31. Coming Back In Waves

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The journey life had set me on, rendered me to the mercy of the horrible heartache I've faced numerous times since the day my life began. I never seemed to escape it and the tight grip it had on me. My tears flowed freely from the sight I had to endure for such a short time, but yet had so much impact on my mind and heart. Johnny Lawrence had become such a huge part of my life in such a short time, stealing my heart right out of my chest. No one had ever been able to accomplish that. But tonight, he did the thing I had waited for with baited breath. Showing his dominance in the situation, he forced a kiss to Ali's lips to make Daniel jealous. I could read right through him. But in the process, he hurt the one girl who is absolutely, madly in love with him.

"I can't believe I was fooled by that..... that tool!" My livid mood and proper speaking abilities completely leaving my body from just how angry I truly was, left me practically falling to the steps leading up to my soon to be old home. The apartment that started it all. The move that started it all. With my head buried in my hands, my tears fell to the ground below me with wrenching motions flowing throughout my tired body. No way in hell was I going to let my mom see me like this. I couldn't ruin her perfect, family image, could I?

"Nancy! I'm so sorry that happened..... I didn't know he was going to do that. I immediately slapped him afterwords. Serves him right!" The minute Ali sat beside me on the steps, I flung my tired arms around her and just cried my heart out, yearning for something I knew couldn't happen without pain. Without trouble. Being with Johnny was like sleeping with the enemy. But why did it feel so right?

"I know! I know it wasn't your fault Al. I could see clear as day what he was trying to do. And it hurt like hell. I thought..... I thought he had finally snapped out of it. But I was wrong. He never will. Will he?" She sighed in clear unknowing, wishing she had the answers I so desperately wanted, but knowing we could never figure that one out.

"I know you care about him Nance. And I know he cares about you. I can tell. But Johnny..... he's so brainwashed by John Kreese. He's so lost in the madness, that he can't see what pain he's truly causing." And the heartache of his family..... a horrible step dad and a mom trapped in a life she only sought out for the betterment of Johnny and his well being. She meant well for her son. But in the process of it all, Johnny lost himself. And he's having a hard time clawing his way back up to the surface.

"I want to help him Al. I really do. But between this mess with Daniel and him, Kreese causing trouble with our sensei and driving a wedge into everything, I can't see a way to." I sat up defeated, noting Daniel in the distance one he noticed Ali sitting right along with me after leaving from seeing Mr. Miyagi. He was beyond upset because he didn't see it the way I did. I tried to explain it to him, but he wouldn't hear of it. Stubborn ass...... But my mind wouldn't stop wondering to Johnny.

"Sis.... Johnny has called so many damn times." Ali smiled the tiniest smile at me in the best comforting manner she could muster, before giving me a hug and leaving us to the matter at hand. What to do about Johnny.

"Don't tell me you're really going to call him back Nance. He's only going to hurt you again!" I sighed in defeat from the sound of Daniel's voice now mere inches from me after Ali left to head home, surprised her parents didn't notice her coming to this part of town. The bad, trashy kind according to them. Once he realized I was close to breaking, he ran up the stairs in a huff, more in annoyance that I wouldn't listen to him and just see he meant well. I really did. But I had to hear what Johnny had to say. Even if it did hurt more.
My hands found their way to my stomach that once held such a miracle within, something Johnny and I had created all those years ago. Memories from the past lingered more and more since Cobra Kai was brought back, terrified more of what this could bring back up. But seeing all those students, my own nephew included, truly wanting to learn the amazing arts I grew up with and successfully defended myself with so many times, sent a big smile to my face in triumph. Things could be different.

"Are you doing one of those hashbrown Cobra Kai things? Because that would be good for the dojo. If I knew what it actually was for anyway." My laughter filled the office we used every single day to keep track of our exact students and upcoming daily classes from the mere unknowing way of Johnny and modern technology. It was hilarious.

"Hashtag honey. Hashtag. And yes. I have done that. Don't worry! We're doing great. I mean shit, even Eli is here and look at him! I'm surprised my brother hasn't killed me over that." Johnny grinned in humor from how much Justin had changed over the years. Nothing like the Cobra he once was. But it was quickly forgotten once scrolling through a magazine out of boredom on Johnny's part, brought along something we hadn't seen in years. High School years. The event that was the beginning of the end for many a dreams and way of life. And the start for our brand new students to shine.

"The All Valley Tournament....."

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