Chapter one

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New team, who dis?

My father gripped my hand even tighter as we walked to the academy. It was the day I would finally become a genin. My dad wouldn't stop mumbling under his breath about how I took so long to promote. It's not my fault he graduated at 10, and I at 11.

"You didn't take after me in the slightest, huh?" He asked, yanking my wrist. "You know, if you walk faster, you'll get to become a genin faster."

I swear I heard him mumble, you're a disappointment, under his breath.

But I still kept a smile on my face. Nothing could ruin this day. I was gonna get to see all my friends, get a headband, and get assigned to a team. Not even my dad could mess that up for me.

We were getting closer to the Academy, and I could see everyone standing outside. No one had their parents with them except for you.

"Dadddd," I whined. "Let go of my hand." I attempted to break free but that man had a death grip on me.

"Stop acting out, (y/n), we're in public." He scolded me.

"Dad, no one else has their parents here." I complained.

"That's because no one else's parents care. Besides, I want to ensure you get the best Sensei."

I hated when he acted like he cared about my life. He could really care less. Every time we had an event for parents to come to at the academy, he never came. Or when I wanted to show him things I've learned, he'd say he was busy and ignore me. I didn't get why he cared so much today.

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone call my name.

I looked up to see my best friend, Rin running toward me as I reached the courtyard.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming!" She giggled.

"Me too," I mumbled, looking at my dad.

"(Y/n), do you wanna come with me and Obito to the swings while we wait for the academy to open?" Rin offered.

"Yeah!" I smiled. "Dad, can I?" I asked, looking up at him.

"No. You're gonna wait here with me until the Academy doors open." He said firmly.

"But Rin asked me-"

"I don't care what she asked," he said, looking distastefully at my friend. "You're staying right here. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal," I sighed. I looked at Rin with apologetic eyes, mouthing the words, I'm sorry.

She shrugged with a slight smile and walked off.

The academy finally opened a minute later and everyone shuffled inside.

"Dad, you can go now," I whispered as we walked in.

"I'm not going just yet. I want to meet your new Sensei and possibly change your team depending on who it is."

He continued to hold my hand up until we reached the classroom where I slipped away and into a seat next to Rin and Obito far from the door.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" I asked as I sat down.

"Hey," Obito greeted me with a smile. "Why's your dad here?"

"I wish I knew the answer to that." You shrugged.

"Your dad's kind of scary, (y/n)," Rin whispered.

The three of us slowly turned my heads to look at my dad who was standing by the door. At the same moment his gaze shifted toward us, causing Rin to flinch and Obito to look away quickly. I simply rolled my eyes and faced forward.

"Good morning, everyone," our teacher said as he entered the room. "As you all know, today most of you will get promoted to genin level and get assigned to a team."

The whole room started cheering, me included, but I stopped when I saw my dad staring at me.

"I'm very proud of you all, and it was an honor to get to teach you, and mold you and watch you grow," our teacher smiled.

Obito elbowed my arm to get my attention. "Pftt. He's been waiting to get rid of us the moment we stepped foot in here four years ago."

I almost giggled but covered my mouth with my hand. My dad was still watching me like a hawk.

"I'm going to begin telling you all your assigned teams."

He started reading names off of list. My heart beat hard in my chest as I waited for him to say my name.

"Hey, I hope the three of us are on the same team," Rin smiled sweetly.

"Me too!"

"Let's cross our fingers," I giggled.

Suddenly I heard my name get called.

"(Y/n) Morino,"


"Obito Uchiha,"


"Rin Nohara,"


We all turned to each other with wide grins on our faces. I was going to be on a team with my best friends!

"And Kakashi Hatake."


"Due to an uneven amount of students this year, there will be one or two teams with four people," Teacher announced.

"I don't want that jerk on our team," Obito whispered angrily.

"Me neither," I agreed.

"Guys, he doesn't seem that bad," Rin giggled. She was always trying to look on the bright side of things.

I turned to look at him. He was sitting in the very front row, back to us. I saw his shoulders slump slightly, his spiky hair swaying in the process.

I didn't want him on our team either. As long as I knew him, or knew of him, he was such a show off. He was always the one the teacher picked to demonstrate something and he always did it perfectly. He walked around like he owned the place and I hated it. More than once, he told me that I was going to be a bad shinobi if I never got good with kunai throwing. He was just a huge jerk to say the least.

After Teacher finished reading off the names he told us to go to our classrooms to wait for our new Senseis.

Me, Rin, and Obito went to find our classroom, with dad close in tow.

"Guys, aren't you excited?!" Rin asked with a laugh.

"Eh," Obito and I mumbled at the same time. We weren't pumped to have that silver hedgehog on our team.

I was about to follow Obito and Rin into the classroom, until I felt a strong grip on my wrist. My dad.

"I'm leaving, I just got summoned to the Hokage's office, but I expect you to be on your very best behavior, understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"If you're not, you already know the consequences," he warned.

I knew of the consequences too well.

As my dad continued to talk to me about being on my best behavior, that jerk walked by. Kakashi Hatake and I made eye contact for a split second before he walked into the classroom.

"Okay, okay. Dad I gotta go."

"Don't interrupt me!" He whisper-screamed at me, popping my mouth with the back of his hand.

"Ouch!" I said, covering my lips. They felt like they were swelling.

"That'll teach you a thing or two about respect," he muttered.

I blinked back tears before nodding my head. "Yes, sir."

I waited until he walked away to go into my classroom. I could feel Kakashi's eyes on me as I walked over to Rin and obito.

"(Y/n), what happened?!" Rin asked as she looked at my lips.

"Yeah, your lips are huge!" Obito exclaimed.

"Shhh. Don't say that," Rin whispered, elbowing him in his side.

"Are they really that big?" I asked, covering my mouth.

"Yes." Obito nodded quickly. "I mean no! No, not at all!" He added after Rin elbowed him again.

"Can you guys just shut up?" Kakashi asked from across the room.

We all turned to look at him. Obito and I had scowls on our faces, but Rin had an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry! We'll try to quiet down."

"Rin, don't apologize," I whispered.

"Yeah, I agree with (y/n). That guy's a jerk, Rin," Obito added.

"I don't see a reason why we can't all be friends," she said sweetly.

I rolled my eyes, looking away from him. "I can think of plenty."

"Hey, guys I have an idea. I'm gonna put an eraser at the top of the door so it falls on our sensei when he comes in." Obito laughed.

"Wait, don't do that. He's gonna hate us," Rin advised.

"Nooo. Do it!!" I said, clapping my hands. "Hopefully our sensei has a sense of humor."

Obito went up to the chalk board and grabbed the eraser and positioned it at the top of the door.

"You guys are idiots," Kakashi mumbled.

"Oh, shut up you baka. Live a little," I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Oooh, this is gonna be good!" Obito cheered as he rushed back to his seat.

Not even a minute later, the doorknob turned. I felt the excitement build up in my chest as the door opened.

"Hi, I'm Mina- ouch!"

A blond man stood in the doorway. He was smiling at us at first, but it soon turned to a pokerface.

"Well," he muttered, picking up the eraser and tossing it aside.

"Idiots," Kakashi mumbled.

Rin looked at me and Obito, mouthing the words, you shouldn't have done that.

"You got me," The blond guy chuckled. "That was a good one."

Obito laughed. "Glad you thought so."

"Nice to meet you all. I'm your new sensei, Minato Namikaze." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you!" Rin said cordially.

"How about we all get to know each other a little bit, hm? Follow me," Minato said, walking out of the room.

"Where's he taking us?" I asked Obito.

"How about you shut up and find out?" Kakashi muttered from in front of me.

"Leave her alone, you baka," Obito spat.

"I hope you're all being cordial to each other back there," Minato-Sensei said from the very front.

I swallowed a sassy response to Kakashi and instead answered Sensei. "Of course."

He lead us outside to a place overlooking the whole village. We all sat in a circle under a tree and waited for whatever it is he wanted us to do.

"Okay... Introductions," Minato smiled. "I'm Minato Namikaze, as I told you earlier. I enjoy cooking, eating my wife, Kushina's, home cooked meals, and reading. I dislike rude people. My goal for the future is to shape you into fine shinobi. Now, if everyone else will introduce themselves," he said, looking to Obito.

"Hi, I'm Obito Uchiha. I like hanging out with my best friends," he laughed looking at me and Rin. "I like eating ramen. I hate show offs," he finished, throwing a look at Kakashi. "OH ALSO MY GOAL IS TO BE HOKAGE!"

Next was Rin.

"I'm Rin Nohara. I love being with my friends and those I'm close to. I like helping people. I don't really dislike anything. My goal is to be the best and strongest med-nin ever."

Now me.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n) Morino. I also like hanging out with my best friends," I gave a smile to Rin and Obito. "I like eating. Dango and graham crackers are my favorite snacks. I really like running, I'd say I'm really fast. And I hate high expectations. My goal is to... I don't know. I haven't really figured it out yet." I said it all with my hand covering my mouth.

Then we turned to look at the jerk. He sat up straight with his legs criss crossed, and hands in his lap. To me he acted like he was royalty or something. It annoyed me.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake. I don't really feel like telling you what I like or dislike. My goals? I don't feel like telling you that either," he sighed, adjusting his mask.

What an edgelord.

"That guy's so annoying," Obito whispered making me giggle.

"Okay, well it was nice meeting you all. Tomorrow, I want us all to meet up in the training grounds for a... hmmm... special test shall we say?" Minato-Sensei smiled smugly.

"Test?" Obito asked.

"Mhmm," our sensei grinned.

"You say it as if a test isn't expected. He obviously wants to test our skills and abilities, which shouldn't be a problem. That is if you have any," Kakashi chuckled coldly.

"Okay, and? Nobody asked you," I scoffed.

"Calm down, guys," Rin intervened.

I took a deep breath. "Fine."

"See you guys all tomorrow morning. 7 a.m. sharp. Also, don't eat any breakfast, it'll only slow you down," Minato gave a closed eye smile before disappearing.

"No breakfast?" I repeated disappointedly.

"Uh, yeah, that's what he said. What are you, deaf?" Kakashi said.

"Stop being such a jerk." I rolled my eyes.

"Stop being such a whiny brat, fat lips" Kakashi deadpanned.

"Leave her alone!" Obito chimed in. "I can't believe we're even on the same team. You were a cold jerk at the academy, and you still are. You think that just because you made genin before us–"

"I'm a chunin, soon to be jonin. Get your facts right next time," Kakashi interrupted.

"Well whatever you are, stop being such an annoying baka! It's driving me insane. If you think for even a moment that you're better than any of us, I'll... I'll..." Obito said, trying to think of something.

But he didn't notice Kakashi walk away. He was too busy trying to roast him.

"Obito. Obito! Calm down, he left," Rin giggled, putting her hand on his shoulder.

His face turned beet red when she did.

"I, uh. Well, um..." He stuttered.

I giggled at his loss of words.

"Well, see you guys tomorrow!" I said with a smile.

I would be ready for any test Minato threw at me tomorrow.

Lena's note: new story, who dis?

I hope you like this so far ♡♡♡

BIG thanks to @bird-riding-the-wind
for the amazing book cover!!

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