Chapter XI

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Weeks, months past and I didn't move still I lay with my love, Balin, Dwalin, Bofur and Fili bought me food and water every day but I refused to touch it. Fili and Bofur encouraged me to eat but I didn't. "Come on lass, you cant stay here, his body will... you know" He said gesturing to Kilis body.

A growl ripped through my body, Bofur knew I wasn't being horrible but I was just protective. Fili was the only one who I allow to lay a hand on me as he strokes my back gently in a comforting manner, he sometimes comes and sits with me and reads to me if he doesn't have any of his princely duties. I spend most of my time sleeping but every now and then I take a trip around the burial ground to keep in shape and to stretch, but I spend most of my time laying on the tomb with Kili resting on my back.

I had never known pain like it and believe me I have suffered, Thorin was worrying about me constantly, Kilis body hadn't begun to rot, it was almost as if though he was in an eternal sleep, just without a pulse. I guess the eleven goddess wanted to keep him preserved, so if he did come back he would have a body to return to, I hoped to god one day he would.

I was sleeping soundly one day when I felt a sharp pain in my side, I look and see that Thorin had jabbed something into my shoulder, it made me feel drowsy and woozy, I tried snarling but however I couldn't hold it and my head flopped onto my paws, and I felt two fingers on my. neck. "Her pulse is slowing p, it's working she'll be unconscious within the next five minutes" Oin said.

'Wait what? What the hell was going on?' I thought, Dwalin lifted me off the tomb and gently laid me on the floor. I soon watched as they took Kilis body from his tomb and then onto a small cart which held his coffin. I began to pine and whine and squirm on the ground but my paws failing me.

"I am sorry lass it was the only way" Dwalin said and it was the last thing I heard as the darkness consumed me.

A few hours later....

I wake up to the sharp sound of chains rattling, my neck feels tight, I can't move and I am weighed down. I look around me and notice I am in my chambers but chained to the bed. Fili and Thorin are there watching me. I yank my head as I was uncomfortable and at an attempt to free myself but nothing, so I just lay back down.

I was distraught and insecure as I couldn't see Kili. "Where is he?" I pined.

"Buried" Fili answered.

"What?" I snarled.

"Abrax, I am sorry but in order to bury him we had to drug you" Thorin told me.

"You did what?" I growled.

"You wouldn't leave Kili, you left us with no choice" Fili added, sensing my agitation.

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