23. Miyagi-Do

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I wanted to believe I made the right choice. And at the end of the day, I believe I did. Not only to aid Daniel on his path to the All Valley Tournament, but to prove myself to a world full of boys who think a girl can't be just as badass and strong in the arts. To protect myself. Defend. Honor others.

"Are you ready to learn?" Daniel and I both grinned up at Mr. Miyagi, more than willing to begin the training he had in store for the both of us. I was trained. But not in the way I want to be. Not Mr. Miyagi's way. The dojo we would be using was his house, and it was honestly gorgeous. So serene and peaceful. The perfect vibe for this style of karate.

"Of course! Daniel here will be ready in no time." I clapped his back with a little grin of confidence, knowing he didn't have much in himself at the moment. So one of us needed to. Otherwise, what's the point?

"Nancy-San is strong. Good on feet. Good with defense. Protection. Daniel-San will be. Just do what comes. No questions asked." Mr. Miyagi had quickly become someone important in my life in just the short time I've been here in this crazy place. He's given me hope. And another family member.

"Just remember Nancy-San, boy is tough. Don't get hurt. Okay?" I softly smiled from his concern over Johnny, worried about the future myself when it came to him.

"I promise. Defense only when it comes to fights. Discipline." He softly smiled, proud of the fact that I remembered the things he taught me early on, before Daniel and I both started on this path together. We had a major fight to prepare for. And I wasn't ready. Not one bit.
{The Next Morning}
Wax on. Wax off. Words that would forever be in my brain. It's a good discipline technique. But it doesn't feel so good today. Not at all.

"So sis, you still hanging out with that loser LaRusso huh?" I shoved Justin away from me with all my might, too tired and too annoyed to deal with his ass today. His beat up ass. The whole Cobra Kai dojo was beat the hell up. And they deserved it.

"For your information, yes. He's my friend. And he's not a loser. I'd say you and your Cobra's have more damage done than him." His pissed off look instantly made me smirk in satisfaction, feeling the slight pain on my slowly healing face from the same fight we all got beat up in.

"So you're training with that old man huh?" Tommy and Bobby came out of nowhere, practically feeling Johnny's eyes piercing through my skull at the moment from the words I knew were soon to come. And would make matters worse.

"For your information, Mr. Miyagi is the best damn sensei you could possibly have. He isn't cut throat and crazy like Kreese is." From the corner of my eye, I noticed Daniel and Ali heading our way and I immediately sighed, not wanting anymore trouble started today.

"Hey Nance, can you slow down?" I stopped in my tracks with the guys all seeming to surround me from each side, watching Johnny make his way around me to eye me with that same facade he always has up. The tough one.

"What Johnny?" The others disappeared the minute the conversation seemed it was going down the personal path, watching Justin and the others take off to do whatever it is they usually do. Idiots.

"I don't want to fight you. You know that. I can't. What I have with LaRusso, doesn't concern you." I huffed in anger from his words, knowing it had everything to do with me. We started off hating each other. And now all of a sudden it's this attraction we can't deny. And don't want to.

"But that's the thing Johnny, it does. You and your friends messed with my family. And you expect me to sit on the sidelines? No way." I stalked off, just as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back into his own arms, looking deep into his blue eyes and feeling like putty all over again from just that one look. Damn it Lawrence.

"Sensei Kreese isn't going to go easy on you guys. You know that! He wants revenge. And so do I....." I froze from his words, making my blood run cold from the mere thought that I was going to have to possibly battle my boyfriend. If that's what he even is. This isn't just some little karate tournament. It's huge to us. To all of us. And I have to bring some honor for Mr. Miyagi. Make him proud.

"Screw Kreese! I don't care about him. I just....... I hate that we're at odds. I have a brother in the Cobra's. You in the Cobra's. I can't fight you or him without feeling...... bad." And I did. Johnny isn't just some fling that will pass with time. I really like him. But at the same time, Daniel and Mr. Miyagi are like family. I can't go against them. I just can't.

"Hey guys! Nice shiner Johnny. Looking good." I rolled my eyes from the taunting nature Daniel suddenly had, cocky as can be with that toothy grin of his on full display. I had to hold back Johnny from going after him. What a great day this is turning into.

"Remember our deal! You can't lay a hand on either one of us until the tournament." Daniel smiled confidently from behind me with Ali by his side, doing nothing for my mood once Johnny tried yet again to go after him. But the look on his face towards Daniel, sent waves of an unknown sensation throughout my body. He was smirking. Like a challenge.

"Well it'll be pretty hard not to lay a hand on you Nance." Johnny's sudden mood change, took me by surprise, before his lips suddenly found their way to mine and I couldn't break away. It felt like magic with each kiss we had together. And I never wanted them to end. Daniel's huff of annoyance could be heard behind me. But at this point, I didn't care about anything else but the way Johnny made me feel. Like we were the only ones in the world.

"See? It's too hard for me....." He pulled away with the words leaving his mouth, his eyes exploring mine for what exactly I was thinking. But I was speechless. Breathless. Everything all at once.

"Damn you Johnny Lawrence......"

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