Chapter 1: Introduction

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This is my first time writing so beware...

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, looking at the time, I only had an hour and a half to eat and get dressed for school. I started to get ready for my day. Looking in the mirror, I am happy with my outfit and makeup choice and go downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. I practically trip down the stairs on my way to the kitchen to grab something quick for breakfast, where I see all my brothers in the kitchen.

"Lia, where are you off to in a hurry?" Max asks, the youngest out of the four of my brothers. He loves to joke around and have fun with everyone and everybody. Max is around 6 ft, has green eyes, a muscular and healthy build, and is a brunette.

"I only have 15 minutes before my class starts!" I can't believe I wasted so much time dressing and doing my makeup.

"Why the fuck did you take so long to get dressed?!" My second older brother, Alexander asked. I could tell that he was starting to get annoyed with the expression on his face. Alexander tends to get annoyed easily. Alexander also has green eyes but is taller than Max, has a sleeve of tattoos all over his left arm, and has jet-black hair. Each of his tattoos has a special meaning behind it.

"You need to hurry up and leave. Rosa make sure the driver is aware of Amelia now." Bradford my oldest brother said, that whenever he speaks everyone always listens. Bradford is the shortest of all my brothers, has blueish-green eyes, and is a brunette.

I looked at Nickolas, the second youngest of my brothers for sympathy. But he just gave me a knowing look. Nickolas has blueish-green eyes, is the same height as Max, and has jet-black hair. Nickolas can sometimes be very serious and is the most protective of me out of my brothers.

"The driver is ready Ms. Xander," Rosa said, the head maid of our household. She practically raised me when my brothers were away on business, which is quite often. Rosa is in her mid-fifties, an Italian woman. She has hazel brown eyes and long black hair with grey streaks running through.

After saying goodbye to my brothers and walked out the front door with my two security guards behind me. Since I was a little girl I had at least one or two bodyguards with me at all times. My brothers take security and safety to the next level. They truly are the definition of overprotective brothers. My bodyguards Michael, Ashton, and I get into the black SUV and start our way to my class.

This is my last day of class before graduation then I can start my job at St. Francis Day School and be a preschool teacher. I already have the job lined up which is perfect. Michael and Ashton walk out first and check the perimeter first then Ashton takes my hand and walks me out of the car. While we are walking to my class I notice that people are whispering and openly looking at me. I glanced at Michael and he was looking straight ahead, I looked at Ashton and he looked at me and smirked then winked. I blushed and looked away. Ashton is very much a ladies' man, while Michael is a very serious man and doesn't show his emotions...well let's not in front of me.

I finished all of my classes for the day.

As were walking towards our car I looked around at the other college students and I have to admit that I am a bit envious of them. Having bodyguards made it very difficult to have and keep friends and if someone did try and be my friend they were just using me to either get to my brothers or to get money. But there is a bright side Rosa's daughter Teresa and I are quite close.
We arrived at home. Michael and Ashton checked the perimeter and escorted me inside.

"AMMY!" Teresa squeals, pulling me into a tight hug... Teresa may be only 5'3 and weigh less than 150 pounds, but she is a strong twenty-four-year-old.
"Uhuh, hiii.." That was all I could manage to say between hugs.

"Teresa! Let go of Amelia right now!" Scolded Rosa from behind the kitchen counter. I smile at Rosa and lead Teresa to my bedroom.

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