2. Reseda

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"Okay, so let me get this straight. We're moving here, because some dude wants to get in your pants? Seriously mom?" If looks could kill, she would have committed overkill at this point. But could you blame me? Uprooting our entire lives, just to move somewhere foreign for a guy that claims to love her that she hasn't seen since high school. I guess the divorce was a lot harder on her than I ever realized. But then again, hidden emotions is key to survival in this family.

"Nancy, I don't expect you to understand. But I do expect you to at least try. Alright? Your father drove us away. You know that." I looked back out my window with a deep sigh igniting from me, wishing more than anything that things hadn't gone the way they did. That my dad wasn't some useless tool. I loved the guy. But he was just that. Useless. He didn't want a family. He never did. He was just not man enough to admit it until it was too late.

"I'm sorry mom. Really. I'm just..... upset." The rest of the drive was noticeably silent, until we came to a halt in front of the South Seas apartment building, our new home. And it doesn't look like we're the only ones that are new.

"Alright Nancy, if you can go ahead and grab some things, I will head on upstairs and get the door open for us." I nodded with a little smile to comfort her, seeing in her eyes that she didn't really want us to be fighting. I know I said emotions are easily hidden in our family. But my mom and I? We've always had this bond. I just didn't want to lose it over the mishap of Florida. My dad. So I did what any good daughter would do, jumped out of the car and grabbed a couple of boxes from the trunk without protest. Now the next big step, was meeting her old flame, Bob.

"Look out dirty chick!" A line of motorbikes came whizzing past me down the road like bats out of hell, not caring what so ever that the one guy tried to take me out. I dropped the box's in a complete heap and knew something more likely than not broke. And it did. My old karate trophy from when I was five. Great.....

"Asshole!!!" Just from the way those guys were dressed and the nice style of bikes they have, they're clearly rich. Something I know nothing about.

"Are you okay?" I jumped a little from the sudden voice of a boy that appeared to be my age now standing mere inches from me. At least someone cared that I'm still alive huh?

"Oh yeah! Just some asshat trying to slaughter me on my first day in this place." He simply chuckled, picking up a box to help me carry on through the gate, when he clearly had his own to carry. He's clearly a nice guy.

"I get it. First day and all, and I'm not exactly thrilled." I grinned a little, noting his Jersey accent and cute, little smile. He'll fit in here. Hopefully we both will. But I wouldn't count on it fully.

"I'm Nancy. And you're right. I'm not either. I already miss Florida. But at the same time, I don't." We both walked up the stairs, when I saw the lady from earlier that was with him, entering the apartment right next to us.

"I'm Daniel. And look at that, we're neighbors!" I felt relived actually to have a neighbor who's new as well, on top of being the new kid in town. I wouldn't be alone.

"Well look at that. We haven't even been here long, and you already have a friend. Hello sweetheart, I'm Lucille LaRusso, Daniel's ma." We shook hands with a massive smile exchanged between the two of us, already liking her. But Daniel looked so incredibly embarrassed. It was actually kind of hilarious.

"It's nice to you. I'm Nancy. We just moved here to. New beginnings I suppose." She nodded in understanding, before we all got back to unloading all of our luggage for the day, so thankful when it was actually done.

"Dinner was absolutely amazing Doreen. You cook a mean steak." Everyone laughed in their seats with such an amazing feeling coursing throughout the entire apartment from our two families around the little dining table my moms new beau got for us as a, welcome into my life present. Thanks. I guess.

"Oh! Well you guys are welcome over here any time. This was nice." Daniel and I smiled at one another, just as a knock came to the door, surprising me. Who on earth could that be?

"Oh honey, that should be Bob's son, Justin. I thought it would be good for you guys to officially meet. And he can so you around school. And Daniel if he'd like." I looked to Daniel the minute my mom looked away, and rolled my eyes, earning a muffled laugh from behind his hand to cover his smile.

"Thanks mom." I was good at acting. That was for sure. She never could tell when I was being serious or not. Sarcasm just went right over her head. Bless her. I finally opened the door because I knew she would be pissed if I made this guy wait forever and a day to enter. And I immediately wanted to slam the door in his face. He's a jock. Plays football, judging by his jacket and muscles. He's not bad looking. But I can tell he's cocky as all shit.

"Hey. Nancy right? I'm Justin. Clearly you already know that, judging by the way that you're looking at me. Like you want to kill me." His smug, little smile and unnervingly good charm, was certainly going to be a winner with my mom. And maybe, just maybe, work in my favor. Daniel nudged me with a humorous smile, following me out the door and out of earshot from my mom.

"Look, Justin. I'm sure you're nice and all. But this isn't some kumbaya, oh happy day moment alright? I just want to survive this. And for my mom to be happy. Deal?" He suddenly broke out into uncontrollable laughter, leaving me speechless and frankly, confused. Even Daniel didn't see what was so funny.

"Wow. I like you more than I thought newbie. So that is why I've decided to actually invite you to this bonfire on the beach we're all having tonight. Kids from school will be there. You can get to know some. The both of you." He gestures between Daniel and I, before sprinting down the stairs and not even giving us time to really respond. Alrighty then.

"Maybe we should just go. I mean, what would be the harm in it?" I shrugged as a response, guessing I have to get out there at some point. Might as well get a head start before our first day of school. And hope that I don't get taken out by guys on motorbikes again.
I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! I wonder who it was on the motorbikes...? 😏

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