6. Family Ties

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"Hey Danny! How's school going so far?" West Valley High, was full of rich, snot nosed kids with tons of attitude and flair for the better life. But I never knew a thing about that lifestyle. I didn't really care to. Daniel of course, was crushing hard on miss Ali and it was honestly hilarious. He didn't hear a word I said from the moment he caught her eye.

"You know, if you want to get to know her, just go for it! Stop holding back because Johnny acts like he has a claim on her. Alright? She's no one's property." He finally turned my way, once a soccer ball came whizzing past us that Ali had kicked to me. We had become good friends already in the short span that I've been here. She's actually nothing like your typical rich girl from the valley. She's sweet.

"Hey Nancy, Daniel! How's the day going? You liking West Valley High?" I sighed as a response from the mere question, earning a laugh from the both of them. But my attention drifted to a now staring Johnny that was once so a-tuned with his friends and the soccer game ahead for gym. But he wasn't staring at Ali like I figured he would be. It was me. Great. Why do I always catch the attention of assholes? Cute assholes.....

"You better watch out Nance. Johnny is preying on you." Daniel's voice in my ear, startled me back to my real friends, instead of staring at the enemy like he was my next meal. I can't even believe I have an enemy to begin with! But was he really?

"He'll get over it. Otherwise I'll kick a soccer ball at his undeniably hot face...." I kicked around the ball to detour from what I had just said, but it didn't go unheard. I'm so stupid. Why would I ever say something I'm actually thinking??

"Hot? Are you sick? Do we need to take you home?" I threw the ball at Daniel with a little laugh escaping Ali, watching them talk back and fourth. I could feel the connection here. And I could feel the connection between Johnny and I. Except that one alarmed me. Because I didn't understand it. Eventually, Daniel went to play in the soccer game, while I followed Ali to the cheer zone, not my cup of tea what so ever. So I did my normal. Karate. I went into my own little world and just let loose. All the frustration within me came out, exhausting everything I had in me.

"You're pretty badass for a girl." I jumped a little from he sudden voice of Johnny right in my ear, seeing him standing mere inches away from me at this point. With absolutely no shirt on. Damn it. But that cocky smile did nothing for me. Or so I told myself.

"You better believe it Lawrence. Haven't you ever heard of personal space?" He simply inched closer, driving me absolutely mad. I went to swipe kick him, but he caught my foot before I even could with his own, grinning from ear to ear.

"Not fast enough. Or sneaky enough. Although you did almost strike first. But not quite." I grimaced at him, jerking my foot from under his own with a huff. I have got to get better about that. Don't let my anger take control. That's easier said than done.

"You won't be so lucky next time." He simply grinned in humor from the pure anger he saw seething in my eyes, loving it more and more with each passing second. Being this close to him, felt strange. Not at all what I excepted it to feel like. But that was quickly forgotten the moment a fight broke out on the field between Danny and one of Johnny's friends that I didn't care to know the name of at this point. They rolled around on the ground for what felt like forever, before the coach came to break it up with a heated argument ensuing.

"This school sucks! It sucks!" Daniel stormed off the field from the protests of the coach, telling him to leave. It pissed me off to know that these guys had such a pull at this school. Daniel didn't even start the fight. I know he didn't. They just keep bullying him. I went to run after Danny, but Johnny grabbed my arm before I could, jerking me back into his chest in what felt like a death grip, his mouth landing gently near my ear.

"You should just give up on him. He's weak." Suddenly, his one arm wrapped around my waist like a snake at such a torturous pace, sending shockwaves of an unknown emotion coursing throughout my entire body.

"He's my friend. I don't give up on my friends. So watch out Johnny." I stomped on his foot and earned a shove from him that almost put me on the ground. But didn't work out that way thankfully. I ran after Daniel before I ever let what just happened get to me. His hand running over my body, did something that I didn't want to admit.

"Where are you going?!" Justin's sudden yell towards me, had me waving him off while I kept Daniel in my line of sight, but didn't get far before sudden arms grabbed me and flung me over their shoulder.

"What the fuck?! Let me go asshole!" One of Johnny's friends had flung me around like a rag doll and I wanted to knock his lights out. I swear what is it with these idiots?!

"My name is Tommy you know?" I hit his back with a thud, igniting a scream of frustration from him, before he thumped me onto the ground. I was so mad, the impact didn't even affect me any.

"I don't care who you are! Keep your hands off me. Unless you want to lose them....." The coach wasn't even noticing anything that was happening. I was just a target for the Cobra's at this point.

"Leave her alone!" Ali's sudden protests, had Tommy laughing in humor, before he joined the rest of their crew again, leaving me reeling from what just happened.

"Are you okay?" She gripped my hand in hers to pull me up, igniting a smile from me. A genuine one.

"Yeah. I don't know what their deal is with me. But I have got to find out." I eyed Johnny once more from across the field, noticing they were all crowded around with humored smiles on their faces for what they just did to terrorize me. But what really caught my eye, was the fact that Justin was suddenly wearing a Cobra Kai dojo jacket. Screw. My. Life.

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