First Meeting

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We were about two weeks in to filming for Cheaper by the Dozen. I had a small walk on role in a random scene. I would barely be on screen more than a few seconds. I didn't even say anything. But regardless, I was crazy nervous. I'd only been acting for a couple years and this was the biggest project I'd been a part of thus far.

I was vaguely aware of some of the actors playing some of the larger roles huddled together chatting. I was off to the side sitting by myself. Since I was just a walk on, I hadn't really bothered to get to know anybody else on set. Currently, my nose was stuck in a very worn copy of the first Harry Potter book. The spine was duck taped in multiple places to keep the book in one piece and the corners of the pages were slightly yellowed and curling from years of use.

I had recently started the series over again for the umpteenth time, and was more than happy to read instead of interacting with the other cast and crew members bustling around the set. I had just gotten to the part where Harry was unwrapping the invisibility cloak from Dumbledore when I became aware of a presence looming in my peripheral vision. I tried to ignore it, concentrating on my book, but when it didn't go away after a few minutes, I finally looked up to see who had invaded my bubble.

I was met with the sight of a fairly tall young man with a dark mop of black hair on top of his head and pale blue eyes. He had a boyish charm to him that was somehow endearing. I racked my brain, trying to recall his name. I was pretty sure he played Charlie Baker, but his actual name was escaping me. I think it started with a T... Theo? Tyler? Tristan? No... that sounded way wrong... His name was...

"Hi. I'm Tom," he smiled at me.

Those are some impossibly white teeth...

"Scarlett," I replied.

I took the hand he offered me and we shook twice.

"Harry Potter fan, huh?" he nodded to the book still sitting open in my lap.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered, dog earing my page and closing the book.

I didn't really want to be having this interaction, but if it had to happen, I might as well give him my full attention.

"I'm a Gryffindor," he informed me. "What about you?"


"Really? That's awesome. I'm so excited for the fifth book to come out. And I heard they're working on the third movie soon. Personally, I think the books are better, but that seems like it's the case with most series, don't you agree?"

"You talk a lot," I said quietly, looking up at him.

"Yeah, I know. I tend to get really chatty when I meet new people," he shrugged, still smiling with those two rows of impossibly white teeth. "You on the other hand, have said exactly six words since I came over here to talk to you. Not that I'm keeping track or anything, that would be weird. So, the books..."

"What about the books?"

"They're better than the movies, don't you agree?"

"Y-yeah, I guess. Um... not to be rude, but, uh, w-why are you talking to me?"

Tom's smile faltered a little and he rolled back on the balls of his feet. I could almost see the gears moving in his brain as he processed the question I'd just asked him.

"W-well, uh, I noticed you sitting over here by yourself and wanted to introduce myself. Figured you could use a friend."

"I don't need friends," I said, not caring that it sounded rude. "I'm just an extra that nobody is going to really notice in the long run. I'm fine by myself. So why don't you run along and spend time with your friends who actually matter to the movie, okay?"

Not waiting for a response, I opened my book back up and re-immersed myself in the magical world of Hogwarts. I fully expected Tom to just walk off and join the other actors who'd landed named roles in the movie, but after a moment, I felt him take a seat beside me. We just sat in silence while I read, trying my best to ignore him. To his credit, if I couldn't feel his knee brushing against mine ever so slightly, I wouldn't even know he was there. However, that tiny bit of contact was just enough to keep me from fully losing myself in my favorite book.

Giving a frustrated huff, I dog eared my page again and slammed the book shut, setting it on the bench beside me and turning to face Tom angrily.

"What are you doing?"

"Keeping you company."

"I just said-"

"I know what you said," he cut me off. "But I really think you and I could be really good friends if you could just give me a chance."

I glared at him long and hard. He just stared right back at me with those pale blue eyes of his.

"Friends, huh?"

"Uh huh. Best friends."

"Best friends might be pushing it, buddy."

"Come on, Scar. Give me a chance, please."

I felt my resolve crumbling as Tom's face contorted into the most adorable pout I'd ever seen. His lip stuck out ever so slightly and his blue eyes turned puppy-like in appearance. I really tried to stick to my stubborn self and hold firm to the belief that I didn't need friends during the shooting of the movie since I was just an extra and after today, I wouldn't even be around much anyway since they only needed me for the one scene, but this guy was determined to befriend me.

"Alright, Tom. I'll hear you out and give this a chance. But only if you buy me coffee during our next break."

Tom's smile returned and he jumped to his feet.

"Deal," he agreed excitedly.

He held out his hand again and we shook on it and then he hurried off to get ready for whatever scene he had next. I stared after him as he went, wondering what the hell I'd just gotten myself into.

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