Chapter one

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A/n watch the video uptop to understand the story, I am changing a few things but I take no credit for the idea. As all the credit goes to the youtuber please sub to the channel. 

"My goodness," Zachariah said as one of his workers finished the latest model, 50M. It stood at about 6'4 and had brown shaggy hair. Most models had fake hair, however this model was different because looking at it. No one would ever know that it was a robot save for it's robotic eyes, which at the moment were closed.
"Castiel tell me when will it awake?" Zachariah asked.
"In a few hours sir, I had to use some.. " Castiel didn't get to finish his sentence.
"Wonderful make sure that it knows it's purpose is to serve its human master, " Zachariah interrupted. As the ceo of the biggest Android company in all of America, he had to have perfection. All of his Androids had to be obedient completely, they weren't people so they had no rights. Their only purpose for creation was to assist the human they were assigned to.

As machines they could not express emotions, or even be defined as a he or she, they were an it.
"But sir I must say... " Castiel said once again trying to speak up. However Zachariah cut him off saying if he spoke up again he was fired. The rumbled up man remained silent after that.
"Well now that you've finished the only thing to do is to have it be tested, " Zachariah commented.

Miles away from the sky scraper, Dean was awakened by the sound of his alarm going.
"Ugh shut up, " Dean said pressing the snoze button until he accidentally unplugged  his alarm clock. "Oh well that's great, " he grumbled and got ready for the day. He combed through his hair and got dressed, he didn't have time to make breakfast so he grabbed a protein shake to go. As he walked to his car, a bunch of thoughts ran through his head. Dean was currently 26 and had a ton of secrets, he even had a fake last name giving him a fake identity.

As well as an old hunting life that he was trying so desperately to put behind him. Hunting had cost him everything and everyone he ever cared about, so one night after a creature framed him for the murder of his parents, brother and friends. He ran away, hoping that overtime he would forget all about the supernatural world. Not that having a normal life was very exciting, his job was to test robots every couple months. Which was so boring, the Androids spoke with no emotion and always broke down too easily. About thirty minutes later he arrived at the skyscraper, and was meet immediately by an android asking for his id.

"Your pass please, " the female robot said in a monotone voice. Dean groaned as pulled out his card and let her scan it. "Mr. Smith it is good you're here, the boss wishes to see you, " the robot explained. Dean said nothing as he walked to the elevator and pressed the button for the testing lab. He had been working here long enough to know the drill, if Zachariah wanted to see him. It was because he had to take a look at a new model, then he had to take it home to test.
"Dean good seeing you this morning, " Zachariah commented once he saw Dean.

"What do you need sir?" Dean asked even though he knew the answer.
"Well Castiel built a new android model yesterday and I had hopes for it.. " Zachariah trailed off wanting Dean to finish.
"He or she is causing problems, " Dean said finishing for his boss.
"The robot is an it not he or a she, " Zachariah corrected. "But yes it is causing problems, nothing major just a few glitches," he continued. "He won't stay in one place and seems to enjoy asking questions, "

Dean didn't really see the problem with that, but he didn't get paid to question his boss. So he only nodded as Zachariah told him to take the model home with him, to ensure that the Android knew its place.
"Of course sir, " Dean responded.
"Excellent come this way, I'm sure you're eager to see the new model, " Zachariah told him. Dean remained silent as he followed his boss to another room inside the lab.
"50M you must stop staring at the window, " Castiel said to his robot.

"But the moon is so beautiful, " the robot replied. "Why have humans not discussed it more?"
"Castiel can't you control that thing?" Zachariah asked a bit annoyed.
"Yes but he keeps going to the window, " Castiel answered with a sigh. Dean was a bit shocked at how human this model appeared to be. From behind it looked like a human male a few years younger then himself.
"My scanners are picking up a new person in the room, " the android said turning to look at Dean. It's bionic eyes flashed blue before returning to a natural hazel color.

"Dean this is unit 50M, " Castiel explained. "He's the android you will be testing, "
He looks more like a Sam to me. Dean thought to himself, 50M observed Dean and was confused by this human's amount of emotion.
"My programing tells me that I must say it's a pleasure to meet you, " 50M said to Dean.
"50M you will do whatever Dean tells you to do, and will call him sir, " Zachariah instructed.
"I'll fill in him later, come on let's go, " Dean said to the android.

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