16. Ending 2 [Leave]

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After hearing everything what Chuuya has told, you still wouldn't change your mind to let him die even though Chuuya already pursued you to save your captor, Dazai Osamu. He left your home with disappointed face.

Why should you save that psycho? The one who treated you like a property. Branded you with his last name, tortured you when you didn't do what he has told. You already saved your patience for many times but this day, you were done with it.

'No need to regret, [F/N]. Just think terrible things that had happened to you.' You thought to yourself. From now on, you would begin your new happy life.

But would it be last forever?


The sound of ringing alarm destroyed your peaceful sleep. Hand tried to reach the alarm on the table next to your bed. After that, you turned it off then began your daily activities. You walked to the bathroom to wash your sleepy face and brush your teeth. When you thought you weren't sleepy anymore, you went to your kid's room. There you found him also sleeping peacefully. You almost didn't dare to wake him up but you had to.

"Dachi, c'mon... Wake up. Time for school."

He snarled after heard your voice, "Hmm... Five minutes, Mommy."

You smiled, "No five minutes honey. You dont want to be late for your first day in school, do you? C'mon your new uniform is waiting.."

Hearing the last words, his eyes flashed open, "Okay.." And with that, he ran to his bathroom to clean himself. You watched his back, it reminded you with him. No matter how much you wanted to forget that man, you couldn't deny the fact that Daichi was really like his father. Brunette hair and brown eyes. Just like his copycat. You almost didn't know which part of Daichi that inherited your gens.

How long you've been here?

You suddenly remembered the past. It's been five years now and Daichi would go to the pre-elementary school. There was no sign of Dazai anymore. Last time you got a message from people you didn't know. It read 'I will come.' You were trembling, shivered after reading that three words. For the first, you thought it was Dazai but how could a deadman write letter? Maybe it was just someone making prank on you. You laughed bitterly remembering that moment. It also the reason why you moved to another city. From Yokohama to Tokyo.

"Mommy, i'm running out shampoo.."

Realization hit you. You forgot that you need to prepare breakfast for your only child.

"Okay. I'll get it one for you." You immediately took shampoo from the dresser that you also saved the other stocks of your daily need in it. After that, you went to the kitchen to make breakfast. It wasn't fancy meal, just a simple meal was enough for you and Daichi. You made omelette for breakfast and for his bento. After a couple minutes and Daichi has already finished with everything, you began to take him to school with bus. When you finally arrived, you kissed his face and bid him goodbye. He ran happily to the school while you watched his back until it's gone from your sight. After that, you went to your working place.

You didn't choose to work in a huge office even if you qualified enough but you chose for being cashier at the supermarket. Dachi was being the reason behind it. If you worked at the office, you would have no time for him because of how busy you were doing some task in a short deadline. That's why you chose your currently workplace.

You greet your two working friends after you arrived. They were busy putting things on the racks, while the other busy in the storage room. You immediately change to your uniform and stayed at the cashier place, greeting every customers that enter the supermarket then calculated every prices that customers should pay. You were busy by the amounts customer till you didn't realize something bad would happen.

"Thank you and dont forget to come again.." You said to the customer before served the next customer. Oh how nice would it be if you knew from the start about this new disaster of your life.

Speechless. Eyes couldn't move anywhere but looking at your customer. Those brown eyes that you never met for five years, that brunette hair...

"Long time no see, [F/N]-chan."

Your heart beating fast and you couldn't move your body. Hands clamped in fist. "H-how-"

"How could i get away?" He cut your words, knowing that it would be the first thing that came out from your mouth. "You know i'm really sad you've betrayed me. I thought you have started to love me when you did that but too bad it was just and act."

You watched him carefully.

"But i didn't swallow it. I just hide it under my tongue. And play along with your moves."

Your eyes widen surprised. "B-but how about that strange man-"

"I killed him." He said without regret look on his face. You held your tears and tried not be afraid of him.

"How do you know where i am?"

"Ahh... It was easy though. I have alliance here and actually i already knew since you moved away from Yokohama after read my letter..."

'I was right.. It was him..'

"And decided not to appear in front of you though it was hard from me being far away from you. But i like to watch your scared face.. I'd like to play with your emotions. So from that day, i let you think that i'm dead. And today... I decided to take you back and will chain yourself to my side."

You couldn't hold your tears anymore. This was the worst things of your life. Good luck wasn't at your side anymore. But you wouldn't give up. You would never come back to him again.

"No! I would never come back again!" You shouted then ran away from him. When he tried to reach you, one your co-worker stopped him. He looked at your friend irritatingly.

"Move." He demanded. But your male friend didn't move a bit. Dazai brought him up by his neck, made him choke and for a seconds his face turned into blue. He released the male in time before he passed out and immediately ran after you.

You tried to call your parents and informed them about the situation, but his voice startled you.

"Impossible, [F/N]. I killed your parents."

You felt your worlds crumbled into pieces. How could he do that?

Your phone fell on the ground due to your shock. Suddenly, you felt your knees gave up on your body and also following the phone, hit the ground. Your palms covered your wet face and began to cry loudly. Now you had no one to live but Daichi. Had he never been alive, you would rather die to meet your parents. You felt a pair of arms enveloped you into hug. You would push him away if you weren't at the state like this. But right now, you didn't have energy left. You felt weak and vulnerable. This made Dazai interesting. He loved seeing you like this.

"Now, now... You only have me to rely on. You dont have no one, but me. So why dont you surrender and give your love to me?"

"Mommy! Why did you late to pick me up?" Your son asked you as he tilted his head, making you smile because of his cuteness. "Mommy, why is your nose red? Is Mommy crying?"

You kneeled down and hugged him, inhaling his fragrance made you calm for a while before the voice behind you destroyed it all.

"Good afternoon, Daichi~"

You let go of the hug and the little boy immediately asked you, "Mommy who is he?"

"I'm your Dad."

Daichi seemed surprise hearing the statement, "P-papa? But Papa has died, right Mommy?"

"Oh [F/N], what a bad girl you are. Telling him a lie." Dazai said while frowned.

"So it was a lie?" Daichi asked as he looked at you. You nodded with a heavy heart. His face turned into happy one. "Really? Yeay! I have Papa!" He ran into Dazai's arms. You wanted to cry again but you held it, didn't want Daichi to know the pain you brought and the awful life you will through.


After the day you moved back to your house or you could say prison, you barely smile, but show it to Daichi only. You always stayed on your bed but only when Dazai wasn't at home, ankle chained like animals. But after seven months, he decided to release the chain due to some reasons. You wanted to die but something held you not to do.

You were preparing for dinner when the front door open and revealed your child running into you. "Welcome home, honey." You greet your child and kissed him. After that he ran to his room. You saw the face of your sadist husband behind your child. You didn't know why but you always trembling everytime you saw him or hearing his name. He walked to you and immediately pecked your lips. "I'm home."

"Welcome home." You said, hiding your fear. Since when you acted nice and obedient like this? Of course it was when he tortured you so bad and succeed to break you. Now you didn't want to do silly things that probably would make him angry and ended with several punishments. That's when you gave up on your life and just did whatever he told you for you had no reason to live your life except for Daichi. There was no use to resist him or being a rebel because he has taken a control of you.

"Mommy i have something for you!" Daichi shouted at you after storming from his room happily.

"Dont rush honey or you will trip." You reminded him. He handed you small pink box which you accepted it with pleasure. "What is this?"

"Just open it!" He said cheerfully. You could see his eyes sparkling. With that, you began to open the box and saw beautiful bracelet. "I asked Papa to buy it for me and surprise Mommy!"

"Aah.. You're so cute." You patted his head and gave it a peck. "Thank you.." You said while you rubbed your rounded belly.

"Your welcome, baby sister!" []


Thank you so much for reading this fanfiction.

Thank you for the votes and lovely comments❤️

And thank you for those who have patiently wait for the slow update ;_; (i feel guilty)


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