Chapter 4

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Dean's POV

"Did she tell you anything interesting?" Said Sam without even looking up.

"Nope, she said she could never get the box open. I'll call Cas in the morning and he'll get some answers." Sam looked up.

"Why not call him now?" He asked looking at me.

"One, you may not be tired but I am. Two, she's asleep and she needs it." I didn't say anything else, I just went to my room and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Davina's POV

Waking up, I looked around and tried to figure out whether or not it was day or night. I was hungry again and hoped that either Sam or Dean would come in and bring some food with them. Who knows, in the end they may decide to starve me to death? God I hope not because that's not the way I die. I mean who would, am I right?

I had nothing to do so I started to sing. It helped calm me when down when I was angry or scared and I was scared now. In the past I had a few problems with anger so I knew that this method would defiantly work. Making up my mind, I began to sing Faded by Alan Walker. I had always liked that song and I knew all of the words to it.

"You were the shadow to my light, did you feel us,

Another start you fade away,

Afraid our aim is out of sight wanna see us.


Where are you know.

Where are you know.

Where are you know.

Was it all in my fantasy,

Where are you know.

Were you only imagina-"

"You're good, you know." Looking up I saw Sam and Dean stood in the doorway, behind them was a man with clear blue eyes and a trench coat.

"Thanks, I guess that this is the fiend that can tell if I'm lying?" No one answered me or moved for a few seconds until Sam sighed and they all came into the room Sam and Dean leaned against the walls of the room while the other one closed the door and turned to face me.

"My name is Castiel and I am an angel of the Lord." Was blue eyes serious? An angel. Sure . . .

"Sure, your an angel. Well my name is Davina and I am a unicorn in disguise." Sam snorted at this but Dean smirked and looked at Castiel.

"You are not a unicorn. I could tell if you were." Oh my god, he doesn't understand sarcasm and he's keeping up with his angel charade. So what I'm hearing is I've been kidnaped by nutters and now they've invited there nutter friend to probably kill me.

"Great, sure you're an angel just please don't kill me. I like life and I do not want to be killed by a bunch of looneys." I said sighing. Dean looked like he was trying not to laugh. "Dean, I'm so glad this amuses you." You know what, I think I have a death wish. These guys wouldn't have any trouble killing me and getting away with it.

"We aren't mad, and what kind of word if looney?" How dare he mock the way I talk.

"I'm sorry, do you not read. Does your Sam or Castiel need to buy you a thesaurus? I'm from England, this is how everyone talks there." Sam was leaning against the wall grinning while Castiel's expression remained emotionless. "So . . . Are you going to ask your questions or what? I'm hungry and annoyed and cold."

"Ok, fine. Why did you have an angel blade and a hunters diary in your bag? Cas can us tell you if lie." What the hell is an angel blade and why are they so bothered with a hunters diary? Why do they care who shot Bambi and when, who are these freaks?

"I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about." Both of the brothers looked at the psycho who thought he was an angel. God, I hope he wont say I'm lying because all of these guys looked strong and capable of hurting me. Even killing me.

"She's telling the truth." Yes, I may have psycho angel guy on my side.

"Do you know anything about the supernatural or demons?" Sam said from the back of the room before Dean could ask anything else."

"Oh God, you are mad. No I do not know about the supernatural or demons!" Getting quite scared, I shouted the last part. My heart was beating so loud and fast I was surprised they couldn't hear it.

"She was telling the truth again and she's scared. She could pass out, as you say, at any second due to the combination of exhaustion and hunger." Well, I was hungry and some more sleep would be nice. Yep, angel guys on my side.

"Cas, Dean, mind if I talk to you guys for a second outside for a second." They left but before Castiel left the room, he looked over his shoulder and then left. For a second, I thought I saw pity flash across eyes but before I was certain the door swung shut an I was alone again. After a few minutes of shuffling around, trying to get comfortable . . . and failing due to the fact I couldn't move my arms  or legs.

Sam's POV

"So this girl has an angel blade and a hunter diary, but no knowledge of demons or the supernatural? This doesn't make any sense." Dean was getting confused and when that happens, anger often follows.

"When you talked earlier, what did she say?" As she had been telling the truth now, she could have been earlier. Maybe we would find out something important.

"All she said was she was adopted, the box which had the stuff in was her mothers and she could never get it open. Hold on, remember what she said when we found her? She said her friend had called her while the killer was in her house. Well, the kids friend said the person had black eyes and was really after her." We had all we needed right there. I had an idea of what happened.

"Her mother could have been the hunter who wrote the journal. She was killed and left the stuff in the box, she could have put a spell on it so it opened when Davina needed it. A demon finds out that she had a kid and decides to kill her." Dean looked at me like I was mad at first but when the cogs began to turn in his head, he agreed.

"What do we do then?" Cas said.

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