Hero, But Feeling Like A Villain (PT1)

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{Izima Akiro}

"Open." Doctor Akari tells me.

{Akari Shoto: Quirkless/Akiro's Doctor Since Birth}

I refuse and his eye twitches. "Akiro, do I need to strap you to the chair?" I get a flashback to when I was six. Him and a nurse had to strap me to the chair just because I refused to let him take my temperature.

I open my mouth immediately and he smiles while checking me. "Your vitals are fine, and it was wise for you to drop out of the U.A. sports festival. If you had gone another round I'm sure you'd be far worse."

Since I had won that round, I would have gone against Katsuki..

"And the collar?" My mother asks as she hold it in her hands. "I'm not a tech genius but it looks like it was tampered with. Maybe you over worked it and it just shorted out. I recommend not to use it again for such a stressful setting. Alright Akiro do you have any questions?"

Yes, did my father some how make my collar malfunction?

What was the new found power I had conjured up?

What happened to Iyumi?

And am I going to be like Crow?

Instead I ask something else.

"Are you single? I'm not asking for my mom, I'm asking for me." I say as I wiggle my brows.

"Akiro!" My mother scolds. "What? Wouldn't you want me to marry a doctor? Who better to marry than the doctor who's taken care of me since I was small?" Doctor Akari laughs and pats my head. "When you're the age of my first wife which was 22 then I'll answer that question."

"I'll ask you again in seven years." My mother sighs heavily at my comment and we go out into the waiting room.

"Old man you're still here?" I was baffled to see All Might in the waiting room still. "I was concerned. Along with the other teachers and students. What happened?" I take the collar from my mom and hand it to him. "Yeah well, this thing is junk."

"What happened to it?" He asks. "I can't explain it but one second things were fine and then the next I felt this little shock to my neck. After that it was like the collar cancelled  out my copy quirk and forced me to use my wretched eyes...except that quirk seemed to had evolved."

Thinking about how my quirk did Iyumi made me shiver. "I'll have a talk with Mr. Aizawa, but I think I know what happened and we need to find her."

"Crow was there, All Might." His eyes widen and after hearing that. "That's impossible. We had more security and there were plenty of-"

"Well, he somehow made it inside and I saw him carrying Iyumi away. He probably told his little lackey to revive Iyumi to fight me. How do you grown ups not know that Iyumi was a corpse?" I ask feeling a bit angry.

My mother placed her hand on my shoulder which was strange, because I'm not use to her touching me so willingly. "Akiro, even though we are to blame, I assure you, we wouldn't allow him to harm you. I know I wouldn't." As my mother says that I can see her clench her fist.

"School will be out for the next four days so, you rest up." All Might says. "Oh, who won?"

He rubs the back of his head then and gives a nervous chuckle. "Bakugou won and he wasn't too thrilled on how. Since you left he had to go against Todoroki. And well you know how he is if he feels cheated."

I hold my forehead. "He probably was frothing at the mouth when you tried to give him award." I mutter.

"He was actually." I give a shocked look because I was spot on...


Two days later I was fixing the wheel to my skateboard in my room when I hear my mother calling me. "Akiro, you're friends are here!" I put my skateboard down and head down stairs to see Ochaco and Izuku standing there.

"H-hey guys, what are you two doing here?" I ask feeling a bit curious. "We wanted to see how you were feeling and wanted to hang out with you." Ochaco says with a big grin.

"Yeah, we invited more of our classmates And wanted to know if you wanted to join."

Throughout my entire childhood, I was always excluded from being invited to events. Many of my past classmates were either too afraid of me or their parents would taint my family name.

"Akiro, don't cry." Izuku and Ochaco both said in unison. I couldn't help but wipe the fat ugly tears that were streaming down my face. "I'm just so happy that you guys are my friends and you invited me to hang out-wait- mom can I go out with my friends?"

"Of course, just be sure to pack an umbrella it's suppose to rain today." I run up and surprise my mother with a hug. "Thanks mom! Oh, I'll be right back, I'll go put on better clothes."

I pause at the foot of the steps. "Uh, Ochaco, can you help me?"

As she was helping me pick out an outfit, I talk to her about what was puzzling me. "...so I can't figure out for the life of me on how Crow and his goons got in. If security was beefed up like it was. Then he wouldn't have made it in, plus how did Iyumi make it past?" I put a red ribbon in my hair as Ochaco thinks about what I said.

"Maybe there's a traitor?"

"I was thinking that, but who would it be?" She shrugs and I smooth out my shorts. "I guess I can do some research on Crows past and who he was close to back in the day."

"I'll help and I'm sure we can ask some of our classmates for help as well."

"Would they really help me? Even though it's a problem for me?" Ochaco holds my hands and smiles. "Remember we're your friends."

I give a side smile and clear my throat. "Okay, so how do I look? Is it too much?" I had picked out a overall short set that was pink and wore a red shirt that matched the color bow I was wearing in my hair. I even had pink sneakers to match.

"You look cute! Let's get going. I'm sure everyone is probably heading over to the place now." It then hits me. "Wait everyone is going...is Katsuki going as well?" Ochaco taps her chin thinking.

"I believe he wasn't going to go but Iida told him you'd be there and he just hung up...


{Bakugou Katsuki}

"Damn germs!" I was brushing my teeth like a mad man. "Katsuki don't start yelling this early in the morning!" I hear my mother yell. I ignore her and spit out the toothpaste in the skink.

Once I'm done in the bathroom I go and start putting on my clothes. I'm a bit nervous all because now I can finally get a chance to talk to Akiro.

She had dropped out of the festival and no one knew what hospital that she was in. So I didn't get a chance to ask her out.

I hope she actually says she'll go out with me. She kissed me for Christ sake!

The second Deku asked me to come hang out I was quick to blow him off. But then he said that Akiro was coming and no questions asked I hung up and got ready.

I wore a red shirt with some red sneakers and tan pants to match. "I think this looks good. Right?" I second guess myself and groan as the time is getting closer.

"I'll just play it cool." I head out the door and look at the text Deku had sent me. We were all meeting at a Cafe.

When I finally get there, I scan the place and a good majority of my classmates were there. I then spot Akiro's blue hair.

As I get closer I notice we're matching. As she turns around my heart starts to pound hard and the blood rushes to my face.

I try to stop short but I bump into her and she moves back. "Geez pineapple head watch where you're going, you almost poked my eye out."

"Shut up wretched!" We glare at each other until some old guy yells for us to get a room.

Then we realize how close we are to each other and back away. She twirls her hair around her finger and I see her blush.

"I didn't think you would show up." I had my hands in my pocket. "Yeah well I had nothing else better to do." I respond.

"Wanna get a table since this one is full?" She asks. I nod and we both take a corner booth. "What do they have good here?" I mutter as I look at the menu. I look over and notice she's looking out the window while her foot taps her skateboard.

"You don't have plans on hitting me with that thing do you?" I joke. She snaps out of her thoughts and gives me a sad look for a split second but then realizes and smiles.

"Don't temp me. This time Mr. Aizawa isn't here to stop me." She teases. I wonder what she's thinking about. Before I could ask a waiter comes to our table.

"What can I get for you two love birds?" I was about to correct her but Akiro speaks first.

"We'll have two burgers and extra fires, two milkshakes. One dark chocolate with extra whip cream and one hmm you like just vanilla right Katsuki?" I nod in shock that she knows that and the waiter takes our order.

She looks back out of the window and her foot taps again. "Ever wonder if you're life is cursed?" She asks as she looks out the window. I don't know what to say so I let her speak more.

"I mean, I know that's silly to say but I can't help wondering if I really am cursed. Crow...is my father and he's a stain in my life as well as my mothers. I just want him to hurt. Not like how he hurt my mother. She recovered. I want him to hurt in a way where he can never come back." She taps the skateboard then just stops and when she looks at me I get a chill up my spine.

"I want to say he can change, that he can be redeemed but the dark side me knows he'll come again and again until I either kill him or he kills me."

"Akiro are you o-"

"Foods here!" She smiles as our food is sat down in front of us. Like a switch Akiro was fine. I watch her closely as she eats and wonder if she would want to talk in a more private setting. "Akiro, what are you doing tomorrow?" Ochaco asks. "I'm not doing anything, why whats up?"

"I asked my mom if I could have a sleepover and she said yes."

"Can I come?" Akiro glares at Mineta and he shrinks back. "So girls night then?" Ochaco asks. "I'm for it, I'll just ask my mom and then I'll call you to let you know." How can she just go on with thoughts like that and still have a smile on her face?

I continue to watch her as she eats and smile and I notice something. "Come outside with me." I say as I get up abruptly. She looked confused but follows me soon after. As the door closes I clench my fist.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask. She gives me a frowned look. "What do you mean by that?"

"Don't act stupid, wretched. Why are you pretending to be happy?" Her bangs seem to cover her eyes then. "I guess you're smarter than I thought, pineapple head." When she looks up she had a sad look in her eyes.

"Do you like me?" She asks. I felt so on the spot I hesitated. "W—why would you ask a question like that?" I feel my cheeks flush and she leans against the wall propping her skateboard next to her.

"Remember when I kissed you? I'll admit I didn't like you because you just annoyed me. But then I watched how you act during training and how you would head into danger knowing that our friends would have your back. So I kissed you all because I like you." Hearing her say that made me want to just blurt out what I wanted to say so as I go to speak she leans over and let's her head it my chest.

"There's something I want to tell you before you give me your answer. I'm not perfect. In fact I was born with a burden so heavy I cry myself to sleep at night because of the weight. I smile because I don't want anyone to worry about me and to see that you saw me like that, means that maybe I should try harder. I come with a lot of baggage. Baggage that I didn't even place on myself but Crow did this to me..."

I glance down and see her fist was white from being balled up so hard.

"...Katsuki there will be a day that I won't be able to smile. That I'll have to make a tough decision and I may have to do the unthinkable."

"What do you mean?" Instead of her answering me she just gives a smile and leans up closer. "I'm this close to you and you're face is red. You do like me, pineapple head." I move back but she grabs me and hugs me. "You can answer for yourself now."

I was shocked at how her mood swings so freely. "I...I'll tell you later, wretched." I let her go and she stomps her foot in a cute way. "Awe I already know you do. Just tell me."

"Nah, I'd rather not. Besides if you know the answer why do you need me to tell you?" I tease. She picks up her skateboard and rolls in. "Fine I'll ask out Izuk-"

"You must want him to die..."


{Izima Akiro}

It was the day of the sleepover and I was nervous. "Mom!" I call out. She teleported to my room and scared the crap out of me.

"Mom! You can't just teleport in my room like that, I almost died!" She gives me a sorry look but asks if I'm okay. "I'm fine I was just...um curious. What do you bring to a sleep over?"

My mom smiled and shrugged. "I don't know I never been to one."

"HOW HAVE YOU NEVER BEEN TO A SLEEPOVER!?" My mother bows saying sorry and I shake my head. "Well, remember when you use to spend the day with All Might and you would bring extra clothes?"

"Yeah because he bled on everything. That old man needs help." My mother laughs and she looks at the pile of clothes. "You'll be there for just a night and be back tomorrow afternoon. Just bring your essentials. Some extra underwear, and don't forget your prized possession." She picks up my skateboard and I smile.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?"

"No you can not put snails in the garbage disposal."

"That was two years ago and it was a phase, besides I put a slug in and it made the sink smell like dirt."

"You did that?!" I rub my head and try to change the subject. "Anyways my question was, how come you've changed? You never really...like being near me." My mother just stares at me for a second and then takes a deep breathe.

"Come sit." She sits down first and pats the space next to her on the bed. I sit down with my board on my lap. "I see how a lot of your friends mothers would treat their daughters and I want that with us. I am truly sorry that I made you feel unwanted. It's just..."
I saw her hand shaking so I place my head in her lap.

"It's okay mom. I know. And I promise not to be like him." She leans over and kisses my head. "Therapy has been really good and I'm getting down to the bottom of my problems."

"That's good, mom. I'm so proud of you." I touch her face and I feel happy.

Not because my mom was smiling down at me but because as I touched her she didn't flinch away...

I was standing on Ochaco's front porch when I finally got the nerve to knock. My mom was pulling out and I looked back to wave when I feel a tug on my hand. "You came!" I turn and see Ochaco with several of our friends all either watching tv or doing their nails.

"You can put your stuff in the living room. My dad ordered food and my mom is out getting us some junk." She shows me the living room and I see everyone else's stuff there. I place my overnight bag down and just hold onto my board.

"You can put your skateboard down if you want." I shake my head. "I'll carry it. It's kind of a comfort." She nods and leads me to the kitchen where the food is. "There's fried chicken, some fries and a fruit and veggie platter."

"Come look!" Toru yells.

{Hagakure Toru: Qurik- Invisibility}

"What's going on?" Mom asked.

{Yaoyorozu Momo: Quirk- Creation}

"Is that the story on the slasher?" Tsuyu asks. "I'm so confused." Everyone looks over at me and I feel a bit shy. "You haven't heard on the news about the slasher? where have you been under a rock?" Mina places her arm on my shoulder and teases me.

"Hey, it's not my fault I barely watch tv, I train or go skateboarding." I retort. "Awe, Mina leave her alone. Akiro, so it's been in the news for about a month that this crazy lunatic has been going around the red light district killing women by slashing their throats. It's so crazy that none of the police or pro heroes have caught him. I'm scared to go out at night."

"Momo, wouldn't that mean you'd be in the red light district?" Tsuyu says. Mom blushes for a second and then throws a pillow at Tsuyu. "You know what I mean!"

As they bicker I look at the news and it says that the Slasher has claimed yet another young woman. She was nineteen years old..

Nineteen, her life was barley starting and he ended it. I stare closer at the tv and feel my eyes shift.

I quickly close them and count to ten before opening them again. "I'm getting a snack." I go to the kitchen and grab two pieces of chicken.

As I take my first bite I wonder how come the pro heroes haven't caught this vile creature yet.

Hmm, same reason they couldn't find your mother when Crow was raping her...

I stop eating and feel a surge of anger in my stomach. I drop the chicken and grip the table. "Akiro are you okay?" Toru asks. I don't look at her, instead I nod.

"Well when you're done, we're going to watch a scary movie in the living room." I turn and give a smile even though I'm barely hanging in there.

As the movie plays, Ochaco's mom asks me if I need something for my mild headache. I gladly accept an aspirin and decide to go lay on the couch. What happened next...I can tell you...


{Atashji Tono}

{Atashji Tono/ Slasher: Quirk- Blood}

"Please, please I have a son." The filthy whore begs. I smirk and walk closer. "I don't give a shit about your kid, slut. You weren't thinking about him when you were selling that vile body of yours. In fact I'm sparing your kid from seeing how disgusting his mother is." I slice my forearm open and my blood turns into a sharp blade.

"Please! I won't tell anyone. Please I don't want to die!" She screams. "You know what, I have had a change of heart. Run, before I change my mind." She scrambles up and takes off running. As I hear her feet slap against the floor I smile harder.

"On second thought..." I let my blood slick to the floor and it hardens around her feet. She turns slightly and she looked as if she was going to piss herself. I hear trickling and sneer. "Wai--" Before she can say anything else I slice her throat open and she drops to the floor while her head rolls a few feet away.

I pick her head up and look at her dead eyes. "This world needs to be ridden of filthy women like you." I cut a piece of her hair and then place her head beside her body. I then take her hands and slice off her finger print and then I stand, admiring my work.

"God I'm hungry. I wonder if Mr. Wongs is open I could sure go for some spicy pork ramen right about now." I pocket her finger prints and leave without any regrets.

As I walk the red light district, I see there's less foot work from the women. Honestly the pro heroes should be thanking me. I'm getting rid of these women and all they do is throw my name in the mud.

I walk into Mr. Wongs and there was only one spicy pork ramen left. I walk over to grab it but some little brat grabbed it before me. "Hey respect your elders and hand it over kid." They keep walking and I then grab their hood off. I see pale blue hair and the kid turns. She had this blank look in her eyes. "Did you say something Mister?" She asks. I look her up and down and wonder.

"What's a kid like you doing in a place like this?" She gives a seductive smile and places a hand on her hip. "I'm just here for a good time. Know anyone that wants some fun?" I get the itch in my palm and I lean against the counter.

"You're what? 14? 15? Shouldn't you be in bed, getting ready for school?" She looks up at me through her lashes and licks her bottom lip. "I won't tell anyone if you won't. Shh." She raises a finger to her lips and the itch in my palm gets serious.

"How did you become like this kid?" She sneers at me and flips me off. "Fuck off." She starts to walk away and I get angry so I grab her by her shoulder and spin her around. "Watch that mouth of yours-"

"Or what? You plan on putting something in it?"

Cut her...

I rub my chin and smile at her. "You know I was going to give you a pass but since you want to be treated like a big girl, I'm going to give you something special." She picks up a skateboard that I didn't even know she had and starts walking towards the microwave.

"I'll play with you after I eat. I'm hungry." Before she could set up the food I stop her. "Awe come on baby, I gotta itch that you really should scratch."

"Then it sounds like you should go to a clinic for that then."

You flithy bi--

She giggles and then shakes her head. "Just kidding. Let's go." She turns and walks out so I follow her. As I walk behind her I can't help but feel excited for this kill. I've never killed someone so young, but I'm doing a service of wrapping this little stain out before she could ruin society any further.

"Do you have a hotel room we can go to?" She asks. "No but I know a building that will be perfect. No one will bother us for hours. It's only two blocks away, keep going forward." Oh I plan on taking my time with her, I'll slice her lips off and then her eyelids and then-

"You're not afraid of that psycho that everyone's been talking about?" I ask, just to feel her out. "No." She answers. "Why not? He's pretty scary."

"Because, he's pretty much a coward. Who kills woman at night. If I were him, I'd be ashamed to show my face." I glare at her answer and say nothing else on the way to the building.

I show her the side entrance and she steps inside and looks around. "This place smells like rust."

It's old blood you idiot..

"Well I did say this place was perfect for us. I didn't say it was going to smell like strawberries." I walk up behind her and notice she has very pale skin. "You look like a doll." I whisper against her temple as I reach under her shirt.

She moves my hand and turns. "Turn around."

"Why?" She smiles and places the skateboard down. "Because I want to play hide and seek." I roll my eyes but play along. If I scare her now her blood won't be pretty on my floor.

"Fine, but when I find you, you better be ready for me." I say as I turn around. "Oh, I'll be ready. Don't forget to count to ten." I start counting and hear the wheels of her skateboard get farther and father away.

"...eight....nine...ten..." I cut my hand and let my blade grow long.

"..Ready or not, here I come." I call out. I can still hear her skateboard, which made me a bit bored.

Finding her won't be so hard.

I follow the skateboard and stop when I hear glass break. I run to the noise and feel puzzled when I don't see she's right there.

"I have a confession..." I hear her call out from the darkness. "Yeah? What's that baby?" I ask as I try to follow her voice.

"I'm not the type to go looking for danger."

"Is that so?" I keep walking but her voice jumps to another part of the room. "Actually danger follows me. Everywhere I go. But you know what's so messed up?"

I jump behind a box expecting to find her but nothing. "What?" I snap. "I like when danger follows. It makes me feel not so alone. You know that's feeling..Right Tono?" I pause because I never did give her my name.

"I don't know what you're talking about, kid." She gives an angry sigh. "You're honestly boring and I have no clue why this part of the city is afraid of you. But I'll show you true fear." I turn the corner and fall on my ass as I see all the dead woman I've seen.

"What the fuck?!" The woman all start crawling towards me. Some with their jaws missing. Some with missing eyes. One had barely any flesh on my face.

In the middle was the girl. She was looking at me with a bored look on her face.

"You're one of those quirk kids. What the hell kind of quirk is that?" She smiles and the woman all disappear. "You're afraid of women, because of what your Aunt did to you."

I remember as a child my Aunt had a little razor that she would soak in warm vinegar and she would wait until I would go clean myself and then cut me with it...

"Tono, come here." From the corner of my eyes my Aunt stood there and I scramble away from her. "Tha—that's impossible! You're dead!" I yell. "Come here, Tono or I'll cut you."

I yell and run towards her but she disappears.

"You're boring. I thought you'd give me more of a rush." I rush the girl and grab her by the throat. "I'm not going to be gentle because you're a kid. You're a twisted—" I look down and I saw she had a bloody palm against my chest. But her palm was sharp and I heard a sickening snap of flesh.

I fall back and I had a gash now in my chest.

"I'm not a bad person, Tono. You are. You hurt people. Even if those woman made bad decisions to go out and make money with their bodies. Who are you to judge?" She slices her other hand and a long scythe like blade come from her two palms.

"You're a monster!" I yell as she walks forward. Her eyes turn to a blue hue and she smiles.

"If I'm a monster. What does that make you?" Before I could answer she swings with quickness that the air felt sharp.

Wait, no. That wasn't the air. I feel something wet against my throat and before I knew it.

All I saw was red...

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