Chapter Eight

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Time passed by. There was maybe twenty minutes of silence, just waiting, for nothing to happen. We were all safe, we were all tired. Yet, all of us were restless with some sort of fear eating away at our minds.

Katrina was still shaken up. Her eyes were slightly pink from crying, and her skin was still just as pale as when I had found her. Her curly hair was laying down her shoulders so I could barely see her face. She didn't move, not even an inch, she seemed stiff.

Matt was staring off into space with no expression whatsoever. It was times like these that I wish I could read his mind. He was always so hard to read, and never opened up too well. I still had no idea what happened to his family after the explosion. Neither of us would talk about it. Mostly I didn't want to force him to talk about something he wasn't ready to talk about. I did my best to make him happy, and he did the same thing to me. I really cared about Matt.

Jay was tapping his fingers restlessly against the wooden floor. Although who could blame the poor guy. I mean I may not have known him, but I felt bad. None of us had any idea where his girlfriend, aka, my best friend was. He looked worried and miserable that he couldn't do anything about it.

The little boy that Matt had ended up helping was now giving my little sister a worried glance. They didn't talk, no one did. That was too much of a risk, but the two had to have known each other somehow. I mean, it was like they were speaking without words they way they eyed each other.

...When did my baby sister grow up?

It seems like just yesterday, she was this cute little three year old girl, with rosy cheeks and curly hair that was always pulled up into a tight ponytail. She'd been pointing at a specific small pink teddy bear to our mom saying "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! I want it Mommy!" In that high squeaky voice she had. Of course my mom laughed quietly and bought her the stuffed animal while patting Katrina's head. After that day, Katrina would never go anywhere without it, but now a days? I had no idea where that small bear went off too.

Katrina, she was getting older. Her hair was still usually pulled up into a tight pony tail which did frame her face rather well. Her emerald green eyes sparkled with the innocence of a little girl, and her slender body frame made her seem younger. Sometimes I would forget that my baby sister is no longer a baby. She's eleven years old now. Time flashes by like a second.

One minute you're five years old and your parents are telling you and your big brother that you're going to have a little sister, and the next second you're sixteen years old living in a worn down shack, without your parents, just trying to keep your little sister safe from the threats of war.

It was restless some times, there was never a break. I didn't care though, I loved my little sister and that's why I did what I did. I didn't want Katrina living somewhere without food or water. Matt always helped in rough times too. When hunting days were scarce, he'd help by bringing some food. We always ate at least once a day. We weren't starving but we also weren't thriving with food.

Five more minutes passed by before anyone spoke. The silence was overbearing. I hated it. Although finally an emotionless voice spoke up. "Guys, stay here I'm going to see if the coast is clear." Matt informed, which brought me out of my train of thoughts. He was already up, and halfway to the 'door'.

"Wait, I'm going." I rushed, pulling myself out of under the bed and making my way towards him.

Matt turned in his steps giving me a harsh glare. "No, you're not." His voice was slow, as if he were talking to a child.
"Yes. I. Am." I mocked, stepping closer while throwing on my hunting boots. He had to have known by then that when I wanted to do something there was no stopping me. I would do anything to get there.

Matt let out a sigh, giving me this, 'I really can't believe you right now' glare. "Fine, but be quiet." His gaze suddenly landed back on the three still hiding under the bed. "Jay watch them, we'll be back in a second." He commanded, before swinging open the metal latch and jumping down to the branch below. I followed cautiously behind him, knowing that he already had already taken training to get around without being seen, and I hadn't.

I copied his every movement, well at least I tried to mimic him. Matt was so quick it was hard to keep up as he swung from branch to branch. I mean seriously was this guy secretly half monkey or something? Suddenly he stopped, and stood still looking into the sky. I was able to catch up behind him.

He was studying the horizon, before he whispered "It doesn't look to bad. There isn't much damage out there." He pointed to our right, It was a clear view of rasnic. You could see smoke rising from torn up village houses. Rather they were small shacks or big houses, they all seemed to have some type of damage. It wasn't much though.

The fenced in Army Base wasn't too Badly torn up. There were nurse aids swarming inside of the base tending to injured soldiers, and random people that had been hurt. The town was alive with people roaming the small town stores after the invasion. Probably trying to find their family. The pendomite soldiers were gone now, and the Oddity troops that were left were scouting the perimeter of Rasnic.

I mean the town wasn't all fancy and big, but it also wasn't a train wreck. Rasnic was a place to have a roof over your head. It was a place to keep you safe and hidden, well probably until now. Something was telling me that for some reason, what had happened today was about Katrina and I the way they'd completely blocked my house. God I hoped Clarissa was safe.

"Do you think it's safe out here now?" I questioned when my gaze dropped to the ground below us. That was a long way down from where I was at. Unfortunately for me, I soon realized that, I wasn't to fond of heights. As high up as we were I automatically grabbed the branch above me to steady myself. I felt nauseous as I continued to look down at the nature path below. I tried my best to stabilize my feet so that I wouldn't fall.

Matt just chuckled at that fact and wrapped an arm around my waist to help stabilize my feet against the tree branch. I felt like my face was on fire as I did my best not to look Matt straight in the eyes. "Yes we're safe to leave the treehouse now. But seeing as clumsy as you are maybe I should just lock you inside." Matt joked.

I rolled my eyes at him, "I'm not that clumsy." I added more emphasis to the word 'that' and started to swing through the tree branches with Matt trying to catch up behind me. I knew he would since he was so quick, so I continued to wind through the branches in the trees. It was beautiful, the green leaves and lighting a sunk into the tree's. I loved the woods, it usually was so peaceful.

Suddenly, I reached out to grab one of the tree branches and swing across... I heard a snap, and I was suddenly falling, I screamed once loudly. I really hated heights. It was a long drop down, and my heart was racing. Then there was a hand that latched around my wrist and lifted me up back to the tree branch. I was able to catch a breath as I did my best not to look down at the floors. Of course Matt was clutching to his side laughing so hard that it looked painful. Idiot. "So, Destiny. What was this thing you were saying about-"

"I suggest you not to finish that sentence." I rolled my eyes, but Matt continued anyways.

"not being clumsy." He finished which received a glare from me. He couldn't stop himself, he was double over laughing again. I dont know why but suddenly the corners of my mouth were starting to lift up Into a smile. Before I knew I was was laughing too.

"C-come on Matt, I-it's not that funny." I said in between laughter.

"No, I actually find this very amusing." Matt said In between fits of laughter. After a couple of seconds he wiped the corner of his eye dramatically and slowly the laughing faded.

"Uhm, thanks for catching me." I whispered while throwing my arms around him. I dug my head into his chest and hugged him even tighter as everything rushed through my mind. My mother, Clarissa, soldiers, my house, my family... My baby sister. I grinded my teeth together and pulled away from his embrace. "I can't believe it... Katrina, she thinks she murdered him." I whispered so quietly I was sure he couldn't hear.

But he must've, because he frowned a little. I hated it when he wasn't smiling. "Katrina, she's a smart girl, she'll realize soon enough." He reassured. I smiled weakly in response. I brought my eyes to his. His eyes were absolutely stunning in his normal Sapphire orbs.

Matt was studying me, silently now. His gaze was undeniably making my face burn as if it was on fire. Oh god, why was I burning up all of the sudden? I couldn't look away from him, his eyes were so dark, so mysterious, beautiful. My chest was burning as the silence got so much more unbearable. Butterflies caught in my stomach to his words. "Destiny, I- uh- you, you're." He stammered before looking to the ground and then back to me suddenly saying. "We should probably head back."

The butterflies died.

"Uh, yeah, we should shouldn't we." I said quietly, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice... Why was I disappointed? What was I thinking would happen. Matt and I were just friends, that's all we were ever going to be. I felt completely and utterly stupid.

Slowly I turned and jumped to the last tree branch and climbed up the tree. Matt shortly following behind. "Hey, here's the Key." Matt called. I turned around and let my hand fall to him. Our fingers grazed as I grabbed ahold of the key. I felt this tingle as I pulled my hand away. Quickly I turned to the latch trying to ignore that fact. I jammed the key into the door and swung the latch open. I then pulled myself into the treehouse.

"Guys, you can come out, it's safe." I called to the three that were still hiding under their bed. Everyone slowly pulled themselves out. Jay stretched his arms and popped his neck, while Katrina wondered to the couch silently. The little boy just stood at the end of the bed.

Matt jumped in after me, looking between everyone. "Okay, I think we should head back to Rasnic, I mean Jay and I are probably needed for the troops, and Sammy needs to find his family. The Pendomite's are gone, so we don't need to worry about them." Matt's eyes glanced over Katrina and I. "You and Katrina can do whatever you guys want."

I bit my lip looking at Katrina. "Let's go help at the town, I know we both have had a rough day, but so has everyone down there."

Katrina nodded, without saying anything. Shortly after she was on her feet, walking in my direction before looking to Sammy questionably. "How did you get into the woods anyway." She questioned.

"What? Just because I once tried to throw a pencil at our teacher and instead it hit you in the face means I don't go hunting?" Sammy responded in a sarcastic tone.

"Exactly." Katrina's voice was incredulous as she gave the little boy a glare.

Matt elbowed my shoulder while watching the two children bickering in front of us. "Remind you of anyone?" He whispered in his ear. I laughed a little and pushed him away.

"Okay let's not relive those moments Doormat." I rolled my eyes and I saw that smile planted across his face.

"Damn you woman! Always wanting to watch the world burn." Matt yelled sarcastically.

"Don't 'Damn' me, there's children here." I muttered and Matt laughed while patting my shoulder playfully.

Katrina glared at us, "How old do you think I am? Six?" She growled.

Everyone laughed.

The little boy spoke, "Yes exactly that's how old we think you are."

"Shut up Sam." Katrina rolled her eyes and turned to face him.

Matt chuckled at the sight of Katrina, and elbowed me again. I jumped back that time... I mean seriously, it hurt. "You can totally tell you two are related." He laughed out loud as Katrina and Sammy continued to argue.

Jay just stood there the whole time absentmindedly until a sudden evil grin appeared across his face as if a light had flickered in his head. Immediately Matt noticed this, his face got pale and his sapphire eyes widened as Jay walked towards us. "Hey Matt, is this the Destiny, girl you're always talking about?" Matt was now glaring at Jay.

"Oh, you talk about me? What does he say?" I mocked Matt, by turning my full attention to them both at the same time.

Matt was as white as a ghost while glaring at Jay. "Nothing really." He shrugged his shoulders.

Jay, was now on the ground laughing so hard he could barely breath. "Y- yeah man, She's totally going to believe that." Jay cried in between breaths.

"Okay... Maybe we should get going." Matt said quickly trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, not so fast." I called while wrapping my hand tightly around his wrist. He turned and glared in my direction...Seriously, what the hell was this? I pouted at him and crossed my arms. "What did you say about me." I said in a childlike voice.

He grunted while rolling his eyes at me. "Nothing okay? Let's go." He pulled at the latch and jumped down the tree branches quickly. It was as if he'd been running from something. I rolled my eyes and turned my full attention to his friend.

"What was that about?" I questioned; pointing in the track of dust Matt left while running out of the treehouse.

Jay just had a knowingly smile for half a second. "Let's just say, Matt doesn't really talk to other girls the way he does to you." He whispered hoping that Matt wouldn't hear.

"Well, we have known each other for awhile." I tried to speak but found myself being cut off.

"No Destiny, Matt, he obviously likes-" His voice was also cut off by a yell I could only recognize as as Matt's.

"Come on guys! Did your legs get cut off or something?! And if so... Hurry the hell up cripple's!"

"We'll be there in a second!" I called while rolling my eyes. Matt could be tiring sometimes... I turned back to face Jay. "What was it you were saying?" I questioned.

"Never mind I'll tell you later." Jay whispered quickly before climbing out of the treehouse. I really had no idea what to think about how Matt was acting. It was weird. Although I just shrugged it off and turned to face my little sister. She was having her own conversation with a boy her age. God don't tell me Katrina has a crush. Man, she was just growing up so quickly, and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Okay guys let's go." I decided to catch their attention. Katrina looked at me wide eyed. As if she forgot I was there all together. I laughed a little and nodded towards the door latch. Katrina glanced at Sammy before they both headed toward the 'door' and jumped down. I slowly followed behind. Making sure I had the key and the door was locked as I swung it shut.

I reached the ground only to find everyone waiting my arrival. Katrina and sammy stood beside each other silently. Matt had his arms crossed as if he was angry. Jay was standing beside him with a smirk planted across his face. I rolled my eyes and giggled at the sight. I mean it wasn't every day that I saw Matt so mad. "Okay, are y'all ready?"

Everyone nodded and I led us through the trees until we reached the dirt path surrounded by tall grass. We all walked in silence, until we reached the area at which the trees opened up by my shack. It was completely torn down, glass shattered to the floor, the door was off of its latch, no windows were left. I really wasn't ready to see what the soldier's had done to our home so I turned away from it, and looking in the direction of the town.

Where I lived was a bit secluded from most people, I lived right beside the woods, and the fence from the army base camp ran along the perimeter of the town. Most houses were laid on the other side of the camp. Meaning Katrina and I always had a nice peaceful area away from everyone. I liked the walk to school, I liked the quiet and the scenery. Mostly I liked the fact that we weren't too close to the town. I hated having to mix in with people. If people in the town didn't know me than I was left alone the only people who ever stopped by was Matt, Clarissa, and Anne.

"Jay, we should go and check in at the Base, see what we are going to be needed for." Matt broke the silence.

Jay nodded. "Yeah let's do that."

"Wait Matt!" I called as he started to walk away from Katrina, Sammy, and I. He turned around while glancing at me.


"Uhm, Be careful. Okay?" I whispered.

Matt nodded at me, "I will." He promised.

"Oh and here's your keys." I said quickly trying to hand the keys to him.

He pushed my hand back and made me wrap my fingers around the the keys with his hands. My face probably was bright red at that moment. I raised my eyebrows questionably, and Matt gave me a small smile. "I'm not letting you stay there tonight, keep them. Katrina and you can go over when you're ready. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be out a bit later than usual today." I nodded,

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