Chapter 1

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Piper POV

It was a normal day at Camp Half-Blood. Everyone was doing what they would normally do, Ares kids training, Hermes kids pulling pranks, Apollo kids in the infirmary or at the archery range. Everything was normal...

Well almost everything was normal...

Jason was nowhere to be seen I was looking everywhere for him but I couldn't find him.

Walking into the stables I crashed into Percy who was walking out. When I say crashed I mean literally crashed. Both of us falling onto our butts. I looked over at him, he had fallen into a pile of hay. I started to laugh, him joining me when he realised I had fallen into a mud puddle.

When we had finally sobered up, he helped me get out of the mud.

"Hey Kelp Head, have you seen Jason?" I asked him as I tried to brush myself off.

"No sorry, have you seen Annabeth? I've looking for her for an hour," He asked. He couldn't keep the smile of his face, the only sign that we had been laughing so hard that we could have died.

"Nope," I sighed, "Why don't we look for our partners together," I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," He nodded and we went looking for our blonde partners.


"How funny would it be if they were looking for us together and everywhere they go, they just missed us because we had just left there after looking for them?" Percy thought out loud as we left the forges.

"How do you even think of stuff like that?" I questioned the son of Poseidon. He simply shrugged. Heading towards the woods. "Where are you going?

"I'm going to check the woods, its the only place we hadn't looked and no one had seen them in the past two hours," He stated. I sighed.

"But why would they be in the woods?" I asked, frowning slightly.

"I don't know, maybe they are planning for the next capture the flag game," Percy called back as he continued on hid way to the woods.

We were nearing the creek when we heard moaning. Like curious demigods we are, we went to investigate. Coming into the clearing where the sound was coming from we found the source of the noise, along with what had brought us to the woods in the first place.

Sitting on a picnic blanket, an assortment of picnic foods around them were Annabeth and Jason making out.

I let out a small gasp, tears glistening my eyes. I stood there frozen staring at my best friend and my boyfriend making out in front of me. Betraying my trust and throwing my love and care away like it was yesterday's news paper. My heart like glass shattered into a million pieces and no matter how much glue you use you'd never be able to fix it.

The small noise I had made had brought the two blondes back to reality. They seemed to noticed they had an audience.

"Piper, I can-"

"Can What Jason? You can explain! I don't need you to explain anything. I'm not stupid! And I'm not blind either! I knew something was wrong, I just assumed you were missing Camp Jupiter and your Roman friends! Not that you were cheating on me with my best friend!" I screamed at my ex-boyfriend. "Tell me one thing - No. Tell me two things, did you ever love me and how long has this been going on?" Jason looked down. When he looked back up I saw determination in his eyes.

"No, I never loved you," I made a strangled noise, falling back a few steps "And this had been going on before the Argo II was even finished being built," I took a deep breath. I looked over at Percy to see he had already gone.

"Go jump off a cliff Jason," I told him. Turning on my heel I ran off, trying to find Percy.

I found him at the lake he had a backpack sitting next to him.

"This is where Annabeth and I first got together," he whispered. He looked over at me. I stumbled back a few steps looking at his eyes, the once bright sea green colour was now a murky green. I slowly took a seat next to him.

"I know, it was one of the first things I learnt about when I got here, its in the inroduction video too," I sighed. Letting my tears run down my face.

"Did you know I only had two other kissed before my legendary underwater kiss?" He asked. I shook my head shocked to find out Annabeth wasn't his first kiss.

"Annabeth was still my first kiss but it wasn't here, it was at Mt St Helen's right before I blew it up, the other kiss was Rachel right before the second Titan war,"

"Rachel?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, we used to go to school together," He stated. "When I first met her I thought she was a monster and tried to kill her," He laughed bitterly. "Annabeth was so jealous of Rachel, I thought it was because she liked me but no Annabeth was just worried of losing her spot as the hero of the prophecy's soon to be girlfriend. All she wanted from me was fame and influence that she would have never gotten by herself," I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Are you leaving?" I asked him. He simply nodded. "Can I please come with you?"

"Of course Beauty Queen, you're the last one out of the seven to meet my mom, well the living part of the seven anyway," Percy mumbled the last part. He obviously meant Leo who had died in the war. "Pack some things Beauty Queen, we won't be back for a while,"

"I'll meet you at the pine tree," I told him. Jumping up from my spot next to the broken two time savior of Olympus, I ran towards my cabin. Quickly grabbing my knife and a few pair of clothes, I wrote a note to Lacy that she will be in charge until I get back. I didn't tell her where I was going or about what happened.

I met Percy at the entrance to camp. Taking one glance back at camp, I walked down Half-Blood Hill with Percy. I have a feeling that we won't be seeing that Place for a while.

When we got to the Jackson residents we could hear crying through the door. One worried glance at Percy, he urgently knocked on the door.

Hi everyone
So I read a heap of Percy becoming a soldier of chaos and a heap of Piper becoming a singer but I've only read a few perper/picy fanfic. So I decided to write one I hope you like it.

Lily xoxo 😘
Originally posted on 11/20/2014

Edited on 08/24/2017 at 9:40pm

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