18. Exposed •Sequel•

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"My dear, please eat. You're starting to get thinner and i dont want you to get sick."

The brown haired man said softly to the woman who stared blankly outside the window. It was shocking, traumatic, knowing the child you have carried for months to die because she was killed by unknown person. Whether just coincidence or even on purpose. Though you hated the man who impregnated you but the child of him was pure just like the first time you knew you would have Daichi. But it doesn't matter anymore. Your feelings towards your captor suddenly began to stir. You didn't think it was hatred neither love. It was mixed feelings that couldn't be described. But one thing for sure, a mother must be depressed when she lost her child.

Pale hand touching the male's bandaged palm. Eyes widened in surprised as the man who was joining her watching clear coloured sky suddenly being taken back by your affection. With teary eyes, it was the time that he knew you needed comfort from him. So, he moved closer for hug and surprisingly you clung onto him as you began to sob heavily. Dazai calloused hand caressing your hair as he whispering sweet nothing to your ear. Of course he was sad, but he chose to hold back his emotions because it was planted in his nature from the moment he lived in the dark doing dirty sinned things as mafia. He was taught to throw away emotions for wealth, pride and reign. But it was before he met you and now you are his everything.

He was sad. He was furious. But if he couldn't control his emotions, everything would turn into chaos. Dazai already had a plan to catch the person behind this murder. He would do anything just to find them. Dead or alive. But the second choice would be better. He could get the fun by torturing them.

It was almost fifty minutes when he realized that his lovely wife was already asleep. Her breathing became calm and her sob disappeared. Her clutch also loosed. Dazai softly pulled her away from hug and put her to bed. He wiped the tears away as he kissed her forehead before left the room.

"I promise you, my love. I will take a revenge for our daughter."


"Your dessert is ready, Master." Said an old man with butler suit as he bowed to the person after putting the brown sugar cake on the small table. The room was a mess. Papers were scattered on the floor. Some were contained information and some were full picture of a man with his face crossed and there was also a hole on it. The person who was being called master was sitting on the floor, holding a cutter as if didn't care about the existence of his butler. With a fist slightly approaching his mouth, the butler coughed a little to get his master's attention.

"Your revenge is succeed, Master."

By that time, the master sat froze for a moment before continuing to cut the face of a man on paper. "I see.. another information?"

"The baby is dead-"

"I dont care about the baby! I only care about him! I want to see him suffer." He suddenly lost his temper and threw everything around him.

"He has told his men to search for the murderer." The butler answered, following the laugh of his master.

"Good. Everything works as i planned. It will cost some times until he finds the real culprit. But it will be enough for me to prepare his grave." He said while smiling happily like a child got his christmas gift. Too excited to notice his bleeding arm.

"It's time to change the bandage, Master. The blood is already oozing fast."

"Ah! Right!" He exclaimed as he walked into the couch and sat there waiting for his butler to did his job.

The floor was painted in red and the wall was painted in black pattern. The room was plain. There was not any pictures hanging on the wall neither decorations in every corners. It was only a huge Victorian bed, long couch, working table, and a wardrobe. The red curtain always closed as if sun ray was not allowed to enter the room. The young male moved his feet playfully as he hummed his favorite song happily. The wound was still fresh, but he didn't look hurt at all and kept his smile glued on his face. His look from head to toe was kind of weird. He wore light colored short, dark navy suit, yellow brownish scarf and a small hat.

"Master, may I ask, why are you so eager getting a revenge on him?" The butler broke the silent as he kept wrapping a bandage around his wrist.

"Did you forget what he did to my family?! I will never forgive him!" For the second times, he lost his temper.

"But still, it's better for you to hold it down until you've matured-"

"Said a word and your tongue shall be gone." His respond was different this time. Rather than answering with full of shout, he was answering with calm yet poisonous words. Dull eyes looked at the butler dangerously. It didn't last for a long time as his temper took his place. "GET OUT!"

"But it hasn't done yet-"

"I said, GET! OUT!" The young male had enough of his butler. He was talking too much this day. Two small feet stood up from the couch as his finger pointed at the door, asking the butler to leave. The bandage which was half wrapped suddenly became loose again because forcibly pulled. With disappointed look, the old man bowed at him before walking out. Just when his wrinkled hand touched the knob, a banging sound came in. It was faster as a light, and as deafening as a ringing bomb. On a count to three, butler man was fell down while bloody hurt on his chest. Even the temperament boy was frozen in place. A big wooden door was opened and a bunch of men in black suit with guns in hand ran into the room, pointing out their guns to the silent black and white haired male's head. And finally his peculiar eyes met Dazai's brown one. Smirk growing on his half bandage face.

"Ohisashiburi, Q."


"(Long time no see), Q."

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