Chapter 24

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Pale's POV

I plunged into the water, kicking and screaming.

He was punching me. Aaron was punching me. I tried to fight back, but I moved sluggishly in the water. I kicked and kicked until I could feel my tail and gills again.

"Why are you hurting me?" I yelled as soon as I could breathe underwater. "I thought you liked me!"

"I only wanted the throne," Aaron scoffed. "...and you."

"Me?" I yelled as I pushed his chest away from mine, struggling to get away. "I'm-"

You can't say it.

"You can't do that without my consent!" I challenged. "Then it would be rape!"

Aaron chuckled. "Rape?" Aaron leaned in closer. "Rape doesn't exist if you're rich."

I tried to grab his neck, but his hands locked my arms to my body tight. My heart pounded against my skull, I could barely breathe. What's he gonna do with me?

"SHARK!" I heard someone yell from the fight scene.

Aaron released my arm. I could hear him gulp. "S-shark?" He questioned.

Now's my chance.

I balled my fist and struck him straight in the jaw. Aaron's hand flew to his mouth as he recoiled backwards.

"That was for Brain and Matthew and-"


I recognized that voice. Matthew.

"I have to go," I said as I bolted farther out to sea.


I found Matthew on the floor of a small cave not too far from the rock. Siren's were no where in sight, it was almost if all evidence of the war has vanished.

Several merpeople gathered around Matthew, peering at something that laid before him: Pearl.

"Pearl!" I screamed as I darted to the cave. I nearly leaped out of the water beside Matthew. "Go away!" I screamed at the other merpeople. They cleared out immediately.

I gasped as I looked down at Pearl. She looked paler than usual, as if her skin was paper. Her lips were blue and slightly parted. What could have done this too her?

"What happened?" I asked.

"When the shark came, it headed right towards me, Pearl jumped right in front of it-"

"That idiot!" I exclaimed.

Matthew smiled and stroked Pearl's hair. "She tried to save me, Pale. I was able to get away and the shark left Pearl alone, I guess-"

"Is she okay?"

Matthew shook her head. My heart sunk. "She's unconscious. Her heart beat is weak, her temperature is dropping. She didn't know how to swim with two legs, she couldn't breathe underwater either. When I went back for her, I found her sinking to the bottom of the ocean. I brought her here, but I think it might be too late."

"There has to be a way to save her."

I noticed a tear stream down Matthew's cheek. I've never seen him cry before, except for when we were kids.

"I-I really-"

"Loved her?" I finished.

Matthew nodded as more tears streamed down his cheeks.

"And I-I really loved dad too, I never told him that-"

I could feel a warm tear roll down my cheek. "I'm sure he knew that you loved him."

"But now P-Pearl's dead-"

"She still has a heartbeat-"

"She's basically dead Pale!" Matthew screamed.

"No," I denied. "There has to be a way to wake her up."

"There isn't!" Matthew yelled. "Besides, even if there was, we wouldn't know it! No one ever bothered to teach us the extent of our powers, Pale! If we even have more!"

"Just think," I tried to reassure.

Who are you trying to calm down? Matthew? Or yourself?

"Maybe something from the movies will help us," I suggested.

Matthew rolled his eyes. "The media? You're going with the media on this one?"

"It's our only shot," I said.

We were silent for a bit. Think Pale...think!

"I remember reading some lore," Matthew began. "It said that kissing a sailor can prevent him from drowning. But Pearl's not a sailor and she already drowned."

"Worth a shot."

Matthew looked up at me. "Well who's gonna kiss her?"

"You, Matthew!" I scoffed. "You love her and isn't married and won't regret it in five seconds! Just do it!"

"I did just break up with my girlfriend..."

"Just do it!"

"Ok, ok!"

Matthew placed his hand under Pearl's jawline, he shivered at the touch. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. He stayed there, eyes closed.

I gasped as I glanced at Pearl's legs. They began to glow gold, as if they were melting into metal. They got brighter and brighter until I had to squint to still see Pearl.

Matthew's lips broke from her's and the glowing subsided.

"Did it work?" Matthew asked as he came back up.

I gasped at the sight of Pearl. She no longer had legs and instead had her golden tail back.

"She's a mermaid now!" I exclaimed.

But Matthew didn't seem as excited. He sighed and strokes Pearl's face. "But she's still not-"

I heard a gasp. I jerked my head down at Pearl, her eyes were wide open and she was panting.

"W-where am I?" She asked.

"There was a shark, you saved Matthew's life," I said.

Pearl propped herself on her elbows. "I did?"

Matthew nodded. "You were unconscious but Pale and I didn't know what to do."

"So what did you do?" Pearl asked. Her voice was brittle and raspy.

"Out of desperation...I....uh, kissed you-"

Pearl jumped up and wrapped her arms around Matthew. She knocked Matthew backwards, it was hard to believe she was unconscious 5 minutes ago.

"Can I kiss you again?" Pearl asked. I've never seen her smile so bright, her eyes were the size of the moon and sparkled like the stars.

Matthew cracked a smile. "Sure," he said as their lips connected again.

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