Dead Man Walking, Amino Stinking...

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{Izima Akiro}

"You don't have to come." I tell my mother as she walks with me to the buses. "But I want to. The U.A. sports festival is the biggest thing for you all. Plus I'm sure there will be plenty of scouts out there. I can just imagine my daughter getting scouted and becoming a sidekick then become independent and becoming a hero. Oh that would make me so proud."

"Then that's what I'll do mom. I'll make you proud." She smiles at me and I go to where my classmates are but then I get stopped.

"What are you doing here, old man?" He gives me a glare and hands me a metal collar. "I'm here to give you this little device. It's to help cancel out your wretched eyes. It was developed by Mr. Aizawa and myself."

I look at the collar and make a doggy face. "Don't do that."

"Woof." All Might rolls his eyes but puts it on me. "What's that Toshinori?" Mom asks behind him. All Might begins to blush like a little school girl and so to make him uneasy I start making kissing noises behind him.

"Get on the bus Akiro or I will put a muzzle on you." My eyes widen and I stick my tongue out at him. Before he could grab me I run on the bus and glare at All Might and my mother.

"All Might seems a bit off today." Izuku commented as he sat next to me. "Oh that's just because he has the hots for my mom. You know I wouldn't mind if he was my dad. I'm pretty sure my child hood would've been more smoother growing up."

"What's that on your neck?" He points.

"A submissive collar. Mr. Aizawa is my Dom." Izuku almost ran away from me but I grabbed him back. "I'm just teasing you. It's a cancel out collar. To make things fair for when the festival starts. Which I think is okay though I feel bad for that guy who goes against me and I master their quirk in front of them."

Katsuki walks over us and stands there. "Deku, move."

"The word is excuse me, pineapple head." Katsuki huffs and mutters something. "What did you say?" I say with a smirk.

"I SAID MOVE DEKU BEFORE I SMOKE YOUR ASS!" Izuku runs off and Katsuki sits next to me. "You're a real ass you know that right."

"And you're a real idiot. Why didn't you just hand me the soda yourself?" I think back and remember what I did after I handed Izuku the soda can. "I got nervous I thought you would have threw the soda in my face or something. But you drank it right?"

He rubs the back of his head and looks up. "I kind of blew it up."

"You what?!"


All of my classmates were training for the past two weeks and I did the very same, except I had to avoid using wretched eyes. Which was easy since no one provoked it out of me.

But now everyone was here in this arena and man I was a bit nervous. What if this collar doesn't work?

What if I get angry or pissed off and someone gets hurt?

What if I get hurt?

What if-

"Pay attention Izima." A boy who smelled funny brushed past me and I cut my eyes at him. "Ew, what's that smell?" Someone says near me.

"Him!" I yell so no one thinks it was me but the foul smelling stranger was gone.

"I wonder what the first stage is going to be?" I hear a girl from class B ask. "Guess we'll have to find out."

"Look alive, ladies and gentlemen!" We start walking and I look back to see Katsuki there. He had that same determined look on his face and-

"Don't step on my shoe, pineapple head!" I rub the back of my heel. I feel a chilly touch and see Shoto.

"Oh thanks-"

"Don't mistaken that as me being nice. I plan on beating you. And I don't care if you can't use your second quirk. I'll make sure I look better than you." He walks off and I flip him off.

I'll make sure I whoop his ass for that comment...

Present Mic calls the crowd for attention and they go wild waiting for us to come out. "This year's high school rodeo of adolescence that you all love, the U.A sports festival, is about to begin! Everybody, are you ready?! It's time for the students to enter the first stage!"

We emerge and the crowd was louder than I've ever heard it before.

I guess this moment was expected since we did survive our first villain attack.

"The huge battle where fledgeling heroes sharpen their swords once a year! Anyways, these are the guys, right? The miraculous new starts who overcame enemy attacks with their hearts of steel! Hero course, Class 1-A, right?!"

As we march out to the field I see Izuku looking a bit green. "Hey don't be nervous. This is what a hero needs to get use to. But if you're really scared you can hold my hand."
I offer it and just as I see Izuku move his hand my shoulder was knocked into and I see-

"You're not scared, let my hand go!"

"No." Katsuki grumbles as he grips my hand. "Let go or I'll punch you in the throat!"

"They haven't been getting as much airtime, but this class is also full of talent! Hero course, Class 1-B! Next up, general studies Classes C, D, and E! Support course, Classes F, G, and H are here, too! And business course, Classes I, J and K! All of U.A.'s first years are here Now!"

The other classes glare at us and I feel a bit uneasy. "Oh man they're going to try to slaughter us out there."

Katsuki entwined his fingers with mine and yanks me close so no one else can hear. "When the U.A. sports festival is over I need to talk to you about something." He let's my hand go and walks away from me making my heart pound.

What if he wants to date?

Wait am I ready for that kind of commitment?

What about Izuku?

Then again seeing that he went from a potential love interest to a supporting friend may change things.

I think about this so much that I almost Midnight's opening speech.

"What the heck is she wearing?" Ochaco whispers next to me. "She's an R-Rated hero, wait someone grab Mineta a tissue his nose is bleeding all over the place!" I shout.

"Quiet everyone! Representing the students is Katsuki Bakugo from Class 1-A!" Midnight announces.

The whole class looks at Katsuki in shock as he steps up to the podium.

"He's probably going to say something that'll piss everyone off." I mutter to myself. He opens his mouth and we all wait.

"I pledge...That I'll be number one."

All of us fall out because for sure we're going to have targets on our backs. "Don't be so full of yourselves, Class A!"

"You bastard!"

They boo not just pineapple head but us too.

"Is it too late to get back on the bus?"

He gets down and walks past me, and as he does he gives a smirk and my face turns red. "Get a hold of yourself, Akiro! And crush him!" I prep talk myself.

"Now, let's get started right away. The first game is what you'd call a qualifier! Every year, many drink their tears here! Now, here is the fateful first game!" Midnight announces.

A large screen appears and it does a randomizer. As we wait for the stage I look around feeling someone staring at me. I find the culprit and nudge Iida. "Hey do you know who that is?" I ask.

He readjust his glasses. "Come to think of it, no. But he does look familiar." I can't shake this feeling.

"Obstacle race! All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of the stadium- - about four kilometers! Our school's selling point is freedom! As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do! Now, take your places everyone!"

We get to the starting gate and as soon as the buzzer begins we all take off running but we all get stuck.

I get on my knees and start moving through and someone stands on my hand. So I punch them in the knee and they go down.

I feel a cool breeze and see Shoto using his Quirk. I take that and do the same thing he does and manage to get by with him and a few select others.

"I won't let you two get away so easily!" Pineapple head yells at Shoto and I.

I put the peddle to the metal and run faster. Shoto and I come to a small holt as a fighter robot came out of nowhere.

"Hell no." I freeze the ground the robot walks on and I slide past making a ice skateboard. I'm so far in first place and that's exactly where I want to be.

"Where do you think you're going wretched!" I hear pineapple head far behind and I start going knees to chest.

"Stay back there! Stay back there! Stay back there!"

Shoto soon after emerges with a few select students and I do what I do best.

"I want my mommy!!!!"



As I see Akiro run for her life trying to stay first I sigh and hold the bridge of my nose.

"Are you sure she's your daughter, Master?" Shento asks in a snarky way. I glare at him and he uses his small fan to cover his face.

"She has my blood running through her veins, now where is Iyumi?" I scan the crowd and there he was, lagging behind. I give a side eye to Shento and he sighs.

"I'll make him faster. But you should know if you want him to make it to the next round we can't let him get hurt or the illusion will crumble."

"I don't care just do it. This crowd needs to know that Akiro is a force to reckon with." I see the Bakugou boy gaining on my daughter and I narrow my eyes.

"Is he the one who you said was holding Akiro's hand earlier?" Shento nods and I keep my eye on that little bastard.

"I don't want my perfect little girl to be associated with that little punk. And I want the Todoroki kid to be punished as well."

"As you wish Master." Shento leaves my side for a second and I sit back to enjoy the festival.

"You're my perfect little crow, and you'll do what crows do best, devour the competition..."


{Izima Akiro}

As the second obstacle comes around I look make an ice bridge. As I slide across I see Shoto pass me and so does Katsuki.

"In the back, right where you belong, wretched." I feel my eyes for a second but I feel a shock.

I touch the collar and shake off the feeling. "Okay wretched eyes definitely off the table." I manage to keep up as the others lag behind.

The final obstacle was the minefield!

"How did they have time to build all of this? I'm calling my lawyer and agent. I can't do these hero gigs anymore."

I look and see katsuki using his quirk and I slap my head. "Duh! Akiro!" I stand still and with one calm breathe I do explosions out of my hand.

"Waaaaahooooo!" I go flying across the field and just as I feel victory was in my grasp, a huge explosion happens in the back and I see Izuku flying with a sheet of metal.

"He's in the lead?!" I hear Shoto shout. "Deku! Don't get ahead of me!" Katsuki yells as he goes after him.

"Don't count me out!" I yell as I use more force. Izuku was losing speed and I watch as he resorts to something drastic.

He uses Shoto and Katsuki and hits a minefield between them causing him to speed right to first place.

"U.A. First stage CLEARED!!!! And first place is Izuku Midoriya!!"

I almost pass out getting to the finish line. I made it fourth place and honestly I didn't care. I'm just happy my mom was in the crowd cheering me on.

I spot her and wave like a mad woman.

"Mom! Mom! I'm on tv! Hiii!" I then smell a far worse foul smell and it was that kid again. Just staring at me.

"What is his deal?" I ask out loud. I then look over at Katsuki and he looked like he was in pain.

I was about to check on him but smelly boy was in my way. "You did great. Maybe I'll cheer you on."

"Uh thanks." I move past him to try to get to Katsuki but he was already moving.

The first game of the first-year was finally over, and the results were in.

1) Class A: Izuku Midoriya
2) Class A: Shoto Todoroki
3) Class A : Katsuki Bakugou
4) Class A : Akiro Izima
5 ) Class B: Ibara Shiozaki
6) Class F : Iyumi Amino
7) Class B : Juzo Honenuki
8) Class A : Tenya Iida
9) Class A : Fumikage Tokoyami
10) Class A : Eijiro Kirishima
11) Class A : Hanta Sero
12) Class B : Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
13) Class A : Mashirao Ojiro
14) Class B: Yosetsu Awase
15) Class A : Tsuyu Asui
16) Class A : Rikido Sato
17) Class A : Mezo Shoji
18) Class A : Ochaco Uraraka
19) Class A : Momo Yaoyorozu
20) Class A : Minoru Mineta

The list goes on and on and I just know Izuku just made an even greater target on his back and the two aiming sharp are Katsuki and Shoto.

"I don't envy him." Midnight then announces that the ones who didn't make it in the top of the results have nothing to worry about since they will have a different challenge.

But something else was coming up. Because Midnight was looking hot and bothered.

Seriously who let her in the stadium with that outfit!

"Now then, here is the second game. I already know what it is, but what could it be? What could it be? I just said it, and now here it is..."

"A cavalry batter?" Denki says next to me. "I'm game for this." I say with my fist in the air.

"Let me explain. The participants can form teams of three to four people as the wish. It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but the one thing that's different is, based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value."

In other words, depending on the team is depending on the points.

Wait Izuku...

Every single person looks at him all because his point value was 10 million.

"Oh he's a dead man for sure." Tsuyu comments.

The stench gets stronger and I see from the corner of my eye Iyumi Amino.

Izuku maybe a dead man but that Amino kid sure smells like one...



Sorry if this chapter is a bit short, there's so much I want to add but then this book would be short, but would you guys mind if I made our heroine a bit crazy in the later chapters? Comment below and I hope you guys like these night chapters.

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