life and tore it from limb to limb, leaving all kinds of destruction in his path. So why did I love it?

"Can it idiot. You know Tommy. But the other idiots are Bobby, Dutch, and Jimmy." They waved with kissy faces directed at me, sending a can of spray paint flying their way that I gladly threw myself, igniting a laugh of humor from Johnny.

"See? She's tough. Don't underestimate her fellas." I folded my arms, just as Johnny drug me closer to his side to help with whatever the heck we decided to do at this point for the dance. More or less, it was just goofing around.

"So miss thing, what are you wearing tonight?" I eyed Johnny with a little smile, knowing he would go crazy for what I decided on, thanks to Ali helping me pick the right one.

"Oh just wait lover boy. It'll knock your skeleton bones off." He rolled his eyes from yet another pun someone has made about skeletons, knowing they were going as exactly that tonight. The Bone Crew. The Cobra Bones. I'll stop.

"So, what music are you listening to?" I jerked his headphones off his head with a smirk upon my face from threading through the fire I found myself in, seeing the look in his eyes.

"Rock You Like A Hurricane huh? I love it...." I slowly took them off my head with a little wink, placing them over his golden locks to situate himself, getting back to my duties that I promised I would do before tonight.

"Okay, whatever you do, don't bone my sister in front of us. Alright?" Justin suddenly appeared in the middle of us with a look of disgust and horror upon his face from the mere image, killing us both to no end with laughter. I don't know what it is, but Justin has suddenly taken a liking to calling me his sister. He even acts like a brother typically would. And I didn't hate it.

"Whatever man." Johnny and I looked at one another with little smiles, seeing an unknown look flash in his eyes for only a brief moment, before getting back to work with the rest of the guys. What is happening with us?

"Okay, that has got to be the most creative Halloween costume I've ever seen! Mr. Miyagi made this for you??" I opened the curtain to reveal Daniel behind the rather colorful attire, knowing he'll definitely be noticed at the party, but can easily hide.

"Yeah he did. He helped me out a lot actually. And look at this!" He beckoned me forward, further into his little area like a walk in shower, closing the curtain around the two of us to shield us from the outside world.

"This is just amazing! I'm telling you, Mr. Miyagi is a genius." He nodded with that little, toothy smile of his that I'm surprised hasn't gained more attention by the girls in this town. But thanks to the Cobra's, none want to associate themselves with him, except for Ali and I. The hell if I'd ditch my best friend for anyone.

"Look at you though! If you're going to instruct in that outfit, all the guys from school will show up for that." I slapped his arm playfully, earning a chuckle from him in the process. We have this relationship that's such a dynamic thing. We bicker, we laugh, we joke, we're there for one another. I've gained another brother since moving here. And I love it so much.

"We're going to have tons of fun tonight Danny. I can feel it." I was telling myself that more than I was for Daniel, feeling nervous about the whole thing to begin with. Everyone would be there. And surely something would go down. Because nothing can ever be calm in our world.
We arrived at the party and eventually lost ourselves amongst the crowd of crazy teenagers, dressed as various things. But the skeletons stuck out like a sore thumb. Justin of course was inducted into this little gang of Cobra's very early on into joining the dojo, so naturally he was apart of the crew. It felt odd knowing he was a Cobra, the ones I should be staying away from. But I'm not doing a very good job of it, considering I'm sleeping with one.

"Wow..... Nance. You look..... hot." I blushed a little from feeling utterly exposed all of a sudden, seeing Johnny's eyes practically eating me up from the mere gaze. His headphones were as usual, perched on his shoulders. He didn't go anywhere without his Walkman. He loved that thing.

"Look at you sir. This outfit is doing something to me Lawrence." I winked with a little kiss placed to his painted lips, grinning once we pulled apart. I could get lost in his eyes. Just staying there felt like this comfort that I couldn't explain. Like it was...... home.

"Come on...." He softly grabbed my hand, just as I looked into the crowd to see Ali heading towards Daniel, instantly smiling from the sight. They can finally talk.

"Where are we going?" He placed a finger to my lips to keep me quiet, leading me into the boys bathroom like it was no problem at all. So I merely followed along, going into one of the stalls with him. That's, when he pulled out blunts. Weed! Another surprise I didn't except. But somehow should have.

"You wanna help or keep staring at me all night?" I punched his arm with a little smile appearing on my face, seeing the humored grin on his face from our usual banter.

"Whatever Lawrence. Hand some over." He immediately did, just as I sat on the floor in front of his legs to start the process that I didn't really know a thing about, except for the fact that I have seen Justin do this. But he doesn't need to know that.

"How many do you have to roll here?! Damn....." There was literally tons, not exactly how I imagined spending my Halloween. I excepted to be actually dancing and having a blast. But I guess this is the next best thing. Rolling drugs with..... whatever Johnny is to me. I still couldn't figure it out. We haven't defined it. Maybe we didn't need to.

"Enough. What, little girl can't handle it?" I threw a rolled one at him, launching it behind the toilet with a panicked look on his already great looking face, completely full of paint.

"Call me little girl again, and you'll earn yourself a round trip to paintown, completely free of course." Suddenly, all the joints were void to the ground and I found myself in his lap, his arms wrapped tightly around me with a smirk upon his face. He planted a massive kiss to my lips to shut me up once more, smothering his face pain all over my own face without a care in the world.

"Lawrence! I swear I'll......." I couldn't even finish my sentence from the body racking laughter that escaped me from taking a good look at him, my red lipstick having taken over his own lips like he was a bloody skeleton.

"Wow Lawrence, you just keep looking better and better huh?" He wrapped my legs around his waist like we weren't in a public place where anyone could literally see us out in the open, tightly holding me to him with that killer smile of his, his golden locks practically glowing in the light of the bathroom.

"Johnny! Come on man, get to rolling. We have stuff to do." One of the guys called out to Johnny from atop the stall, not really caring to look at who it was at this point from the clear distraction I had. But nothing good ever seems to last anymore. The minute a flood of water came barreling down over us, sent Johnny into a rage that I knew would only grow the minute he knew it was Daniel that did it. I heard Daniel's plea's of escape ringing out through the bathroom before he finally left. Johnny flung the bathroom door open once he practically threw me off his lap with our soaking wet bodies flying out at top speed, almost falling to the ground in the process. Why would Daniel do that? Did he not see me in there? I mean, I was literally in Johnny's lap! And now, Halloween was only going to get worse.

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