Hero, But Feeling Like A Villain (PT2)

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{Izima Akiro}

I wake up with a massive headache and when I look around, I was laying under the kitchen table.

"How did I get here?" I go to move but my hands felt funny. When I look down. I saw dried blood. I feel something heavy against my back and turn to see my skateboard but as I look closer I see spots of blood on my one of my wheels.

I jump back and move away from the skateboard. "Wh...what did I do?"

"Mm, I'm trying to sleep." I hear one of the girls say in a sleepy tone. I rush to the bathroom with my skateboard and turn on the faucet. As I wash my hands I see the pink water rush down the drain  and I catch a glance at myself in the mirror. I should be freaking out. I should be scared and worried, but instead I see myself smiling. No this can't be me. This can't be.

A knock came to the door and the smile was replaced with panic. "Y--yeah?"

"Akiro, are you okay?" Ochaco asks. "Yeah, just using the bathroom. That's all." I call out. When I hear she's walked away from the door I go to turn off the faucet and something pricks my finger. I go to clean it but the blood on my finger turns into a sharp tooth pick.

"Blood Quirk..." I had to have been in contact with someone who has a blood quirk. The blood softens and I clean that up then head into the living room.

"Breaking news, the body of a 28 year old man was found this morning along with a letter written in the man's blood stating that he was indeed the Slasher. The police are now in search for how the so called Slasher came to his demise..." As the television plays I feel myself about to throw up as flashes of what happened in the past few hours all coming rushing back to me.

I...I killed him.

I did that, whether is was a good thing or not I took a life and...I need to be turned in. I start to walk and feel someone tap me. I turn and see a floating shirt.

"Toru, uh morning."

"Morning, Akiro. Where did you go last night? I woke up in the middle of the night and you were gone."

"I was just getting some fresh air on the front porch." I say with a nervous laugh. "But I didn't see you-"

"Look at the time, I should be getting home now, I'm sure my mom is sick thinking about how I'm far away from her. Tell Ochaco that I'll see her later." I gather my things and grab my skateboard from the floor take the long way home...

It's time for school to start again and I feel like death. I haven't slept seeing that when I close my eyes, I catch glimpses of what happened between me and the Slasher.

Bad enough many of my classmates and friends keep whispering about it.

"Can you believe someone took him out?"

"Hell no, and they say it was a rogue hero. Whoever it was, they were ruthless. I hear the body was mangled..."

I keep my eyes forward as I walk into the classroom and sit at my desk with my hands resting on my hands. My skateboard was propped against my desk and I just tune everyone out but feel someone by my desk.

"Hey wretched." I look over at Katsuki and stick my tongue out at him. "Morning pineapple head."

Mr. Aizawa walks in the room and says morning to us as the rest all take their seats. "Good morning." We say in unison.

"We are having a special hero informatics class today." He tells us. We all get tense. Whenever he says something like that we always think the worst.

"He might make us duel to the death. I'm not ready for more blood to be on my hands." I mutter.

"What did you say?" Izuku asks. "NOTHING!" I say in a rushed tone.

He shrugs and I take an easy breath.

"Code names. You'll be coming up with hero names."


We all let out a calm breathe this time as a class. Mr. Aizwaw gives us a look and we all straighten.

"Anyways, this is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day. The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, shows that they're interested in your future potential. There offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation."

The class murmurs among themselves and I can't help but wonder why haven't I actually put in thought for my own hero name.

Hero's who aren't murders can't pick a name...

I clench my pencil after that thought crosses my mind.

"...Here are the top students who have gotten offers."

On the board the top three were Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki. I was ranked the fifth, which surprised me seeing that my actions looked more villainous than heroic.

"Keeping these results in mind, whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in the internship with pros. Since many of you know combat against real villains the internships will go as such. You will train along side the pros. You will listen the every order they give you and you will not put yourself or anyone else in harms way."

We nod at his instructions and I sit there feeling, blank.

"...the hero names that you pick may be temporary, but if you're not serious about it-"

"You'll have hell to pay." Midnight says as she interrupts the class room. Some of the boys go Gaga over here all because of her very revealing and skintight outfit.

As the class goes into a conversation together I sit there thinking.

Soon after I was handed a dry eraser board and marker. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even hear when I was being called on.

"Akira?" I hear Midnight call my name and I get up and look at the blank board. My hands move before my brain and can and I get to the front and everyone whispers as I show the board.

"Uh, Akira. I don't think that name is appropriate." I frown at her words and look at the blank broad. I then see I did write something.

"Lady Crow..." I whisper. I just drop the board on the floor and think about going back to my seat but instead I just leave the classroom. I sit in the hallway with my head against my knees. "Hey." I hear Katsuki's voice but I don't move. "Talk to me." He says as I feel him sit besides me. My shoulders shake a little. I look at him and he looks a bit uncomfortable. "Hey whose ass do I need to kick?"

"Mine." I just break and I wail like a cry baby. Katsuki gets up and yanks me up, running as students start to look in the hall. "Akiro, why are you crying? Stop crying before someone thinks I did something to you!" He snaps, which makes me hiccup and cry harder.

We stop just outside of the boys locker room and he pulls me inside. "Talk to me." He says in a more gentle tone. I hiccup and wipe my eyes. "Yo—you can't tell anyone. Not your mom, not your best friends, not-"

"Damn it wretched, just tell me. I won't say anything." I nod and take a deep breathe. "I killed a guy." I was silent after my confession. All you could hear was the annoying drop from a shower head.

Katsuki looks at me and then bursts out laughing. "That was funny. Now tell me what's wrong." I narrow my eyes at him. "I'm serious. You know that Slasher dude from a while ago? Yeah I took him out."

Katsuki holds his stomach and laughs harder which only makes me more annoyed. I feel a coldness in my eyes and the room suddenly becomes dark. "H..hey Akiro. What are you doing?"

"Don't laugh at me. Don't you dare laugh at my guilt. Bad things happen. Bad things." The air becomes cold against my skin. "Akiro, I'm sorry. Stop." I feel a grin play against my face.

"But the fun has just begun." The lights flicker off and when they come back I had my back to him. "This shit isn't funny. Come on-" When he grabs my arm I grab his and inhale deeply as his fear pools from his skin.

"You still fear being a failure...oooh but there is something else? You fear losing m-" I feel a sudden strike to my stomach and when I gasp hard I see Katsuki had hit me. I black out with a sharp pain to my gut...

When I wake up, I was in the nurses office. All Might was there along with Katauki and Recovery Girl. "Akiro, please lay down." All Might says in a serious tone.

"I'm fi-you pineapple headed son of a (beeeeeeeeeep) you (bleeeeeeeeping) hit me!" I try to grab him but All Might holds me back. "Calm down!" All Might says in a more stern tone. "Akiro, calm down." I breathe heavy and feel the air around us go cold. "I'm sorry, Akiro but you need to go to sleep until we can calm you down." Recovery girl kisses my forehead and I feel my eyes roll back.


I gasp, and feel something against the base of my spine. "Don't move, Akiro. It'll hurt if you do."
I hear his voice and I want to lash out at him.

"You have such promise, my little Crow."

"Don-Don't call me that." I say through clenched teeth. Crow strokes my cheek and smirks. "You know, you are remarkable. To be able to have two quirks inside of your body. It's almost like you have two souls. Fighting for dominance. But you know the darkness always breaks through the light."

I feel something slither up my arms. And my heart starts to beat slow. "Oh, I know what you fear. You fea-" I ignore the sluggish movements to my body and I grab Crow by the throat.

"I'll never be like you. I hate you, Crow." The pain rushes me harder this time and Crow takes this chance and grabs my arm, twisting it behind my back.

"You hate me, but I am part of you. My blood, my tainted blood is coursing inside of you. You don't hate me, Akiro. You hate yourself." He unlocks his jaw and before me I didn't see a man. I saw a monster.

{All Might}

As I watch Akiro twitch in her sleep, I make sure Young Katsuki is alright. "Are you sure she confessed that to you?" I ask him. "I thought she was joking but, I guess not." I nod and watch as Recovery Girl checks Akiro's vitals.

But Akiro flies out of her bed. I go to run to her but Young Katsuki beats me to her. When he goes to pick her up she sits up but something is wrong with her movements. "Wait don't-" She grabs him and grabs a scalpel off of the table, aiming it at his throat.

"Allllll Miiiiiight. The symbol of peace? Such a pathetic title."

"Crow..." I keep my distance. "How did you...?" She laughs. "Same blood, so I can possess this vessel. You should know, my daughter is the symbol of destruction, she will take down all of you. But first she has to have her heart broken." Crow aims the blade, ready to slice.

"Noooooo!" The scream comes out of her wasn't Crow. "I don't want this." She says more to me. And with that, Akiro stabs herself in the stomach.

"No!" Katsuki grabs her and but I take her from him as the blood pools out of her body. "Akiro! Akiro!"

"Stop, yelling old man. You'll bleed on me." She says with a weak smile. "Stay with me. Recovery Girl!" Akiro takes her hand and touches my face as Recovery Girl pushes Katsuki out of the room.

"I saw what I'll become. Please, don't let me become him. Let me die. Please." I see the life starting to fade from her eyes. "All Might put her down. I need to work on her quickly." I do as I'm told but I hold onto Akiro's hand.

"Please, stay with me. Please...."

I remember when I met Akiro. She was only seven. Yuki didn't like company at that time but she was desperate for help. "I can watch her while you go to your sessions."

"Yagi, you don't-" I give her a smile and feel a small hand tug at my leg. When I look down I see Akiro.

"Hey, what's your name?" I kneel down and ruffle her hair. "You can call me Yagi-"

"Old man." She says with a dead pan expression. "I see you must get your humor from your father." I mutter. "I'll bring her on a walk, Yuki. Don't worry. Come, young Akiro." I offer my hand to her and she looks at it confused.

"Oh! My skateboard." She takes off down the hall and grabs her skateboard. "Come on old man." I sigh and hear Yuki stifle a giggle.

As I walk and Akiro skates. I notice how she distances herself from anyone who walks by her. "Old man-"

"All Might, just call me All Might." I tell her. "Can we get ice cream?" I nod and she smiles. Which reminds me of Yuki.

"Ice cream! I want Rocky Road! In a cone! Yeah!" She trips hard and falls but I catch her. However she snatches away from me and looks scared. "Did I hurt you?" She asks. "No, why would you ask that?" I ask confused.

"Because every time I touch mom, she cries." She mumbles as she grips her skateboard. I go to speak but she drops her skateboard and rolls down the street towards the ice cream shop. I follow her and as I do I see how much this child fears touching anyone.

When we arrive, she rolls to the counter and waits for me. "What can I get for you and your dad, sweetheart?" I was about to tell the man that I wasn't her father but Akiro spoke first.

"I'm getting a rocky road ice cream in a waffle cone, he'll have..." She looks right at me. "...a vanilla milkshake." How did she know?

As we sit outside on the bench, she looks at her ice cream and then turns to me and bows. "I'm sorry."

"What for, Akiro?" She looks at me with sad eyes. "For letting that man think you're my dad. You know I hear he's bad. I even saw him once." I keep a sane face but on the inside I was seething.

"How did you see him?" I ask. She looks at the sky and sighs. "When I grow up, I want to have lots of friends, and become the best hero ever. Even better than you old man." She looks back at me with a smirk and licks her ice cream.

"Maybe one day, Akiro." She then stand up on the bench and touches my cheek with her little hand. "Will you be my friend?"

"I thought we already were friends." She smiles so wide, I thought her face was going to split in half. "Really!? That's makes me so happy!" She hugs me and I almost fall over. But I keep up right and hug her back.

"Thank you for being my friend. No one likes me." She says as she sits down closer to me I notice. "Why would no one like you? You're a good kid." She stops and looks at her skateboard. "Because I'm a stain. But hey, as long as I have one friend, I guess it's not so bad." She looks up at me and I feel a chill as I see her eyes glow in a blue hue...

"She's lost a lot of blood, and she hit a rib, but other than that she is going to be okay." Recovery Girl says as she tosses her gloves down. "I'll call her mother." As I try to leave. I feel a hard grab to my arm.

I look down and see Akiro weakly glaring at me. "Yo...you'll regret saving me..."

I apologize for this update, I think it's been a year since I updated? Well I'm back into this story and The sad part is I've finished this book in my head but now I have more to add so please bare with me. I hope to get good feedback for this story, I'll keep on updating this but there will be a slight twist ;)

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