Chapter 13

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Clare looked at him softly.

"If you want, you can finish it later. "

"No," Bielski said firmly. "Either I say it now, or I'll shoot myself in the head. "

"Don't even say that," she chuckled, quickly looking him straight in the eye. "Who am I gonna make pancakes for?"

"Well, the first time right after he used me he broke my left arm." he raised it up. "Each time it got worse and worse. He took away everything I was building. He took away my confidence. He took the joy out of my life. He took away my dignity." - tears streamed down his face. - "That's why I push everyone away so much, even those who don't deserve it."

"That's why you needed someone to give you space," Clare noted. "Someone who lets you experience everything without putting on masks. "

"Exactly right," he let out a loud gasp. "I feel like I don't deserve anything that will give me joy. It's like all I have to feel is pain. "

"Just like then," the girl finished for him. "Thank you for sharing this with me. It's important to you. And if something matters to you, it matters to me too." she said gently, taking the policeman's hand.

When they returned to Gucio's place, Clara helped him clean the apartment. They also took the opportunity to eat the last two pieces of cake left over from yesterday.

"I'm very proud of you," Clara said suddenly as they sat on the sofa, cuddled into each other. "You're the best man I've ever met. You may not see this in yourself, but you have a wonderful heart, and you have tremendous value to me."

"Thank you," he blushed slightly. He had never heard so many nice things about himself. However, inside he felt that there was nothing more to hope for. That the good things just ended. After all, happiness doesn't last forever

"We're going back to work tomorrow," she changed the subject abruptly.

"That's right," the youngster confirmed, after which he slumped heavily in his sofa.

"Promise me something" the boy looked at her questioningly. "Promise me that if anything happens you'll call me. I'll be calmer. "

"I promise," said Gucio. "And the same on your part. If you need to talk to someone - you have my number. "

"Thank you," Clara said, then drove the policeman back to his apartment.

There they said their goodbyes. Gucio went back to his business. He didn't feel as bad as he did yesterday. Talking about feelings and the past wasn't the most pleasant, but it was necessary to deal with the emotions.

It had been a busy few days at the command post. Everyone noticed the changes in Gucci's behavior. He avoided interviews and only answered business questions. After work, he would go home right away. He always turned down offers to go out, explaining that he had plans for the evening, but when he came home he would sit by the window and stare impassively at the streets.  

Martha and Lucy started to worry about him. The police station became gloomy, lacking the enthusiasm of a young policeman. His friends asked him many times if everything was alright and if he needed anything, but Gucio dismissed them with half-words.

Peter thought Gucio had some kind of problem with his parents, who had recently returned to the country. He had no idea that the youngster hadn't even contacted them for several weeks.

Rumors began to surround Bielski's persona that he had fallen in love and therefore changed. Others, in turn, told of a mysterious girl with whom he supposedly wrote in secret.

After a few weeks, the young police officer stopped showing up for work. The chief received further sick leave from him. At first, they were sporadic days, but sometimes Gucio would not come for three or even four days in a row.

He didn't answer his phone and rarely responded to text messages.

One morning, Gucio didn't show up for work, which was nothing new. Clara, however, appeared, which surprised everyone.

"Good morning" she said shyly.

"Good morning," replied Peter. "How can I help you?"

"It is about Officer Bielski." at these words the others looked at her puzzled.

"And you are?" asked Lucy.

"Clara Zawilska," she introduced herself. "Some time ago I met Gucio outside the hospital. "

"And what about him?" the blond asked. "He didn't come to work today."

"That's impossible," the woman was clearly puzzled and frightened. "He wrote me to come to the station. He wanted to talk about something, but he didn't say what it was about. "

At these words, they all looked at each other.

"It's been bad with him recently," Martha informed. "He started to shut down inside and didn't even want to leave the house after work. Now there's not even a way to reach him - he doesn't answer the phone. "

"He told me about what happened to him, but after that we spoke less and less. " Clara suddenly turned pale. "Oh no..." she looked at the phone.

"What is it?" asked Peter. 

"You MUST track down his phone NOW," the youth's friend said quickly.

"Give me a minute," Martha took flight to understand what he meant. "There it is! Buckley Street. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"We're going there," said everyone in chorus. They informed the chief of everything and then drove two cars to Buckley Street.

Despite the protests of the police, Clara went with them. Martha had learned from her that for the past few weeks Clara had been the person Gucio talked to most often.

"A few days ago he stopped writing as often as before," the girl began to explain. "If I had spoken to him earlier or come to him... "

"It's not your fault," Martha said. "You did everything you could to help. "

"I could have done more," she said reproachfully.

The girl hid her face in her hands. She knew it might happen, but in her heart she hoped Gucio would let her help him. That he would make it before it was too late.

Hey guys!

There will be only 2 more chapters. I hope it will be good for all of you <3

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