3. Beach of Destruction

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"Alright, you got me out here. Now show me a good time, my moms lovers son." My sarcasm would soon be the death of me, I knew this. But I couldn't help myself. Or more like, I never can help myself. Maybe I hide behind it because I feel safe there, rather than being open with someone.

"Oh yeah, they're going to love you future sister of mine." I rolled my eyes with a little smile breaking through for the first time since we set foot on this beach he's been hyping up. And I could see why. It was actually nice. Relaxing even. The sound of beach waves, crashing against the shore was music to my ears. The moon was bright and shining down onto the darkened beach, lighting it along with the bonfire going that said teenagers were sitting around.

"You know Nancy, I think we'll be alright. I mean, this is our first night here and we already had someone ask us to hang out." Daniel nudged me to get some kind of reaction out of me, and earning an even bigger smile in the process. But his attention on me lasted very shortly when his eyes connected with a blonde haired beauty sitting mere inches from where we were now standing. I couldn't help but smile like a fool from his love struck appearance.

"Alright champ, I agree to let you talk to this girl. But I will not be held responsible if you don't come home at curfew." Daniel rolled his eyes once he finally heard me from the daze he was currently in, but smiled humorously at me none the less. I can already see us having this brother, sister dynamic.

"Yes ma. I swear I'll behave." I broke out into laughter once we sat down with Justin, seeing he already had his eyes set on one of the blonde beauties friends. Typical.

"So new sister of mine, you think you'll be the new hot shot of Reseda? Or more like, survive school?" I honestly never had any problems with school. Except for the people within it.

"Sure. Why not? I'll be the Queen before the end of the month." I picked up a lone soccer ball from the sandy ground and began kicking it around once standing, feeling warm by the fire and actually enjoying myself. Daniel was so lost in a staring contest with blondie, that he didn't notice anything happening around him. But, let's just say by accident, I kick the soccer ball towards the blonde and her friends, making Daniel go get it. I'm also a matchmaker. I bet you didn't know that about me.

"Ah shoot! Danny man, can you go get that for me? Thanks! My trigger foot is ridiculous." I mocked a little embarrassed smile to seem unsuspecting. But it clearly didn't work because Daniel looked nervous as heck from what he new I was trying to do.

"Just go for it. She'll love you." I lightly pushed him in her direction, noting I accidentally knocked over her radio. I felt like such a proud mom at this moment. He was actually talking to her.

"Clever." Justin looked on like the proud play boy he is with that shit eating grin upon his face. But everything was quickly forgotten from the loud sounds of motorbikes coming up over a hill leading to the beach front, noting just who they were. And getting angry about it was my go to.

"Are you kidding me?! Those assholes are the ones that tried to run me over earlier." My mood quickly diminished the moment they all came bounding down the sandy trail towards Daniel and Ali, from what I heard her say out of all the chaos. And the main one, looked hell bent on starting some shit.

"We need to talk Ali." I slowly made my way over there once I saw him send Daniel a death glare, noting he was awfully cute for such an asshole. My taste in men is amazing, I'm telling you.

"I don't have anything to say to you Johnny. Just drop it okay?" Drama was unfolding that none of us needed to know about, but clearly it peaked our interest. Although it was quickly escalating. And entering the danger zone for Johnny boy because I did note that he has his own dojo he's apart of. But he has no idea he's not the only one that knows karate on this beach.

"And who are you?! Shove off." He pushed Daniel to the ground with a thud before I could get in the middle, doing nothing for the mood I found myself in the moment he came on the beach. Cute or not. The asshole broke Ali's radio, Daniel was only trying to help lighten the mood, and this happens. What a great night.

"Hey blondie, you mind leaving my friend alone? I don't know what you have going with Ali, but you don't deserve her acting like that." I poked Johnny in the shoulder with a look of challenge upon my face, seeing the suddenly humorous smile form on his devilishly handsome face...... Stop it Nancy!

"And what do we have here....? New girl on the block? I bet you liked that dirt that I shoved in your face earlier today." Before he could even say another word, Daniel had come up and punched him square in the nose, igniting a yell of protest for him to back off. I don't want him getting hurt. He's the only friend I got so far. And even if he wasn't, he's actually growing on me.

"Come on! Fight me!" I rolled my eyes with a subtle sigh once Johnny took the invitation and swiftly kicked him right off his feet upon punching him in the gut. He knocked him face first into the sand. And that's when I lost it. I didn't care what my past sensi told me. I was fighting to protect. Even if I really didn't have to get involved.

"Cobra's are deadly. But a pissed off woman is a great match for it." I firmly planted a side kick to his chest, sending him crumbling to the ground in a heap with his angered huffs filling the once calm air. My racing heart and clenched fists, gave me power I hadn't felt in so long. Johnny looked up at me with such confusion in his eyes, but it certainly didn't put way the anger he was feeling. He slowly rose from the ground, eyeing me up and down with such a predatory look within his eyes, it almost made me uncomfortable.

"Watch yourself......" And with that, I was left alone with my thoughts. And my own anger to deal with.

"Thank you for that. He's such a tool." I simply smiled, noting Ali was standing right next to me. I was so lost in my own thoughts, I didn't even see her at first.

"Johnny seems like such an asshole. A Cobra is fitting." She grinned a little, before we both noticed Daniel hadn't moved yet. We both ran over, hearing his muffled moans from within the sand.

"Are you okay Daniel?" Ali softly touched his shoulder, igniting a sound of protest from him. He was embarrassed. Poor guy.

"You know Nance, you pick horrible friends to hang out with. A girl had to protect him." I shoved Justin away from me with such a look of malice on my face, indicating that I was the wrong one to push.

"I'll get him Ali. Don't worry." Her friends were pushing her to come with them, so I wanted to help her out. And poor Daniel just couldn't face her. But I do really like Ali. She's sweet.

"Come on Danny boy. Let's get you home. You can crash at my place until in the morning if you want." He slowly rose from the ground with my help once Ali was gone from sight, just as Johnny and his goons came whizzing past us and just about knocked us down. Things were about to get heated. I could tell.

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