𝐨. the prologue

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LUCAS FRIAR WAS now stuck in a love triangle between two important girls in his life, and it was times like this he wished he didn't have feelings at all, or at least ones that were this complicated to deal with.

He grew to believe in using both his head and heart when it comes to love, which he learned from his (now) old English teacher. Yet, in the midst of his own situation, he felt utterly lost, unable to rely on either.

To everyone else, his feelings seemed clear: he liked both Riley and Maya. And the question of when did he know he liked them, would differentiate between the two, but he knew for certain he felt things for them since they met on the subway in seventh grade.

But here they were now; their relationship(s) standing in this confusing, almost frustrating limbo that felt like a trap in disguise. It turned into something neither anticipated, and it already started to take a toll on the Texan, driving him to wonder why life had put him this complicated position in the first place.

That was what was swirling his mind after he left Riley's to go home after talking to the girls about their previous attempt to end the triangle, which was mostly a flop.

All it did was remind that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't come to a conclusion that didn't end with anyone getting hurt, and if anything, now they were back at square one.

As he wandered home in a daze, one shop around a corner caught his attention: Diana's Savory Sweets and Drinks. He always passes by this place on the way, but he never really gave it the time of day considering he already had Topanga's as a designated sweets place.

But perhaps it was its inviting soft nightly glow and aroma that beckoned him inside today. It seemed like the least harmful place in his block anyways.

Entering inside, his nostrils were hit with the sweetest scent he's ever smelt in his life. But it was the calming type of sweet; the type not enough to overwhelm you but to make you feel nice, maybe even relaxed.

Their menu was on these two medium-sized monitors that were settled above the counter. They had quite the tantalizing options between various drinks like teas, coffees, and cold brews. His gaze even wandered to the glass display where delicious-looking treats were practically taunting him from a distance.

When Lucas finally made his mind up, he went to the register, only to realize the barista looked pretty much too into her world to notice him at first as she was crafting this origami horse out a dollar bill.

It took him a moment to speak as he found himself taking in the sight of her. Taking in the way her black hair shimmered under the fluorescent lights, and the way her fern green apron she had on was hugging her figure.

She looked relaxed and concentrated, and if anything he already felt bad for bothering her.

He clear his throat eventually in an effort to catch her attention. "Oh, excuse me?" Lucas spoke, breaking her concentration.

Her head swiveled towards him, halting mid-motion. "Oh—my god. I'm sorry, I didn't see you there...I guess I was too caught up in crafting this little horsey," she explained, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Lucas shook his head. "It's alright. I think it's a nice dollar horse actually."

The barista grinned back, eased by his words. "Thanks," she replied before tossing the origami into her tip jar. "So, what can I get you today?"

Lucas took a moment to peruse the menu again, his gaze dancing over the options above. Finally, he made his choice. "Can I just get a blueberry iced tea?"

She swiftly grabs a medium-sized cup and a Sharpie to jot down his order on. "Got it. And would want any pastries to go with that?" she asked, gesturing towards the tempting displays of treats beside her.

His lips formed a line. "Which would you prefer?"

She stepped towards the display. "Well, we've got quite the selection, stranger. But my personal favorite is the Athena's Peppermint Marshmallow cookie."

Slightly curious, Lucas' brow raises as he asks, "Why is it your favorite?"

She chuckled. "Well, for one, it's named after me," she said, tapping her name-tag on her apron proudly. "And secondly, I'm a huge sucker for anything peppermint."

Lucas nodded before realizing something. "Wait...your name is Athena? Isn't that the name of-"

"The Greek Goddess. Yes," she affirmed with a sigh, a flicker of annoyance in her gaze. "But although she's depicted as a 'hero,' I don't really think of her as one."

"Why not?"

Athena's head tilts slightly as her lips curled into a sly grin. "I'm certainly not surprised you're not up on Greek Mythology lore."

Lucas shrugged. "It isn't something I'm interested in, to be honest."

She nodded understandingly. "That's totally fine, honestly. But maybe you should get into it. There's some pretty interesting stuff to learn from it, stranger," she insisted.

Caught up in her infectious energy, Lucas found himself grinning in return. "You know what, I'll try your cookie too, Athena."

Her face lit up with delight. "Cool," she acknowledged before tallying up his order on the touchscreen register. "That'll add you up to $6.55," she informed before meeting his gaze. "What name am I putting it under?"

"Lucas," he replied before grabbing his money and handing her his money.

As Athena handled the transaction, Lucas settled down on a stool near the cash register, his attention unintentionally drawn to her as he observed her making his tea.

It wasn't until she slid his order across the counter that she caught his gaze. "Here you go, Lucas. Now, tell me my cookie is the best thing you've ever eaten," she challenged, her smile a mix of confidence and anticipation.

Already skeptical, Lucas met her gaze evenly. "I highly doubt that," he countered. But as he unwrapped the cookie and took a bite, he was immediately left pleasantly surprised by its insanely sweet taste. "Woah."

Athena smirks, nodding her head. "Right?"

Dumbfounded, Lucas turned to her, his astonishment evident. "H-how is it this good?"

Her smirk shifts into a prideful smile as her hands made its way to her hips. "Don't know, but my mother spends every morning making them and the other treats. It's a nice smell to wake up to."

Lucas hums into a grin. "You're lucky."

"I know," she assured.

As he savored his cookie, Lucas casually revealed then, "My mom likes to bake too. She also works at this bakery a couple blocks from here."

Athena's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Nice. I might have to try that out as well then."

"Wouldn't that be like betraying your mother?"

"Isn't you coming here also betraying yours too, stranger?"

He couldn't argue with her logic. "Good point."

She chuckles. "Besides, I don't really think she'd care. She just wants me to be happy."

It makes him think. "Are you happy?"

The question, as simple as it might've sounded, left her quite puzzled. "Well, aren't you a curious stranger?"

He shrugged. "It's just a question."

After a short moment of contemplation, Athena responded thoughtfully. "I think I'm just content. That's all I'm going to say." Her gaze narrows a little as she turned the question back to him. "Are you happy?"

Caught off guard, Lucas paused to consider his answer. "Not really, if I'm being honest."

A shadow of concern crossed Athena's features. "Oh," she murmured, her lips pursed in empathy. "Well then, I hope happiness finds you soon, stranger."

Lucas frailly smiles in gratitude. "I hope so too," he replied, as his eyes softly gazed at hers. "You're a great barista, by the way."

Athena's heart softens at his compliment. It wasn't the type of compliment she'd hear all the time, atleast not that she ever gets any on the job, but still she appreciated it, more than he'd ever know. "Thanks, and you're a good customer too," she assured.

Lucas returned the grin as he stood up, grabbing his blueberry iced tea he had yet to drink. "Well, I guess I'll see you another time, Athena," he said.

And though she was a little disheartened by him leaving already, she sighed. "Yeah, see you later, Lucas."

His grin widens at her slightly as he walks out of the bakery-cafe afterward, feeling lighter, and less stressed about his life since he's had to face the reality of his triangle.

Meanwhile, Athena's emotions were in turmoil.

But before she could contemplate them at all, she hears footsteps trail up from behind her.

"Hey, what was all the talk coming from here?" Athena heard her mother inquire, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Were you talking to my appliances as if they were real people again?"

Athena lets out a soft scoff, shaking her head. "No, mama, it was just—" she paused, her thoughts momentarily interrupted. "This guy came in, and we sort of talked for a bit."

The mother arched an eyebrow playfully. "Ooo."

Athena's eyes tightened at her. "Mom."

"Ay, I'm kidding," her mother assured, walking over and rubbing Athena's shoulder affectionately. "But you seem...happy, Mija."

Athena drifts her gaze to the door, her lips pursed in thought about what just happened.

"Yeah...Yeah, I guess I'm happy."

Because there was just something about him... that she couldn't quite shake off now.

And honestly, she didn't anticipate that it was going to be a feeling she wouldn't be able to shake off for the rest of her life.

lani's talking!

my love-triangle destroyer 🙂‍↕️🙏 you will always be loved and supported by me !!!

lol but I'm very excited because i just finished my second year in college so now I'm finally free to spend all my time writing, yay! 👍🏼

anyways, thank you all for reading and supporting this story so far, it really means a lot. and i will see you all later!

byeeee <3

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