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She's in the middle of the room. Sitting down in the chair, with both her hands and feets being shackles down by chains.

"You've had commited sin. You need to commit suicide."

One of the person surrounding the girl stated.

What..? What did I do exactly?

The girl's face slowly looks up and her eyes widen in surprise as she saw the people around her.

Her friends.. best friends. Looking at her with a small smile. There's even some of her teachers. Those are...

The people I've trusted.

"These, are the proofs."

One said, throwing an album onto the table.

Inside are indeed, the girl's picture. But there's nothing to proof from there.

"Those are.. pictures from my cameras no? How can that be a proof?"

The girl shakily asks.

Another person sighs.

"You don't understand. All you need to do is to hang yourself with the rope ready and this will end peacefully!"

The girl stares at them in disbelief.

That means, I didn't do anything! Why..?

The people started to growl as the girl stop her moving.

"Why don't you just hurry up!?"

The girl took a shaky breath.

"Why should I? Didn't you just state.. that I'm not guilty? You all just.. accused me!"

Someone slams their hand.

"Just accept our judgement!!"

The girl looks at her feet.

Why? Why why why whywhywhywhy!?

She felt something coming up.

They.. betrayed me?

Is it.. Anger?

But what did I do.. to make them hate me like this?

She felt like she wants to puke.

She wants to cry so hard.

Why? Why is this happening?

She wants to scream it out.

But she can't.

She's not strong enough to fight them back.

She's a coward.

"...I don't want to die.."

She whisper out in a shaky voice, but her eyes doesn't wafer.

"Just accept your fate!"

She stares at them, slowly but steadily, her eyes turns dull.

"Why me..?"

Everyone stares at her.

"Because you are you. Is there anymore answer?"

Someone sneers.

She looks at their faces once again.

The feeling of being betrayed potrayed in her face.

"Listen here. You're just a pain in the ass, and we're letting it go if you hang yourself in the rope. Isn't that nice of us?"

Someone explains with an annoyed face.

"Yeah! Make it fast!"

"Hurry it up!"

"We don't have time for you!"

And they all starts to cheer and tell the girl to hang herself.

"...then why are you here? Couldn't you just.. ignore me and just leave me...?"

Everyone stops their cheerings and looks at her in disbelief. Before laughs fills the room.

"Can't you figure it out?"


"You're just a nuisance!"

"Your face is annoying."

"You irritates me."

The girl felt her world falling apart.

Just like a glass shattering, her eyes turns fully dull black.

She wanted to cry.

Cry so bad.

But she couldn't.

So she faced down, mouth quivering.


Everyone stops once again, and looks at her.

"If you really hate me that much.. I'll do it."

She smiles.

"..I hope none of us will regret this.."

She take the rope above her and with the voice of chains clashing, she stood up in her chair.

"..I hope you're happy."

She started to put her head around the rope and prepares to jump, and falls down from the chair.

"...I'll be going then."

And with that her neck, strained by the ropes, stopped her breaths.

Her hand slumps down and her feet hanging, not reaching the floor. Only the sound of chains frm, the shackles were heard, before it really died out, and the girl stops breathing.

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