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" Bearer of Keys is a respected Celestial Spirit mage who lives in the Celestial Spirit Realm and is entrusted all 12 of the golden Zodiac keys including the 13th.
They hold the keys and protect them from the wrong hands, and from being used as vessels of great power.
At a high enough power that is built from fulfilling their duties as Bearer of Keys and train hard to hold greater amounts of power like meditation, they themselves could create more of the celestial spirit keys, and drop them down into Earthland for others of the same magic.
And if they possess great enough power, they may summon the most powerful of all the Zodiac Keys combined, the Celestial Spirit King and not breaking one of the Zodiac Keys to summon him, instead using themselves as a gate, like making yourself a key so the King can pass through.
Though Bearer of Keys are more powerful than regular Celestial Spirit mages, they are bound by the Spirit Realm and can be used as a gate into the Spirit Realm. If taken into the wrong hands, their body will rip apart as the gate opens to the Realm inside of them, or can be used to destroy the Spirit Realm if their body does not rip apart.
More than that though, the Bearer of Keys can also transfer magic from the Spirit Realm and be used as a weapon. Either against their will or not, if they are caught into the wrong hands, their life will cease. "The blonde maiden upon the stone ground shut the large, hard cover book.
She had read the book millions of times. Her clothing consisted of a small midnight blue hat holding to the side of her head with a golden rim and a golden star and red ruffle to decorate it, thigh length midnight blue cape with a starry night on the inside of a light blue to purple color, her wrists were decorated with a midnight blue bracelet going up her arm below her elbows with golden cuffs circling her wrists and white ruffles going out on each end. Her shirt was yellow around her breast but went down as midnight blue right under them with golden lines tracing down and across at her waist, bellow her waist in golden were the Zodiac symbols of the keys she carried, the sleeves were loose long ruffles and down her left arm was a white fuzzy bicep bracelet, connecting the cape to her shirt was a bright yellow ruffle with a red jewel with gold around it making it look like a star, her bottoms were of a dark purple and puffed out going down only to her thighs, at the top was a thick golden rim, and at the ends were small white ruffles, connecting to her short was a golden chain to a white garter with gold going across the middle, Her feet were stuffed in brown knee length small heeled boots, so they made a small *click* as she walked. >>>

Her sigh was long and soft as she placed the book down beside her.
She stared off into the starry land where clouds and stars roamed, on the clouds were lands and houses of this Celestial Spirit Realm.
She had looked at the same scenery day after day, but she never 'really' knew if it was day or night. Time ran differently in this realm than it did in any other, it was faster. a week here could be a day in Edolas, maybe a month in Earthland.
She took another sigh as she stood, her cap flowing as she did.
She turned , looking to the edge of this cloud land she stood upon.
She ran to the edge and jumped, her hair and cape flying up as she gracefully glided the air. Her brown, chocolate eyes looked upon an orange haired man who wore a suit and glasses. his hair was spiky but she new how soft it really was.
" Leo~! "her voice traveled down as she came close to the small cloud land below the one she was on. He turned, green eyes gazing upon her. He opened his arms and she 'flew' in them, hugging him dearly." You're back! When did you arrive? "
He smiled, happy seeing blonde maiden. Letting her go so she could stand.
" Just now, sorry I was gone for so long. "he chuckled a bit.
" I missed you, Leo. What were you doing in Earthland anyway? Was it your guild again? "she asked.
" Yeah, I went on a job request with Gray. "Leo said, scratching the back of his neck.
" He's the ice maker wizard, correct. And he fights with... that fire dragon slayer... um-"
" Natsu. "he said.
" oh, right! "she smiled." It must be fun down there with them. "
" You do know, you are not trapped here... you can join me-"
" I have told you once before, I am never leaving the Celestial Spirit Realm. This my home, where I was born and raised, and... anything can happen on a different Realm. I may be taken for who knows what if I was found out of who I really am. "

He nodded, ashamed he asked, already knowing her answer from before.
" It was worth asking though, maybe one of these days you'll change your mind. "he smiled then, looking into her chocolate eyes.
" Maybe, but for now, it will be a 'no'. "she frowned, walking past him.
" Lucy, where's my key? "he suddenly asked, making her turn abruptly.
She stared at him, curious yet a bit angered of why he would ask. She swirled her hand in the air and held up her palm, a golden light shown and a golden key was pulled from the air and into creation. It held the Lion constellation symbol upon the top with a lion mane around it.
It dropped into her hand and she held it up." Like I would ever leave any of the Zodiac keys at home where they can be stolen and dropped into Earthland or Edolas or any other realm. If that were to happen I would have to leave here and go out and find them. "she sighed." But why must you ask? "
Leo shook his head." I don't know, I just wanted to see it. I find it strange I'm connected to a key still and can be summoned at any time if I am needed. I just hope you don't summon me while I'm on Earthland, nobody there knows I'm a celestial spirit. "he stated.
" Good choice, if they did, who knows what would happen if they had. And for all I know, you could bring them to this Realm to 'show' them around. "she crossed her arms.
" That was once... but, that was awhile ago. When I wasn't in Fairy Tail and Karen Lilica had my key and also Aries key. "he sighed, still holding feelings for the woman.

" Gomen, I didn't mean to remind you of her... that was very inconsiderate of me. "she hung her head. Leo looked up and smiled slightly, he ruffled her hair, messing it up and making her small hat drop from her head, letting some of her hair go. She glared up at him." Must you treat me like a child? "
" You looked so cute, how could I not? "
" baka... "
" Don't have to be so mean. "
" Oh, shut up. "
Leo kneeled down, picking up her hat and placed it back to it's position on her crown. He smiled wider, bending down and pecked her cheek. Her whole face flushed red.
" L-Leo! "she squeaked.
" You didn't want me to treat you like a child, correct? "he chuckled.
She hummed in annoyance, kicking his shin then stomping past him. He groaned, holding his shin.
Lucy walked to the edge of the cloud and looked up. She jumped, her body floating up to another clouded land. She sighed, looking at Leo's key. She threw it in the air and it disappeared.

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