28. Family Legacy

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"Holy shit. What did I miss?" With my mouth a gap and my curiosity peeked, my eyes traveled over the rows upon rows of kids just hanging out outside the dojo like the most popular place to be. Miguel was stationed firmly in the middle of them all, proudly looking on at the progress he was making for us and our way of life. That kid, is good.

"We have a full house Nance. Miguel just keeps pulling out surprise after surprise huh?" I couldn't keep the smile of excitement off my face from the mere thought of having more students to teach about the one thing that made my life much easier to deal with. Since the day i went to the cemetery to see Mr. Miyagi and had my moment of clarity once I got the voicemail from Johnny, I felt more open to the idea of letting myself feel again for another person. I never lost those feelings for Johnny. I merely caged them up to pretend they didn't exist anymore. But not now. There is no denying it.

"So about yesterday........ you really want to do this?" His eyes traveled to mine with a tiny smile on his face, seeing the look of worry in my own with a hint of excitement at the same time from the notion that Johnny and I were really kickstarting a relationship again.

"There's no one else I'd rather be here with Nance. And you know I meant because I don't usually say mushy shit. Well, until you came along." A laugh escaped me from the humorous glint in his blue eyes, feeling safe yet again with him around. Safe from the loneliness I've felt since the day we separated. When we lost everything. When we lost ourselves.

"Those golden locks and ocean eyes lured me in Mr. Lawrence." We stared at each other for what felt like ages, almost forgetting about the kids standing around, waiting to do the art I loved with all my heart. That is until Miguel so kindly interrupted. Thanks kid. Thanks.

"Sensei's......? I uh, brought along a lot of people. The website did the trick! And well, the video from school from the fight." I smiled a little at the kid who was changing and growing before my very eyes, proud of how far he continues to go since joining Cobra Kai.

"Alright everyone! File into the dojo, shoes off. And be prepared for a ride of your life." All the kids seemed excited. Except for one that immediately caught my eye. One that was close to home.

"Eli?? What are you doing here?" I hugged my nephew to me with the biggest smile upon my face, regrettably not having seen much of him since moving back to Reseda. Throughout the years, Justin and I have remained extremely close, never once losing contact and making sure the other is fine in life and actually still kicking. And when him and his wife Angie had Eli, the world seemed to make sense to me all over again. It was a difficult time in life. But he became a light in the dark. With blue eyes and his short ginger hair, he's been through hell, hardly finding his place when others make it difficult to even do.

"Miguel seems strong since coming here. And I remembered you telling dad about it. I thought I would try. At least...." I smiled at his attempt of humor, but seeing the feeling weakness in his eyes that he hated more than anything to feel. So did I.

"You can do it honey. You're stronger than you think. Remember that." I ruffled his hair with another smile before we entered the dojo, noticing his best friend Demetri right next to him with just as much confidence as ever. Meaning that he has very little. But the kid is humorous. I'll give him that.

"Hi Nancy. I didn't think this was a good idea. I'm just putting that out there." Eli nudged him in the side before I laughed with a little grin, following Johnny to the forefront of the kids, eyeing everyone and seeing just how different each single one was from the other. This should be fun.

"Alright everyone! Let's see just what you're made of. You didn't come here to play. You didn't come here to relax. You came here to learn how to whoop ass. So quiet!" Everyone went silent from the sudden scream Johnny let escape, eyeing the sensei with so much curiosity and fear in their eyes of what was to come. Miguel, and Aisha stood proudly in the front to instruct in any way possible with all the many students we found ourselves with, proud Cobra's at best.

"Today will be a test of how strong you are. If you can handle being a Cobra. It's not for the weak. But you will eventually build up your strength." My words sunk into the room full of kids with a yearning to actually learn defense against the bullies that seem to rage at their school. Hence why Eli is here. Kyler, the top bully at their school has been giving him shit for the longest time. I don't like that damn kid one bit.

"It's time to flip the script. Don't keep hiding behind your weaknesses. Don't use it as a crutch anymore. Or you can't be a Cobra. Cobra's strike first." Their test of strength was quickly put to the test once Miguel formed them in rows to get the warm up going, watching each and every one punch and punch with all their might. Eli was so focused on his own, it made me smile for what he could become. I went down one side of the students, Johnny went down the other. And our eyes seemed to meet in the middle with that same look we've had since day one. This, was our destiny. And nothing was going to stop us from fulfilling it.

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