34. Love and Threats

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I watched our students just practicing amongst themselves, picturing myself at their age and remembering how stressful being in martial arts truly was. Karate was an expression for me and it always had been. But it was always cut throat. Especially with men like John Kreese in the mix. That man was a thorn in my side since I had moved to Encino all those years ago. But I'm thankful every single day that I had Mr. Miyagi.

"Sensei Nancy? Can we talk for a second?" I smiled at Miguel as we went to the office, seeing Johnny doing his thing and now teaching the students some old style Cobra Kai moves.

"What's going on Miguel? You okay?" He slumped down in his seat, noticing the subtle sigh that left his mouth. He'd been having serious troubles with these assholes at school and entrusted me with talking about it. He knew I didn't tolerate that kind of shit.

"Just the usual. But I wanted to let you know that I've turned over a new leaf! I'm sick of being that weak kid I'm known as. I just want to be.... strong. Like Hawk. Like Sensei Lawrence." I softly smiled at his enthusiasm, knowing he could do it. I've noticed a change in him these past few days. He's really been focusing on his moves, his muscle work and his tactics. He's getting really good. Definitely going to be a Cobra Kai great.

"I'm so proud of you Miguel! And I know your mom and Johnny will be also. I know your mom doesn't want you doing this. But I can tell she sees how much it means to you." Carmen is a sweet woman. We've grown closer since I've moved into the apartments and I think she's finally coming around. Sure, she let Miguel come back to the dojo. But She's just scared. And I understand. Any normal mother would be. I would have been.

"Thanks Sensei!" I stood up quickly and hugged him tightly. This kid means so much to be already. He's like my own. Just like Eli. I watched him run back out there to get to his usual routine, happy for mere moments that day. Before things really hit the fan later that night.
"Bye Ali! I'll see you tomorrow!" I practically sprinted out of school the minute it was over, ready to see Johnny. Things has gotten better between us. I was just afraid it wouldn't last. Especially when I saw a certain someone waiting for me across the street from the school. And I could tell from his beckoning hand motions.

"Well well. There's the girl responsible for Mr. Lawrence's constant slip ups." I rolled my eyes in annoyance, hoping Daniel would come to my aid. But I hadn't seen him since school let out. Or Johnny.

"Oh Mr. Lawrence won't be meeting you tonight. He's busy getting ready for the tournament back at the dojo. I think he's seen enough of you Nancy. Go back to your wack job of a Sensei and learn something. You're going to need it" My hands balled up into fists from his words, just as someone suddenly pulled me away from Kreese with such swiftness.

"Don't let him push your buttons Nance. He's not worth it." Daniel had finally shown after what felt like hours of wanting to slap this asshole, getting me further and further away from Kreese before.

"Now his master plan is to keep Johnny and i apart!" Like I would let that happen.
Hey guys! Sorry for such a delay on this story. I've been so busy and just lost track of it. Buuuuut. I wanted to drop this picture of when we met Martin Kove. And let me just say how amazing he is! He's a complete sweetheart.

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