Chapter 5: Love

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When she woke up she was laying on the bed in his arms. It felt weird to her she had never been this close to a man before. But it felt kind of comfortable. She felt safe in his arms. So she just stayed there and watched him sleep till he woke up. He stretched he's arms out.

"Were you watching me while I was sleeping?" He asked.

"Maybe." She teased. He glared at her.

"Ok so what if I was I like the face you make when your sleeping." She blurts, he chuckles.

"You're so cute. You're a bit of a strange one though." He smiled ruffling her hair getting up. She got up and brushed her hair. Then she started cooking breakfast for Eames.

"I didn't know you can cook." He blurts. She giggled.

"Well there's a lot of human stuff I can do. That's how I was designed. I was made to be the perfect weapon of mass destruction." She said, he walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist.

"Wait your a weapon?" He asked outing his head on her shoulder.

"Well ya I mean why else would they make me a beast. Why do you think people are always scared of me." She said, glancing back at him.

"How do you feel about it honestly?" He asked her wrapping his tail around her leg.

"Well honestly I hate it I wish I was normal so I'd never have to fight. But it's what I was made for and its the only life I'd ever known." She said, he looked into her eyes.

"Well you'll never have to again not with me around." He said, tightening his grip.

"I want you to be happy and live the life you want." He continued, she spun around in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"And I am happy I'm with you." She said when her tail popped out.

"Oh really. So you like being with a weak hybrid like me." He said, she pulled her face closer to his.

"Yes really." She said, he kissed her. She smiled.

"You know you'll never get to be able to get rid of me." She said, he tightened his grip.

"Who said I wanted to you ain't getting rid of me either." He replied kissing her again. She laughed. Then she hugged him.

"Can I make you my partner." He asked, she froze. When someone asks them to be their partner their actually purposing. She squealed and jumped on him knocking him over.

"So I'll take that as a yes?" He asks.

"Yes a thousand times yes." She nuzzled up against him. He laughed and slipped something around her neck. When she looked it was a beautiful pendent.

"When someone from my clan is ready to marry they give this pendent to their bride. It's a symbol of my clan. Each clan has a different one." He said playing with her hair.

"Well I can't get married to you without you knowing what I really look like but I'm afraid you'll be scared of me." She said looking away.

"Now you listen here nothings going to change how I feel about you and I mean nothing. I love you. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you I wanted to make you my wife and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you." He said, grabbing her hands. She was so surprised by his words she didn't even notice. No ones ever showed so much affection and love for her in her in tire life. She didn't know how to respond. So she didn't say anything just gave him a passionate long kiss. He smiled and kissed her in return.

"No ones ever shown me what you have shown me. You've made me feel in so many ways I never thought a beast could. I love you to. You are my one and only. I want it to stay that way forever." She smiled.

"Me to." He says caressing her cheek.

"You know even though your going to marry me there will be times you wouldn't be able to see me since I'm a soldier but when I get the chance I'll spend every waking moment with you." He continued.

"Like I care I love you so I'm gonna marry you no matter circumstances." She said, getting up and pulling him up.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He said pulling her into his arms. When they realized the food was burning.

"Shit." She said taking the pan off the small portable wood stove that was in his tent.

"It's fine it's my fault I distracted you." He said, she turned the stove off.

"Ya but still. I'll make something else." She says throwing away what she burned.

"I wouldn't distracted you this time babe." He said, kissing her cheek and walking over to his bag where he keeps his close. She turns on the stove and puts on some meat she got from the buck. As soon he smelled it his tail popped out. She started putting seasonings on it. When she glanced over and seen him shirtless his muscles were really defined. She caught herself staring at him. She snapped out of it when he looked over. Then she finished cooking while he finished dressing.

"Ok I'm done." She announced outing it on a plate. He darted over and sniffed the air.

"Deer?" He asked, she nodded. She remembered from his memories he loved deer meat which worked out good because she did to. Since the main parts of her DNA make up is canine pacifically wolf. He took the plate and cut a piece and ate it.

"Who the hell taught you how to cook that's really good." He smiled.

"Good I'm glad no one taught I taught myself." She said, he was very impressed.

"Well damn you're really good." He said, then he ate the rest. Then she took his plate and cleaned it. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"So you liked it?" She asked.

"Very that was amazing." He said kissing her cheek.

"That's good I was hoping I didn't mess up." She smiled.

"Hell no you did great." He replied.

"Well start getting used to it cause I'm going to be doing the cooking." She said, she was doing everything and anything to impress him. She only learn to cook and clean because of him. Since he was her master she was trying to do everything to make him happy. He liked girls that were sensitive, cute, girly, loving, gentle, kinda ditsy, and were old fashion like did all house work. So that's what she made herself. But the her real personality was the complete opposite. She was a genuine genius, she was very unloving because she didn't understand emotions, she more like a robot especially after her first master died, and she never showed any real facial expressions because she really never felt any real emotions. All her laughs and smiles were fake. She was very stubborn, she was anything but girly, and the only thing she really felt any type of joy from was fighting. She was very aggressive and cold as well. Dr.Hemlock was the only one that knew the real Aubrianna because she had the same personality. She was the only one Aubrianna could really ever connect with.

"That I can get used to." He says. She smiled. Then an alarm started going off. He looked down and sighed.

"What a buzzkill. I have to go on duty. But I'll be back soon ok. Love." He said, kissing her and slipping on his jacket. Then he ran out the tent. Her face immediately went from smiling to serious. She touched her lips where he kissed him.

"Love huh such a troublesome thing it is." She said to herself. Then she grabbed the clothes he left on the ground.

"What a slob but he's my slob. After all I chose to marry him." She looks at herself in the mirror and sighs. She cleans his dirty clothes then hangs them to dry. When she's done she puts her hair up. She leaves the tent and goes into the woods. Walking up to a large tree she stops. She punches it to see how sturdy it was. It fell over. When she heard someone behind her. She swung around to find Chad watching her.

"Nicely done." He said as she smiled.

"Thank you so what brings you out here?" She asked. He walked up to her.

"Just taking a walk you?" He asked.

"Letting off some steam." She said, he smile till he seen her pendent.

"Why him your so beautiful and strong you could have whatever man you wanted so why him?" He questioned.

"Well he does have his kinks but he's a good man at heart. Plus he's easy for me to handle and he's starting to grow on me." She said, dusting her hands.

"Easy to handle?" He asked.

"Ya like he's easy for me to read, I don't have to force him to do anything, and he's affectionate. I kinda like the little dweeb." She said making her expression serious again.

"So there is more to you then just an innocent girl." He said, she chuckles.

"Why yes there is a lot more to me he just hasn't figured it out. So I'll keep playing the innocent act. Besides its better this way. So let's keep this between the to of us." She said, walking closer.

"Alright you have my word." He said smiling.

"Good cause I don't think you'd like to see me angry." She said using her beast voice.

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