17. Revenge •Sequel•

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It was Sunday morning when you went outside with Daichi and of course with Dazai. He would never let you go alone. You went to the park because Daichi wanted to play with his friends there. Another reason was you bored inside the house all the time and made the baby as an excuse. Of course how could Dazai ignored his daughter wish? Only with one condition that you would always by his side.

You and Dazai sat under cherry blossom tree as you watched Daichi ran to his friends. His hand never left your body. Arm wrapped around your shoulder protectively as he told you and asked you many things. It kinda felt like a happy family for those who saw you both. But you knew, deep down you werent happy..

...Or were you?

You didn't know. You still missed your family, missed your old life. Perhaps, if he wasn't Mafia boss and you were in a healthy relationship, you would fall for him and accepted this fate. But the truth told you opposite. He still killed people if he get paid and people who got in his way. Being protective as always, wouldn't accept "No" as an answer, and couldn't take off his hands away from you. Dazai would always find a time to touch you even if he was in work. Whether you would get called by his right hand, Chuuya Nakahara, to come and sat on his lap or he came by himself. He loved to give you hickeys where everyone could see. Once it had gone, he would give another. And so the cycle repeated. But he acted so lovely and gentle when you were pregnant with his child. It was as if you forgot who was the man in front of you.

"[Y/N] chan~ what would you like to name our little daughter?" He asked as he rubbed your rounded belly who had getting bigger. You were spacing out that time while watching cherry blossoms.

"Kei... Keira."

"Ah! It's beautiful~" He responded excitedly as he pecked your lips. The name was coming out from your mouth unexpectedly.

"D-Dazai san. Can you buy me.. uh.. [Favorite fruit]?" You asked him, hoping he would go even if just for a while from your sight, but of course he called Chuuya to buy it for you. "Wait!"

You stopped him from calling Chuuya by holding his right hand. "I want you to buy it for me. Not him." You whined like a little girl. "Please.."

It worked.

Dazai smiled as he messed your hair gently. "I'll be back. Just dont move from here, only if you want punishments." He gave you daring look, making you gulped. Eventually you nodded at him.

You sighed as his figure had gone from your vision. When your eyes came back to the place that Daichi played, he was gone. You panicked and immediately stood up. Eyes wondered around the park and still couldn't find him. Your feet moved itself as you called Daichi hoping he would come out and run to you. But nothing, until you searched behind a big tree and found him got strangled by a man. He was choking hard and hardly let out a sound. His feet was hanging while trying to reach the ground. Your heart skipped a beat as you rushed to push the man away. You cried and pleaded the man to release his grip but it was as if he was deaf and everything you said get blown away by the wind. You tried to push him harder but he pushed you back twice harder than you did. You fell to the front and screamed as your belly was hurt and it felt like it could explode any second. There was a red mark between your thighs.


The blood was oozing out faster. You cried for help but nothing came, even at the crowded park. You looked at suffered Daichi before your vision started to blur and you heard the sound of someone pulled the trigger, sending the bullet inside the man skull.





The beeping sound suddenly became clear. You could hear it. Eyelids were opened slowly. You were greeted by shining light and medicine smell. It kind of noisy when someone called for doctor to come while you still tried to collect your memory.

Sound of footsteps rushed in to the room. You couldn't tell what they did as your body still felt limp.

"Mrs. Osamu, can you hear me? If yes, please move your finger."

And you did. After that, she continued to check your health and everything. When your brain had clicked about the situation you were in, you forced yourself to get up and check your stomach.

'I-It's flat!'

You were shocked as you immediately took off the ventilator. With a hoarse voice, panic and uncontrolled breathing you asked the doctor. "Where's my baby?"

"Please calm down--"

"I want to meet her. Please bring her to me." You struggled to get out from the bed and ignored the doctor. Hearing the noises from outside, someone barge in to know what the actual happen. Your eyes landed to the black suit man who looked at you worriedly.

"Dazai san.." You called softly as you couldn't handle the tears. He walked then hugged you. His shushed really didnt make you calm. You wanted to know what happen. Where did they hide your baby girl. You wouldn't accept the worse thing that could happen. No. It couldn't be...


You pushed Dazai away as you shouted loudly. You tried to run but you trip because your stomach still hurt. You didnt know what to feel anymore. It felt like you had lost half of your life. You just wanted to cry until your voice gone. And again, Dazai hugged you tightly. You couldn't even hear your cried anymore. It was as if the time went by in a slow motion and you felt drowsy, vision started to blur as you could see so many black dots came to the view before you fell unconscious.

Dazai felt you limped in his hug and immediately picked your body up to be put on bed. It was pathetic, he couldn't even protect his family, especially his daughter. Dazai clenched his fist as his emotions were mixed into one thing;


Yes. Someone played his emotion without knowing with who they had played and he knew well, it wasn't just that man who he killed after strangled his son and pushed his beloved wife until she had miscarriage. Someone was behind all of this. He gritted his teeth as he walked outside the room and told his men;


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