Stolen Kiss?!?

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{Izima Akiro}

It's been a solid three weeks since my first day and every time I enter homeroom I can feel pineapple head glaring at me.

I spot him but he's smart not to make eye contact with me. I smirk and bump into Ochaco.

{Uraraka Ochaco: Quirk- Zero Gravity}

"Sorry, Izima." She apologizes. I rub the back of my head and smile. "You're fine, and I told you to talk to me more comfortably. Now say Akiro."

"A..Akiro." She mutters. "You're too adorable!" I grab her and give her a hug.

"Yes! Girls are so hooooot!"

{Mineta Minoru: Quirk-Pop off}

I glare at Minoru and he shakes in fear. "Say anything else and I will bury you under the school, got that, Mineta?" He nods quickly and Mr. Aizawa enters the room. "Settle down class, now today we're going to have a survival test."

"Survival of the fittest! Alright! I'm game." Eijioru comments.

{Kirishima Eijioru : Quirk- Hardening}

"I feel like this test is going to be undermined or something." Mashirao says as he taps his chin.

{Ojiro Mashirao: Quirk- Tail}

The class whispers amongst themselves and Mr. Aizawa clears his throat. "Right, now everyone change and meet me out front for the buses."

I raise my fist and feel happy. "Field trip!" I look over at Izuku and walk over to him as we start to leave the class room. "Can we sit together on the bus? I mean I know once we get to wherever we'll be pinned against each other but I figure we can bond some more on the way there."

He nods and as we leave Ochaco teases him. "You know you too are awfully close."

"It-it's not like that. We're just looking out for each other!" He blushes and I giggle then look back to notice pineapple head just staring at me and then looking away.

I don't like him and plus he's always saying something mean to Izuku. I hope I get pinned against him for the first round.

Crap I can't use my other quirk. But if I can see just four more quirks today then I can beat him at the survival test...


"We've got everything you need boss." I sit there stroking my chin and look at the news clippings of my daughter. "She's almost ready. My little crow is almost ready. Shento, I need one more thing." He looks at his feet and I use my eyes on him.

"I need you to look at me when I'm talking to you!" In the illusion he received over a thousand cuts over his body and I can feel his heart rate declining. He screams in agony and I take note of this.

I stop the illusion and think as Shento lays on the ground bleeding out.

I'm gettin g weaker, which means she's getting stronger. I smile and look at Akiro's picture from the article.

"You'll pass perfection my little crow. You'll surpass your mother and I in no time..."

{Izima Akiro}

I wake up from that nightmare about my father and notice I'm leaning on Izuku's shoulder. I move back and fan myself then notice he's asleep himself.

"I don't get it Izuku, why do you let that spiked hair jerk bully you?" I whisper. I then move over to the back where the girls are and Iida was yelling for people not to move so much because it can cause a safety hazard.

"Akiro, how do you think the boys will fair in this survival test?" Ochaco asks. "I think some can hold their own but all I want to do is smack that spiked hair straight." I say as I look at the back of pineapple head's head.

He turns my way and glares. "You don't scare me!"

"Say that when we get on with the test, wretched!" I jump over the seat but a few of my classmates snatch me back.

"Bakugou, don't make her angry. She could hurt you."

"And I'll kick her ass!" He snaps back. "Bratty pineapple!"


As we get to the place my adrenaline was pumping. "Gaaaah! I can't wait to do this test! I've already came up with forty different ways to defeat Mr. Aizawa, just for the fun of it."

"Akiro I wouldn't say that out loud." Izuku whispers. I shrug and as soon as the bus stops I take off. "Yippee!" I land on the ground and take a deep breathe. I stop and scan the place.

"Something is off here." I say to myself. "Everyone gather round. Stop drooling over the girls costumes Mineta." We gather and Lady Disturbia walks over.

{Shino Anji/ Lady Disturbia: Quirk- Distortion}

She also just so happens to be my elder cousin. "Welcome students. I hope you all have brought your A game. Because this test though may seem fun, is going to test your limits. Mr. Aizawa, All Might and I will be making sure no one is too badly hurt. But each of you will get scores. At the end who ever gets highest score will get special pro training."


"I need to get the highest score."

As everyone gets excited about the reward I just keep looking around not being able to shake this slight fearful feeling. Come to think of it, where is the old man? He isn't here yet.

"Alright guys a lot of you know that my quirk distortion can come in handy for a battle but it can also hurt bystanders if I'm not careful, a lot of you have quirks that can do the same. What I'm saying is if things get out of hand and puts others in harms way your test will be terminated and you fail."

"And if you fail you will get kicked out of U.A." Last time Mr. Aizawa said that he was bluffing but then again none of us can ever tell if he's serious or not but it's best to make sure not to fail.

"Now let's get start-" The floor begins to shake and I grab on to the side of the wall to keep myself up right. In the middle of the room, a hole was forming and out of the hole came several sinister looking people.

"Stay together and don't move! Lady Disturbia, protect the students!" Mr. Aizawa demands.

"Is this part of the test?"

"No Idiot this is real."

I take a step back because I feel a strong emotion in the room.

"Fear..." I whisper. Mr. Aizawa was ready to move in action and so was Lady Disturbia. "Students this is not part of the test. This is all real and those are villains." We all gasp after hearing that information.

"How are they here? Why isn't an alarm sounding off or something?" Iida comments.

As my classmates feared what was about to happen, I was fearful because I knew he was around.

Crow was somewhere in this room.

"One of these villains must have a quirk that's masking their presence right now. That's the only way to explain why so many of them are here and no ones been alerted yet." Shoto commented.

{Todoroki Shoto :Quirk-Half Cold/Half Hot}

That makes sense-

"Lady Disturbia, get them out of here and alert the campus." Before she could agree a shadow came over us and a man with a grotesque looking body was standing there, his arms were getting bigger and he was aiming at Shoto.

{Villain-Rocksmash/ Dedjima Tenju: Quirk-Super Strength}

"Get out of the way!" Iida yelled. Before we could react he had smashed the ground in front of us and we all went flying across the room. We were scattered and I feel my head hit the ground hard.

I come too and see my class mates were all scattered in different places inside of the building. I hear slithering and since I don't know who I'm dealing with I get up and find a place to hide.

"Come out come out where ever you are. I won't hurt you, I jussssssst want to play."

{Villain-Slither/Kinchi Santo: Quirk- Snakes}

I make sure I keep quiet as possible and keep my heavy breathing to a minimum. "Don't worry princess. Crow won't let us harm a hair on your head. But he never said I couldn't play with you for a while." I hear her get closer and I remember the quirks I've seen.

So far I've seen some of Mr. Aizawa's, some of that man and some of Shotos.

I can cancel out quirks, super human strength and cold powers. Pretty lucky to see those quirks.

I move up top and let my cold touch slowly creep across the floor. At least if she can sense me by feeling the floor her sense of touch will be off for now.

"Ribbit, Akiro? When did you learn to do cold powers?" Tsuyu croaks.

{Asui Tsuyu: Quirk-Frog}

Where the BLEEP did she come from!?

"It's my quirk. I can copy a person's quirk for a half an hour. And I can copy up to five quirks at once. I saw Mr. Aizawa, That strong guy and Shoto's quirk. I don't know who this villain is, but her quirk is snake related."

Tsuyu swallows hard. "If so, then snakes swallow frogs."

"That'ssssss right." She grabs Tsuyu's leg and snatches her down. I react fast and freeze her left side causing her to scream out in pain.

"You little brat! I'll eat your face for that!" She let's go of Tsuyu and I immediately grab her and we move at a different spot.

"I can probably take her quirk away for a bit, when I do. Run and make sure you get to Lady Disturbia." Tsuyu nods. "I'll give you the signal." I leap down and look back. Something soon after falls on top of me.

I hit my back and something hits my lips. When I open my eyes there was pineapple head with a shocked look on his face.

This was a strange predicament. He was in top of me and our lips were on each other.



"Get off me!" I punch him clean in the jaw and he goes flying into a wall. "You'll give away our location you wretched idiot!" He says through clenched teeth.

"Found you!" I look and see it's Slither. She was about to strike but I cancel her quirk. "Excuse me! We were talking!" I run up and go to kick her but pineapple head beats me to the punch and blows her away with his quirk.

"Hey! I was going to handle her!" I yell. "You were taking too long, wretched!" He got in my face and I was ready to cancel his quirk just for the hell of it but then I notice how close we were and how our lips had touched earlier.

I back up immediately and he falls on his face. "Tsuyu go!" I give her the signal and pineapple head gets up and starts going.

"Wait! If you just run off like that a villain is bound to catch you!"

"Shut up! I know what I'm do-" Slither was up and she had grabbed pineapple head by his hair. "Children are filthy dogsssss that need to be put down." He was about to blast her again but she moved quick and throws him into a wall.

Seeing her do that to him annoyed me.

All the fear I had before, had left my body and I stand there feeling those dark thought cloud my head.

I could use the wretched eyes. But I have a better idea. "And you! I'll jusssst asssk Crow for forgivenesssssss." She was about to strike me but I dodge her and grab her by the throat from behind.

She gasps as I release a small amount of ice against the back of her throat. "I know that snakes are cold blooded. So they need heat. Maybe I don't care or maybe I just want to see you suffer." I release more of the cold touch and she starts to panic.

"You wouldn't kill me. That'sssssss not the hero way." I smirk and lean in close to her ear.
"Everyone is too busy trying to survive in this place. No one would notice or care if you went missing." Before I knew what I said, my wretched eyes were activated.

I turn her around and she was frozen in fear.

"You fear getting old. So unfortunate when your youth crumbles in front of you." I spin her around and the illusion was a mirror and in the mirror Slither was starting age rapidly.

"No! No! Make it sssssstop!" I smile devilishly and watch as Slither's mirror image crumbles before her eyes.

As she sinks to the ground, the ice touch melts and she was left in a a fearful state. I lean in close and laugh. "Tell my dear old dad, that when he's done hiding behind pathetic villains like you, I'll be waiting for him." I walk away from her and that's when I notice my eyes were not in my control.

I shut them quick and rip my costume then tie the fabric over my eyes. " made her-"

"Pineapple head, don't you dare tell anyone what you saw or I'll visit you in your sleep! Now help me. My eyes aren't in my control."

"What do you mean they aren't in your control?!" He yells. "Just as I said Idiot! My father has to be here close by, and if this keeps up everyone is in danger. Now you have to be my eyes and get us back to Lady Disturbia..."

I hold out my hand and I expected him to leave me but instead, he grabbed onto my hand and we take off running...

{Bakugou Katsuki}

I didn't want to hold her hand but the way I saw her take care of Slither was a bit disturbing. She practically damaged that woman.

As we run into more of our classmates, wretched wants to help. So far she used super strength and blasted half of the villain out of commission.

As more of us began to run we see Lady Disturbia and Mr. Aizawa fighting against more villains. "Iida, you go and alert the school. You're the fastest and since the bad guys are distracted you can go in stealth mode." Shoto tells him.

"But leaving you guys behi-" Wretched interrupts. "Going to get help doesn't make you less of a hero. It makes you a smart one when you know you need the help. Now go!" Iida hesitates but nods and takes off running.

"Grab him!" One of the villains yell. Deku uses his quirk and managed to help Iida to get out without being stopped.

As the attacks continue, my hand was let go and wretched took off the fabric from her eyes. She looked normal again but then the strong man was aiming for her. "Move you Idiot!" Thankfully she dodges the attack.

"Master wants results. Master gets results." Rocksmash mutters. He starts to raise his hand to her but I jump in and blast him right in the face. He stumbles back and she cancels out his quirk. "Thanks, Pineapple head." She runs up and uses my quirk to keep the guy down.

As I see her take off to help, I notice the determination on her face, how even though she only saw my quirk for a second and she's already mastered it.

All Might then shows up and he takes the big boss, which happens to be a small man but his quirk seems to Like someone was controlling him or something.

{Villain-Puppetmaster/Ryuji Shento: Quirk- Necromancer}

"Why have you come here?" All Might asks as the villain stares at him with a glass look in his eye.

"The master wants results." His head creepily turns to Akiro and all of a sudden a mass of dead birds burst through the windows and charge her. She goes to blast them but one cuts her clean across her chest.

She falls back and I don't know what made me run towards her but I did and I had caught her before she hit the ground.

All Might goes to punch him but he turns into a pile of rotting flesh and disappears.

As the other pro heroes take care of the others, I look down and see Akiro smiling at me. "You're kind of cute when you're not being a jerk pineapple head." I was about to retort but she passes out and that's when I notice more blood was coming from her chest.

"Hey! She's losing more blood!"


Classes were cancelled for the next three days, while the pro heroes were trying to figure out how did those villains get in the test area and why were they after Akiro.

I lay in bed thinking about that and my mind goes back to the kiss.

I blush hard and touch my lips.

"She's still a wretched stain." I mutter as I hear a knock on my door. "Come in." I sit up and see my mother. "Yeah mom?"

"I was going to visit Yuki and her daughter at the hospital and wanted know if you wanted to come."

Moments later we were at the hospital. As our moms talked outside I was looking at all the flowers she had in the room. "Looks like a real green house in here. It's sick." I comment. She keeps looking at the window and then she looks at me.

"Oh you were here?"

"I'VE BEEN STANDING HERE THE WHOLE TIME!" I yell. She laughs and holds her chest. I calm down a bit and remain where I'm standing.

"I was just kidding Katsuki, if I was honest I didn't except you to come. Or at least gloat that I was hurt."

"Why would I gloat? It's true your a pain in the ass but not even you deserve being hurt like that." She smiles at me and my face feels warm.

"Are you falling in love with me pineapple head?" I choke up and she laughs hard. "I'm just kidding. Where's my present?"

"What present?" She gives me a deadpan look. "Your fellow classmate gets injured and you don't show up with a gift? I should kick you in the groin." She gives me a cold glare and I take a small step back.

"Shut up!" She sighs and looks at some daisies beside of her bed. "Izuku gave me these. I think they're my favorite flowers out of all of them..." The way she looked at them made me feel annoyed.

"What's so special about Deku?" I ask in an annoyed tone. She take note of this. So she cocks her head to the side and smirks.

"He's humble, he has a heart of gold and he's cute." She does a cutsey face and it makes me more annoyed.

"Deku is an annoying bastard. He's a quirkless patheti-"

"You're jealous of him." She says. I march over to her and I was ready to snap at her but instead she leap up and our lips touch...

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